
by Daganev

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Daganev2005-04-27 07:47:31
Are any other guildranks made public?
Singollo2005-04-27 07:52:50
Daganev, you certainly did a good job with getting a mini biography on the help file.
Elryn2005-04-27 08:13:52
Aye, quite a few guilds posted theirs in the thread that was poking fun at poor Auseklis and the Moondancer guildranks.
Daganev2005-04-27 08:35:20

GM: .Merciless Chieftain of the Ravenwood
AD: .Keeper of the Blackened Bones
CH: .Master of the Bloodhunt
Unknown2005-04-27 09:12:43