Manjanaia2005-05-02 15:21:40
Read the desc on that screenshot.
Is the Daevos bit meant to be there?
Is the Daevos bit meant to be there?
Ialie2005-05-02 15:24:25
someone did something to a corpse of his, animating it.
Manjanaia2005-05-02 15:24:55
Oh right. Meh, made me laugh anywho
Soll2005-05-02 15:25:41
Aww, poor you. Typo!
Manjanaia2005-05-02 15:27:13
Soll2005-05-02 15:28:12
p wihgt
Manjanaia2005-05-02 15:30:11
Heh, didn't even notice. I'm so used to doing it I immediately correct myself, like a reflex.
Daevos2005-05-02 15:34:12
Oh, so you noticed my little gift huh.
Manjanaia2005-05-02 15:49:30
Yeah it sure brightens up the place