PierceArm underwater

by Shamarah

Back to Combat Guide.

Unknown2005-06-15 10:04:39
I took similar damage from Ceres as a Mugwump while underwater. Seems there is a bug with steamblast and being underwater.
Asarnil2005-06-15 10:25:19
Maybe fire damage is supposed to be ineffective if used underwater?
Alger2005-06-15 10:28:32
hah the irony im never leaving the water again!!
Marcalo2005-06-15 11:00:07
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Jun 14 2005, 08:49 PM)
Yeah, just have pipes not able to be lit underwater, but you can smoke them if they are.  *innocent*

you never have to light arti pipes either......
Malicia2005-06-15 11:07:06
You could raise the price on artipipes to oh...80 per? I think being able to smoke artipipes underwater is a decent idea. Seems like a lot of coding though. :/

It's enough that you lose the aura of rebounding defense while underwater after a raze or action on your part, but for someone to purposely pierce your nerves so as to hinder you and leave you helpless is too much.
Marcalo2005-06-15 11:13:18
naw thats just smart malic, he realized a disadvantage his oppenents who were teaming him had and exploited it, any decent fighter woulda. but still make arti pipes so they can be smoked underwater!, or make a artifact snorkle that you can put your pipes in to smoke out of while underwater. ninja.gif
Shamarah2005-06-15 11:15:57
It seems fire damage, or at least Aqua staff damage, is drastically cut while underwater. Which I think is silly, since Aquas should have advantages underwater if anything, but whatever. I'll have to start using hailstorm.
Unknown2005-06-15 13:01:28
I disagree with all those who have called for being able to smoke artifact pipes underwater. The pipes already have enough advantage over normal pipes, and raising the cost wouldn't compensate for anyone who's already made the purchase.

If you are at a disadvantage, no matter what sort of terrain, you should take the battle somewhere else. I understand that you cannot cure this affliction by any other reasonable means, and perhaps there should be an alternate method, such as regeneration salve, but you could also have stayed on the water's surface to fight more competently in this situation.

As for the Aquamancers' staff damage underwater, it would make sense to me that the damage would be the same as anywhere else, as it's steam damage moreso than fire damage. If an attack would set you on fire, it shouldn't do so underwater, but this is different (and perhaps unique) in the type of damage it should deal underwater.
Ralshan2005-06-15 14:06:41
Round and round it goes, with the sea battles. It's all well and good to say "take the conflict to another terrain", but the fact of the matter is, Celest can force Magnagora to fight extensively underwater with the Ladantine/Marilynth stuff, or vice versa. To not do so will result in dire consequences for the city that "chooses not to fight in that terrain".
Shamarah2005-06-15 16:57:05
QUOTE(Zarquan @ Jun 15 2005, 08:01 AM)
If you are at a disadvantage, no matter what sort of terrain, you should take the battle somewhere else. I understand that you cannot cure this affliction by any other reasonable means, and perhaps there should be an alternate method, such as regeneration salve, but you could also have stayed on the water's surface to fight more competently in this situation.

I don't mean to flame, but don't talk if you have no clue what the sea quests are.
Unknown2005-06-15 17:24:28
Does this mean you can't stop with the quest for a moment to take care of a personal battle? I don't know any quest that works that way.
Ralshan2005-06-15 17:27:55
If the "personal battle" means stepping away from a mobile who can be killed in about 10 seconds, thus negating hours of inane question, the answer to your question is yes.
Gwylifar2005-06-15 18:15:01
I have to agree that making artifact pipes the solution here isn't a good choice. And I say that though I have a full set.

My suggestion is a low skill in Environment that uses brief equilibrium and lets you smoke a pipe by, I don't know, blowing a bubble around it. That way you could get out of this, but it would take a bit of time, so there's still some advantage to blademasters for using it, but one that can be countered. Plus it makes Environment a little more useful.
Shamarah2005-06-15 18:28:54
QUOTE(Zarquan @ Jun 15 2005, 12:24 PM)
Does this mean you can't stop with the quest for a moment to take care of a personal battle? I don't know any quest that works that way.


As I said, don't talk if you don't know what the sea quests are.
Erion2005-06-15 20:59:11
QUOTE(Gwylifar @ Jun 15 2005, 02:15 PM)
I have to agree that making artifact pipes the solution here isn't a good choice.  And I say that though I have a full set.

My suggestion is a low skill in Environment that uses brief equilibrium and lets you smoke a pipe by, I don't know, blowing a bubble around it.  That way you could get out of this, but it would take a bit of time, so there's still some advantage to blademasters for using it, but one that can be countered.  Plus it makes Environment a little more useful.

It would also be fair to put it into Aquamancy - or a passive Aquamancy ability to let them smoke pipes underwater.
Gwylifar2005-06-15 23:11:48
That makes sense.
Geb2005-06-16 00:56:56
QUOTE(Erion @ Jun 15 2005, 09:59 PM)
It would also be fair to put it into Aquamancy - or a passive Aquamancy ability to let them smoke pipes underwater.

It could just be added to the aquamancy waterborne ability.
Unknown2005-06-16 11:30:31
Would adding it to Aquamancy really be fair to the rest of the population? Don't other Celestians do these quests? What about the off-chance that someone who's not an Aquamancer finds themselves fighting a blademaster under the water?
Nayl2005-06-16 11:36:20
Zarquan, I believe the adding it to waterbourne, was to give Aquamancers that ability automatically, and to have everyone else, need the skill in Environment.
Gwylifar2005-06-16 12:50:18
That's certainly how I took it.