Lusteria down?

by Aajen

Back to Common Grounds.

Yuniko2005-05-27 18:52:12
Lies Raan >:P
Unknown2005-05-27 18:53:41
I lost over 100 astral corpses and five percent towards 76 because it went down while I was fighting two urns.

Is there anyway those who died during this crash will get compensated?
Unknown2005-05-27 18:54:34
Unknown2005-05-27 18:55:42
That's annoying
Unknown2005-05-27 19:02:36
Trust me, I already tried that one time tongue.gif
Vix2005-05-27 19:09:43
Why do we never seem to have those "timewarps"? I know this isn't Achaea, but back there, whenever the server or something went down, they always adjusted it so that it never happened in essence. Just pushed the clock back 10 minutes or so. Good thing I just got here and wasn't logged in.
Unknown2005-05-27 19:11:10
Ah well. It's only a game, i'll make it back
Unknown2005-05-27 23:32:13
Grrr... I was way far in Newton and now I'll have to regather all my somethings! angry.gif sad.gif Is there any reason why these disconnects keep happening?