Unknown2005-08-24 19:52:24
How did you import the script, Nayl? If you paste things into the command-line, you can get bad results (depending on your settings). Importing from a text file typically works much better.
Nayl2005-08-25 05:48:54
I have done all of it from a text file.
I tried importing everything in one file, in multiple files, distinguished by the #Class /#CLASS 0
I tried importing everything in one file, in multiple files, distinguished by the #Class /#CLASS 0
Sylphas2005-08-26 04:42:34
Hmm. May shiny new showstats script is plagued by what seems to be some sort of memory leak. Not sure if it's somehow my code or just something with zMUD. I think I'm just going to make a nifty little java program to do it, and give that out, instead of having people's zMUD dying.
Sylphas2005-09-06 09:00:44
New system some of you might be interested in. It saves all the messages you receive or send, and a simple listing of letters you have mailed and their subjects. It timestamps all of them, and captures the full text of in and outbound messages.
scribe_msg Sends a message to someone, and saves it to your outbox.
scribe_mail Mails a letter to someone, and saves it to your outbound letters list. You will be prompted for a subject.
scribe_inbox Shows a list of the messages you have received, who sent them, and when. Page is optional, will default to 1.
scribe_showin <#|name> Will show either the specified message, or all messages from a certain person.
scribe_delin <#> Deletes a message from your inbox.
scribe_outbox Shows a list of the messages you have sent, who you sent them to, and when. Page is optional, will defaul to 1.
scribe_showout <#|name>Will show either the specified message, or all messages to a certain person.
scribe_delout <#> Deletes a message from your outbox.
scribe_mailout Shows a list of letters you have sent, who you sent them to, their subjects, and when.
Currently missing a way to delete sent letters, but it would be extremely similar to the other delete functions, just take a look at them and fix it.
File can now be found in another (183611) post, updated.
New system some of you might be interested in. It saves all the messages you receive or send, and a simple listing of letters you have mailed and their subjects. It timestamps all of them, and captures the full text of in and outbound messages.
scribe_showin <#|name> Will show either the specified message, or all messages from a certain person.
scribe_delin <#> Deletes a message from your inbox.
scribe_showout <#|name>Will show either the specified message, or all messages to a certain person.
scribe_delout <#> Deletes a message from your outbox.
Currently missing a way to delete sent letters, but it would be extremely similar to the other delete functions, just take a look at them and fix it.
File can now be found in another (183611) post, updated.
Sylphas2005-09-09 03:18:33
Anyone try that, and if so, has it been working?
Archthron2005-09-09 19:38:30
One comment on your demesne-tracker script: When you see an activated effect, it automatically begins to track it, but when you use the 'dton' command, it automatically starts them all, arbitrarily and even if you're not using them. Why does it even include that command? It got me really confused when I was trying to figure it out.
Overall, though, this stuff is brilliant. Truly fantastic. And other such words of awe...
Overall, though, this stuff is brilliant. Truly fantastic. And other such words of awe...
Sylphas2005-09-09 23:27:05
Hmm. Not sure. I guess I just threw it in because I had dtoff. I've never actually used it.
Sylphas2005-09-10 00:07:29
Anyone who has an idea for something they want programmed in zMUD, lemme know. I'm looking for cool projects to work on.
Also, anyone with experience making GUIs in Java, I could use a bit of help making the damn thing work. I haven't touched it in a few months, and my limited knowledge of swing flew out of my head. I'd really like to get my stat calculator done as a finished java program.
Also, anyone with experience making GUIs in Java, I could use a bit of help making the damn thing work. I haven't touched it in a few months, and my limited knowledge of swing flew out of my head. I'd really like to get my stat calculator done as a finished java program.
Sylphas2005-09-11 02:43:44
I'm going to put this up here, see if anyone has a use for it. I find the functionality neat, but I don't use it nearly as often as I thought I would. This is a BETA, if you find any bugs, let me know.
Chronos is a system to keep track of the date and time in Lusternia, and to schedule events to occur. Events can be scheduled for a certain day, for the next day, next month, or next year, or to reoccur daily, monthly, or yearly. At this point it will not notify you about upcoming events, but that is a feature I plan to add in the future. Also, obviously, these will not occur if you are not in the realms. I'm working on having it prompt you to delete or reschedule missed events, but you'll have to do it manually for now.
This is the syntax:
chronos_bar_ Turns on/off the status bar showing date and moon phase. New Moon and Full Moon are colored differently to alert you to the possibility of Rage/Terror.
chronos_schedule Lists the scheduled events.
chronos_addevent Schedules an event for a certain day. Will execute whatever you give it. If it's really complicated, easiest way is to point it to an alias.
Event names must be one word, or you'll probably run into all sorts of weird bugs, or else it simply won't work.
Also, this is Scribe again, since I may have forgotten a few dependencies. Both of these files should import and include everything required for them to run.
Chronos is a system to keep track of the date and time in Lusternia, and to schedule events to occur. Events can be scheduled for a certain day, for the next day, next month, or next year, or to reoccur daily, monthly, or yearly. At this point it will not notify you about upcoming events, but that is a feature I plan to add in the future. Also, obviously, these will not occur if you are not in the realms. I'm working on having it prompt you to delete or reschedule missed events, but you'll have to do it manually for now.
This is the syntax:
chronos_bar_ Turns on/off the status bar showing date and moon phase. New Moon and Full Moon are colored differently to alert you to the possibility of Rage/Terror.
chronos_schedule Lists the scheduled events.
Event names must be one word, or you'll probably run into all sorts of weird bugs, or else it simply won't work.
Also, this is Scribe again, since I may have forgotten a few dependencies. Both of these files should import and include everything required for them to run.