Artifact Scepters

by Ceres

Back to Ideas.

Terenas2005-04-18 21:34:29
I love this thread, especially when the starter is hijacking it herself. biggrin.gif

So you guys agree that Serenguards should get 3 swings a round?
Xenthos2005-04-18 21:40:31

Edit: Spiritbond Monkey allows you to climb, cling, seize, shove, and use a tail as a third arm. biggrin.gif
Sylphas2005-04-18 21:47:18
Damn straight. How else are druids supposed to handle shield/cudgel/sickle? An extra sword for Serenguard is just a bonus.
Terenas2005-04-18 21:48:44
*adds in for next Envoy report*

Thanks Ceres for this wonderful and productive thread. happy.gif
Unknown2005-04-18 21:51:37
I know, scepters should turn all your magical damage to elemental of chosen type!
Sylphas2005-04-18 21:55:26

Lightning cudgel! YES!
Shiri2005-04-18 21:57:30
It should work on Moonburst too!

Unknown2005-04-18 22:00:44
It should work on torture. Unfortunately, torture is cutting.
Athana2005-04-18 22:26:16
Make chasm take 1 second.
Unknown2005-04-18 22:27:53
since we are having these silly ideals. Make Inquisition an instant kill, trueheal block all attacks thrown at you, including chasm.
Unknown2005-04-18 22:32:25
Since we have silly ideas, how about upgrading wrack or sacrifice somehow.
Oh wait...
Shiri2005-04-18 22:32:29
since we are having these silly ideals. Make Inquisition an instant kill, trueheal block all attacks thrown at you, including chasm.
I love how the second one actually applies. roflmao.gif It just doesn't stop chasm once it's started.
Ceres2005-04-18 23:33:23
He means on a permanent basis.

Trueheal shouldn't cost power, by the way.
Shamarah2005-04-18 23:37:33
Make all attacks made by the caster go through Bubble!
Ceres2005-04-18 23:41:05
Swing is too weak.

Each swing should count as a pulp.

Oh, and remove the combat skillset from the game.
Gwylifar2005-04-19 12:56:25
Nerf nerfing!
Ceres2005-04-20 07:00:38
Hajamin2005-04-20 07:08:15
Mortals are all underpowered, so we should make them all Vernals.
Ceres2005-04-20 07:18:40
Thank you, Hajamin.

At last someone who sees sense.