Highmagic or LowMagic

by Unknown

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Drago2005-05-06 05:39:26
Doesn't lowmagic have an extra exp ability, or was I reading wrong?
Sylphas2005-05-06 05:46:29
For one day a month, yes, we get boosted experience.
Gwylifar2005-05-06 15:21:03
Though it's not that easy to use it. Generally, you wait for midnight on a day when you can spend the next day bashing, then as soon as you invoke, something happens and you have to run back to Prime to do something for someone or defend something. I can't count the times I've wasted mine.
Laxinova2005-07-11 13:12:56
Basically Lowmagic eyepoke.gif Highmagic. Highmagic losewings.gif owned.gif
Unknown2005-07-11 16:46:55
Dear gods, stop necroing threads. That said, as many will have pointed out, Lowmagic is vastly superior, as of right now.