
by Narsrim

Back to Common Grounds.

Thorgal2005-05-05 18:41:59
Well, I know all the guilds are balanced over the big picture, it just could use more tweaking, and if we never say anything about the various useless and imbalanced skills, how would the divine get to know the problems? I mean they aren't omniscient, they just do their best.

And you're right about the meaningless insulting evil.gif.
Daganev2005-05-05 20:19:17
To TRULEY get back on topic... I think its really cool if people use lichdom to enter the Catacombs... I mean... If you can't beat them Join them... right? right?

Oh and Magnagora DOES do exceptional RP. The only people I question are those people in Celest winning elections *peer*

I would love to see Bush refer to himself as Laura's Snugglbunny, George W. Bush, owner of halliburton.