Unknown2005-04-24 03:32:00
There is no way they're upgrading faelings even more man. How do you think I feel playing a trill? ![losewings.gif](style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/losewings.gif)
Shiri2005-04-24 03:37:49
See, Elryn, that's the point.
Sad thing is, you don't argue that rogue Elfen/Merian/Viscanti should be non-crippled (and let's face it, a faeling is better than any of those raw) sooo it doesn't really work now.
Which is sad, but there you go.
I hope Ackleberry isn't coming out, which would mean Furrikin could get upgrades, hmm.
Sad thing is, you don't argue that rogue Elfen/Merian/Viscanti should be non-crippled (and let's face it, a faeling is better than any of those raw) sooo it doesn't really work now.
Which is sad, but there you go.
I hope Ackleberry isn't coming out, which would mean Furrikin could get upgrades, hmm.
Elryn2005-04-24 03:51:19
Yep, and this is one of the points I was trying to get across. Its all very well to say 'this didn't affect regular Faelings in any way'. Unfortunately, it does, it means we now have no hope of being balanced compared to other races, we will have the uber-faelings balanced in comparison to other races.
Unknown2005-04-24 03:56:23
I'm more worried about what happens when we try to Rp our faelings as hating the infidelic ones, and as per our Rp we charge into battle against the infidelic shadowlings and get our small winged bottoms handed to us on a platter.
Desdemona2005-04-24 03:56:28
QUOTE(Elryn @ Apr 23 2005, 01:58 AM)
I hope Trill become the specialization race of Gaudigach, so all the pro-Hallifax Trill have such a wonderful RP opportunity.
This makes absolutely no sense at all. Why? Trill radicated in Hallifax only, while butterflies like faelings pollinated all forest communes completely. What does this mean? You'd expect to see faelings in Gloriana, Serenwilde, and even Ackleberry. So, Glomdoring got the specialized fae, you can still be a happy fae in Seren and limit yourself on pollinating that area.
Taking a closer look, you'd notice how wonderful this new concept of dark faelings is. Something, that imo, should've been considered by the ancient elfen/fae as the greatest conception of creation... has been completely defiled by the lustful actions of one woman, and the darkness that pushed her forward. The bonding between the divine and mortal has been rended unholy by the mere birth of the shadow faelings. Doesn't this seem wonderful? Now faelings who are not bonded by shadow can take the opportunity of hating Glomdoring even more for the great blasphemy that was conjured, or you might as well adopt a zealous duty of trying to redeem your fallen brothers and sisters in Glomdoring. Seriously, Glomdoring having a faeling specialization is not a world shattering event, it might shaken -your- foundations, but you must realize that it isn't a big deal. You can still stay a faeling in Serenwilde and create your own world/mythology around or without your shadow faeling counterparts.
By the way Elryn, remember you mentioned the faespawn once? What do you think faelings are? Get one fae and an elfen together, and they'll spawn a faeling... I bet Rowena's genes were dominant, leading to mini-viscanti like faelings.
On another note: Could we pretend that the shadow faelings never existed, and instead have utburbs as a race? I mean, Rowena had a difficult labor, and Viravain doesn't really fit the role of midwife at all, imo... Rowena surely should've had a miscarriage, or herself perish.
Thorgal2005-04-24 07:58:19
Well, after a bunch of tests, dexterity really doesn't seem to work a lot at all, nearly trans combat, 17 dexterity (fortuna), stanced legs, 145 accuracy broadswords, and out of 50 strikes to my leg, I didn't dodge a single one.
Jadryga2005-04-24 09:29:17
Does dodge mean actually dodging, or the person misses?
Alger tested it on me before, He told me to style defensive, and stance legs, then started attacking my legs. He missed quite a bit. Mind you, I only have 14 dex, and Master Combat. I forgot what the ratio of hit to miss was... but it was significant enough to make me think "Must remember to stance..."
Alger tested it on me before, He told me to style defensive, and stance legs, then started attacking my legs. He missed quite a bit. Mind you, I only have 14 dex, and Master Combat. I forgot what the ratio of hit to miss was... but it was significant enough to make me think "Must remember to stance..."
Unknown2005-04-24 10:12:21
Dex probably should be made to do more... but that's another argument. I'm surprised to see these Faeling rants still going on :S this is the way it is... what do you think Rowena's gonna do? "Oh wait, I got it wrong, they weren't my kids really."
Unknown2005-04-24 10:30:17
Without reading the 11 pages in depth...
I've got to agree with the people that said Dex needs an upgrade in effectiveness. Even from a IG point of view... Seriously, imagine how hard it would actually BE to hit something that small, that is probably flying most of the time? And maybe Stag wouldn't be so bad if the +1 dex gained by the Trans skill actually DID something.. Maybe...
IMO, constitution and dexterity need to have more of a balance, so that it's not SO much more important to have con over dex.
EDIT: Forgot this bit - the point of this post being that any race with above average dex, faelings, aslaran, furrikin, etc. are actually a better choice than the higher con. races.
I think no. 1 sign that something is a little awry with the races is that dwarves seem to be popping up everywhere... From a practical point of view, I'd make a MUCH better Hartstone as a dwarf than an elfen or faeling, because the bonus damage from higher intelligence doesn't mean ANYTHING until effects from passive demesne and active dreamweaving/runeslinging mess up my opponent - and that's not worth worrying if I'm dead. But... roleplay-wise, I think dwarf is a FAR worse choice than faeling.
This was probably a highjack, but there's so many similiar threads, I don't know what's on topic anymore.![sad.gif](style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif)
I've got to agree with the people that said Dex needs an upgrade in effectiveness. Even from a IG point of view... Seriously, imagine how hard it would actually BE to hit something that small, that is probably flying most of the time? And maybe Stag wouldn't be so bad if the +1 dex gained by the Trans skill actually DID something.. Maybe...
IMO, constitution and dexterity need to have more of a balance, so that it's not SO much more important to have con over dex.
EDIT: Forgot this bit - the point of this post being that any race with above average dex, faelings, aslaran, furrikin, etc. are actually a better choice than the higher con. races.
I think no. 1 sign that something is a little awry with the races is that dwarves seem to be popping up everywhere... From a practical point of view, I'd make a MUCH better Hartstone as a dwarf than an elfen or faeling, because the bonus damage from higher intelligence doesn't mean ANYTHING until effects from passive demesne and active dreamweaving/runeslinging mess up my opponent - and that's not worth worrying if I'm dead. But... roleplay-wise, I think dwarf is a FAR worse choice than faeling.
This was probably a highjack, but there's so many similiar threads, I don't know what's on topic anymore.
Graal2005-04-24 10:57:19
QUOTE(Tehn @ Apr 23 2005, 02:46 PM)
I too feel the race in conjunction with the class will be strong, however, I don't think we need to resort to complaining until it's proven to be too good. It's good, but it might not be as insanely good as everyone thinks, give it a chance.
be happy to be able to specialize, im sittin at orclach still which still feels absolutely no love or specialization, hell the faeling change, makes shorter smarter more charismatic one less con +3 instead of -1 balance knights
Who gets screwed here? *heh* but i guess its cause -nobody- still plays orclach cause nobody wants to bother lookin at it
Thorgal2005-04-24 11:20:59
Seriously...shadowlord faeling aren't too powerfull at all, their strength is far too low to be overpowered, they just suck a little less than aslaran warriors.
Elryn2005-04-25 03:44:31
Here's an idea... unspecialized faelings gain +1 bonus to experience. That would be good. ![happy.gif](style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/happy.gif)
Unknown2005-04-25 10:28:18
QUOTE(JeebusGreen @ Apr 24 2005, 12:30 AM)
Without reading the 11 pages in depth...
I've got to agree with the people that said Dex needs an upgrade in effectiveness. Even from a IG point of view... Seriously, imagine how hard it would actually BE to hit something that small, that is probably flying most of the time? And maybe Stag wouldn't be so bad if the +1 dex gained by the Trans skill actually DID something.. Maybe...
IMO, constitution and dexterity need to have more of a balance, so that it's not SO much more important to have con over dex.
EDIT: Forgot this bit - the point of this post being that any race with above average dex, faelings, aslaran, furrikin, etc. are actually a better choice than the higher con. races.
I think no. 1 sign that something is a little awry with the races is that dwarves seem to be popping up everywhere... From a practical point of view, I'd make a MUCH better Hartstone as a dwarf than an elfen or faeling, because the bonus damage from higher intelligence doesn't mean ANYTHING until effects from passive demesne and active dreamweaving/runeslinging mess up my opponent - and that's not worth worrying if I'm dead. But... roleplay-wise, I think dwarf is a FAR worse choice than faeling.
This was probably a highjack, but there's so many similiar threads, I don't know what's on topic anymore.![sad.gif](style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif)
I've got to agree with the people that said Dex needs an upgrade in effectiveness. Even from a IG point of view... Seriously, imagine how hard it would actually BE to hit something that small, that is probably flying most of the time? And maybe Stag wouldn't be so bad if the +1 dex gained by the Trans skill actually DID something.. Maybe...
IMO, constitution and dexterity need to have more of a balance, so that it's not SO much more important to have con over dex.
EDIT: Forgot this bit - the point of this post being that any race with above average dex, faelings, aslaran, furrikin, etc. are actually a better choice than the higher con. races.
I think no. 1 sign that something is a little awry with the races is that dwarves seem to be popping up everywhere... From a practical point of view, I'd make a MUCH better Hartstone as a dwarf than an elfen or faeling, because the bonus damage from higher intelligence doesn't mean ANYTHING until effects from passive demesne and active dreamweaving/runeslinging mess up my opponent - and that's not worth worrying if I'm dead. But... roleplay-wise, I think dwarf is a FAR worse choice than faeling.
This was probably a highjack, but there's so many similiar threads, I don't know what's on topic anymore.
There is actually very few dwarves. There is notably Tenqual and Narsrim, and that is about it.
Then there is Ceres and I, but we are both changelings, and change race near daily. I often choose to be Mugwump, because you sacrifice a lot to be a dwarf.
Ceres2005-04-25 10:31:11
QUOTE(Anonymous @ Apr 25 2005, 10:28 AM)
Then there is Ceres and I, but we are both changelings, and change race near daily. I often choose to be Mugwump, because you sacrifice a lot to be a dwarf.
Lightning runes hurt as a Mugwump.
Elryn2005-04-25 12:27:20
I have thought of another way to explain my disappointment to those who don't understand it.
Faelings are the only race who have a specialization which is antithetical to their unspecialized state. That is, the specialized faelings are utterly different from the unspecialized faelings.
An analogy sometimes helps... imagine Orclach are the specialized race of Magnagora for a moment. Now, Viscanti characters are still perfectly suited to Magnagora and its guilds without being specialized, but they find out that a new city arrives in which the citizens (devoted Light followers) have discovered a way to purify their twisted bodies. Viscanti receive two specializations which revolve around them becoming pure and holy again (the same statwise as the current brood and master specializations, say). Now, normal tainted Viscanti are perfectly acceptable in Magnagora because their role is still wonderfully suited to it, but if they want to specialize and reach their full potential they must go and join the new city and become purified.
This is similar to the situation in which I feel we have been placed. It is not a natural progression to specialization as in the case of presumably all other specialization races.
Do I want the shadow Faelings gone and replaced by specialized Elfen? Yes, but it isn't going to happen, and I've accepted that. What I won't accept is the belief that Faelings and shadow Faelings are to be treated as the one race for balance purposes.
Keep the shadow Faelings of Glomdoring and have their specialization tweaked until it is perfect for them. But do not disregard unspecialized Faelings as characters who haven't taken advantage of their natural role. They need to be considered as a viable race of their own right.
The same should apply to unspecialized Elfen now, I suppose, of Glomdoring. (Though here it may be arguable as there's been no part of the event that establishes them specifically as a race suited to the tainted forest.)
Faelings are the only race who have a specialization which is antithetical to their unspecialized state. That is, the specialized faelings are utterly different from the unspecialized faelings.
An analogy sometimes helps... imagine Orclach are the specialized race of Magnagora for a moment. Now, Viscanti characters are still perfectly suited to Magnagora and its guilds without being specialized, but they find out that a new city arrives in which the citizens (devoted Light followers) have discovered a way to purify their twisted bodies. Viscanti receive two specializations which revolve around them becoming pure and holy again (the same statwise as the current brood and master specializations, say). Now, normal tainted Viscanti are perfectly acceptable in Magnagora because their role is still wonderfully suited to it, but if they want to specialize and reach their full potential they must go and join the new city and become purified.
This is similar to the situation in which I feel we have been placed. It is not a natural progression to specialization as in the case of presumably all other specialization races.
Do I want the shadow Faelings gone and replaced by specialized Elfen? Yes, but it isn't going to happen, and I've accepted that. What I won't accept is the belief that Faelings and shadow Faelings are to be treated as the one race for balance purposes.
Keep the shadow Faelings of Glomdoring and have their specialization tweaked until it is perfect for them. But do not disregard unspecialized Faelings as characters who haven't taken advantage of their natural role. They need to be considered as a viable race of their own right.
The same should apply to unspecialized Elfen now, I suppose, of Glomdoring. (Though here it may be arguable as there's been no part of the event that establishes them specifically as a race suited to the tainted forest.)
Thorgal2005-04-25 12:48:42
Nice explanation, except... faeling are not antithetical to shadow faeling in the least.
Faeling belong in glomdoring just as much as they belong in serenwilde, they are attuned to FOREST, not serenwilde. They are equally at home in ackleberry, serenwilde, glomdoring and whatever treefilled place there is elsewhere.
Viscanti are ONLY at home in magnagora, merian are ONLY at home in celest, dracnari are ONLY at home in gaudiguch, lucidian and trill are ONLY at home in hallifax, faeling are at home in all three forest communes, so your motivation is voided yet again..you simply want to get upgrades, whether it makes sense or not.
It just happens to be that elfen got the specialization in serenwilde, and not faeling, since elfen are the ones that built your commune, history cannot be pulled in by the hairs for glomdoring, because the founding of glomdoring happened in the present, and not in far past history. Hence, it makes perfect sense faeling stay as they are, because they're already much better than various races, and shadow faeling remain superior to normal faeling, because they got specialized.
Oh, and I don't give a damn whether unspecialized faeling get upgraded or not, I just like arguing over points I think I'm completely right with, and continue arguing untill I'm either proven wrong, or proven right.
Faeling belong in glomdoring just as much as they belong in serenwilde, they are attuned to FOREST, not serenwilde. They are equally at home in ackleberry, serenwilde, glomdoring and whatever treefilled place there is elsewhere.
Viscanti are ONLY at home in magnagora, merian are ONLY at home in celest, dracnari are ONLY at home in gaudiguch, lucidian and trill are ONLY at home in hallifax, faeling are at home in all three forest communes, so your motivation is voided yet again..you simply want to get upgrades, whether it makes sense or not.
It just happens to be that elfen got the specialization in serenwilde, and not faeling, since elfen are the ones that built your commune, history cannot be pulled in by the hairs for glomdoring, because the founding of glomdoring happened in the present, and not in far past history. Hence, it makes perfect sense faeling stay as they are, because they're already much better than various races, and shadow faeling remain superior to normal faeling, because they got specialized.
Oh, and I don't give a damn whether unspecialized faeling get upgraded or not, I just like arguing over points I think I'm completely right with, and continue arguing untill I'm either proven wrong, or proven right.
Shoshana2005-04-25 12:58:38
Err... You just made her point for her, in part. Faelings are at home in all communes, and so they should be. As it stands, though, the mechanics suggest that they should be more at home in Glomdoring, and from an RP perspective they shouldn't be.
Elryn2005-04-25 12:58:47
Well, if nothing else I have to admire your consistancy, Thorgal.
What you are saying simply isn't true. Why do you think the shadow Faelings need a completely different appearance/origin than other Faelings? The answer is that only NOW are Faelings perfectly suited to both communes, as I assume it was intended. If it were otherwise, they would be improvements built on the unspecialized Faeling, and clearly they are not so direct.
What you are saying simply isn't true. Why do you think the shadow Faelings need a completely different appearance/origin than other Faelings? The answer is that only NOW are Faelings perfectly suited to both communes, as I assume it was intended. If it were otherwise, they would be improvements built on the unspecialized Faeling, and clearly they are not so direct.
Thorgal2005-04-25 14:03:44
Shoshana, read my last paragraph.. and Elryn, I don't think that you'll ever be satisfied with your race, even though faeling are a much better race than most other unspecialized races, you whined, then you got a lvl3 balance recovery, and you whined even more, the more you get the more you'll complain.
You say you don't want your consitution upgraded, just more advantages added, so you can be decent in combat.
Consider, that curing is a lot more important than your racial advantages, and you; ..can't cure at all, if you die too fast in combat, I suggest you work on that instead. Not a single racial upgrade is gonna make it easier for you in combat if you lack the ability to heal and cure yourself. Last time you teamed me, you didn't even KNOW the cure for hemiplegy.
And don't tell me your peeve isn't about combat, cause you started out showing logs of you getting beaten up by knights and complaining you die way too fast, couldn't do anything against it, had no chance to run, blah blah blah, and that faelings needed upgrades to stand a chance in pvp.
You say you don't want your consitution upgraded, just more advantages added, so you can be decent in combat.
Consider, that curing is a lot more important than your racial advantages, and you; ..can't cure at all, if you die too fast in combat, I suggest you work on that instead. Not a single racial upgrade is gonna make it easier for you in combat if you lack the ability to heal and cure yourself. Last time you teamed me, you didn't even KNOW the cure for hemiplegy.
And don't tell me your peeve isn't about combat, cause you started out showing logs of you getting beaten up by knights and complaining you die way too fast, couldn't do anything against it, had no chance to run, blah blah blah, and that faelings needed upgrades to stand a chance in pvp.
Elryn2005-04-25 14:44:09
And you prove that this is isn't about Faelings for you. Its very personal, its about me.
I can't cure. Totally correct. I congratulate you on being the paragon of Lusternian combat that you so clearly are, and I am incredibly honored that you would deign to step down from your almighty position to so admirably point out all of my abhorrent failings and ignorances.
I deserve nothing but downgrades and suffering, and I have no right to demand equality of any kind.
So let's make this not about me.
Maybe we should ask a real Faeling combatant about how they find the unspecialized race. Er... well, there aren't many of those. Thats a bit odd, isn't it? Oh well, we can extrapolate from the excellent fighters who have the ability to try Faeling temporarily. Funny, I don't remember any of those saying how they tried Faeling and found any particular advantage of the race in combat, nor even any comments that it was balanced in combat at all... but they are obviously wrong too.
Well, that doesn't really matter, because the ability to cure afflictions will mean I can withstand more blows and damage. Its a curious phenomenon, but if you can cure afflictions immediately upon getting them, the Gods bless you with incredible resistances against single-combo kills. In fact, the better your programming skills the more powerful your character becomes. I've heard of those with incredibly efficient triggers and aliases who barely have to use healing vials at all! The damage just melts off them.
Look, you don't like me. I get it. Loud and clear. But that doesn't invalidate my points. I want the race balanced in combat, of course I do. Find me an expert in combat who finds regular Faelings as equally useful as any other race.
I've given my reasons. If you instead want to focus on me, and continue to denigrate me, then go ahead. There's not much I can do about it.
I can't cure. Totally correct. I congratulate you on being the paragon of Lusternian combat that you so clearly are, and I am incredibly honored that you would deign to step down from your almighty position to so admirably point out all of my abhorrent failings and ignorances.
I deserve nothing but downgrades and suffering, and I have no right to demand equality of any kind.
So let's make this not about me.
Maybe we should ask a real Faeling combatant about how they find the unspecialized race. Er... well, there aren't many of those. Thats a bit odd, isn't it? Oh well, we can extrapolate from the excellent fighters who have the ability to try Faeling temporarily. Funny, I don't remember any of those saying how they tried Faeling and found any particular advantage of the race in combat, nor even any comments that it was balanced in combat at all... but they are obviously wrong too.
Well, that doesn't really matter, because the ability to cure afflictions will mean I can withstand more blows and damage. Its a curious phenomenon, but if you can cure afflictions immediately upon getting them, the Gods bless you with incredible resistances against single-combo kills. In fact, the better your programming skills the more powerful your character becomes. I've heard of those with incredibly efficient triggers and aliases who barely have to use healing vials at all! The damage just melts off them.
Look, you don't like me. I get it. Loud and clear. But that doesn't invalidate my points. I want the race balanced in combat, of course I do. Find me an expert in combat who finds regular Faelings as equally useful as any other race.
I've given my reasons. If you instead want to focus on me, and continue to denigrate me, then go ahead. There's not much I can do about it.