Richter2005-06-20 04:35:08
Disciple of Eventide, Shayle says to the Ebonglom Wyrm, "Everything alright?"
Xenthos greets the Ebonglom Wyrm with a sincere smile.
You say, "I wonder if it is time..."
Fevered Dream, Etanru, High Priest of Night says, "It keeps thudding it's tail
Etanru tilts his head curiously at you.
With a wistful look on his face, Xenthos touches the Ebonglom Wyrm.
Allaris, Disciple of the Way says to you, "Time?"
You say, "Let us wait and see what happens."
Xenthos, The Ebon Strategist says, "Aye."
You tilt your head and listen intently to the Ebonglom Wyrm.
The Ebonglom Wyrm rears up suddenly before bringing its bulk back down to the
Shayle blinks.
Allaris looks about herself, concern evident in her eyes.
Shayle purses her lips, deep in thought.
You say, "Its going to eat you all."
Xenthos nods his head emphatically.
Nocturne, the morphling rolls his eyes.
"Ummmm," Allaris says uncertainly.
Xenthos, The Ebon Strategist says to Nocturne, the morphling, "And you will be
Nocturne, the morphling shudders and emits a low growl, its shape changing and
getting larger. Its head starts to elongate and the teeth grow larger, while
the rest of the body doubles in size. Twisting from side to side, the
morphling's tail grows thicker and a barbed arrow-like growth appears on the
end. Lastly, a shimmering black scale appears on its back, follow by another,
then dozens more, to cover its entire body. Clearly out of breath, the
morphling settles down, settling on the shape of a large, black dragon.
You say, "Yeah, he's going to get eaten alright."
The Ebonglom Wyrm lashes out with surprising speed and grabs Nocturne, the
morphling within its great maw, taking it inside apparently unharmed.
You say, "Egads."
Shayle blinks.
Allaris blinks.
You say, "And in dragonform too!"
Fevered Dream, Etanru, High Priest of Night says, "Teehee."
Xenthos blinks.
Xenthos gives the Ebonglom Wyrm the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
Fevered Dream, Etanru, High Priest of Night says to the Ebonglom Wyrm,
"Excellent work. I approve."
You tap your foot impatiently, glaring at the Ebonglom Wyrm.
You say to the Ebonglom Wyrm, "Give my morphling back!"
Disciple of Eventide, Shayle says, "Ok....can Wyrms speak?"
The Ebonglom Wyrm raises itself up, coiling around itself in order to support
its great weight.
You say, "No, they cannot."
Disciple of Eventide, Shayle says, "Then we'd better start paying better
attention here.
You say, "They're somewhat of a cross between a worm and a dragon."
Fevered Dream, Etanru, High Priest of Night says, "I suggest that we cut it
open and see what's bothering it."
Etanru nods his head sagely.
You say, "Or not!"
Xenthos glares angrily at Etanru.
Xenthos, The Ebon Strategist says, "I say not."
Fevered Dream, Etanru, High Priest of Night says, "No?"
Dipping its head, the gargantuan Ebonglom Wyrm appears to stare directly at
Richter for a moment before making a downwards, dipping motion.
You say, "The Keeper of the Blackened Bones does not agree with this!"
You point Tetra, the elemental scourge at the Ebonglom Wyrm.
You say, "Enguarde!"
Fevered Dream, Etanru, High Priest of Night says to you, "It means it approves
of my idea."
Shayle purses her lips, deep in thought.
You say, "I hope he eats you."
Fevered Dream, Etanru, High Priest of Night says to you, "It wouldn't dare."
Shayle tells you, "Maybe he wants the sandwich."
The Ebonglom Wyrm grasps Tetra, the elemental scourge in fiercely powerful jaws
and swallows it silently.
You say, "Holy Nil!"
Allaris blinks.
Shayle blinks.
A wry smile spreads across Etanru's face.
Fevered Dream, Etanru, High Priest of Night says, "Oh my."
Xenthos, The Ebon Strategist says to you, "Um..."
Xenthos utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
Fevered Dream, Etanru, High Priest of Night says, "As I was saying."
The Ebonglom Wyrm gestures again, making the same bobbing signal.
Atum has been slain by the might of Ravenous Aurella, Disciple of the Murder.
Shayle ponders the situation.
Allaris, Disciple of the Way says, "It wants something?"
You give a loaf of bread to the Ebonglom Wyrm.
The Ebonglom Wyrm spits a loaf of bread onto the ground.
Xenthos, The Ebon Strategist says, "It wants to be fed, it would seem."
Xenthos urges you onwards.
You pick up a loaf of bread.
Fevered Dream, Etanru, High Priest of Night says, "It wants to eat something."
Etanru purses his lips pensively, gazing off into the distance as he carefully
gathers his thoughts.
Etanru gives the corpse of a large python to the Ebonglom Wyrm.
The Ebonglom Wyrm spits the corpse of a large python onto the ground.
Etanru gives the corpse of a starving deer to the Ebonglom Wyrm.
The Ebonglom Wyrm spits the corpse of a starving deer onto the ground.
Etanru ponders the situation.
Disciple of Eventide, Shayle says, "It eats essence."
You have emoted: Richter jumps into the air and yells, "Give me my stuff back!"
Disciple of Eventide, Shayle says, "And um---other things."
Disciple of Eventide, Shayle says, "Apparantly."
You begin to wield a brutal war hammer in your left hand.
You point a brutal war hammer at the Ebonglom Wyrm.
The Ebonglom Wyrm surges upwards and makes a slow, bobbing bow, staring at
Richter again.
Finger extended, Shayle pokes you.
Xenthos, The Ebon Strategist gives Richter a little nudge towards the maw of
the Wyrm.
You say, "Eat me, you big galute!"
Etanru bows respectfully to the Ebonglom Wyrm.
Fevered Dream, Etanru, High Priest of Night says to the Ebonglom Wyrm, "Neh?"
You find yourself unable to enter the Ebonglom Wyrm.
Etanru picks up the corpse of a starving deer.
A slow, sonorous voice echoes in the air, "Bend to the will of the Wyrm,
surrender in the motion of respect, and see the way forward."
You bow respectfully to the Ebonglom Wyrm.
The Ebonglom Wyrm rears up suddenly and opens its vast maw before taking you
into its mouth. You tumble inside as the great beast rights itself again,
getting to your feet as it settles.
Within a gaping maw.
Redundant vestiges of a previous life, a pair of bulbous tonsils hang down from
above. A shimmering black morphling is here, pulsing gently.
You see a single exit leading northeast.
The entire area lurches suddenly as the great beast rears up, light spilling
through its vast maw as Xenthos suddenly tumbles through, getting to his feet
as the Wyrm rights itself again.
You say, "That was interesting."
The entire area lurches suddenly as the great beast rears up, light spilling
through its vast maw as Allaris suddenly tumbles through, getting to her feet
as the Wyrm rights itself again.
Allaris, Disciple of the Way says, "Whoa.."
Xenthos blinks.
Within a gaping maw.
Redundant vestiges of a previous life, a pair of bulbous tonsils hang down from
above. A shimmering black morphling is here, pulsing gently. Xenthos, The Ebon
Strategist is here. He wields a scintillating rapier in his left hand and a
sinuous jade rapier in his right. Allaris, Disciple of the Way is here. She
wields a dark forestal shortsword in each hand.
You see a single exit leading northeast.
You say, "Nocturne."
Nocturne, the morphling obediently falls into line behind you.
You say, "Follow up."
Allaris, Disciple of the Way says, "Us?"
You say, "Let us see what all is in here."
***lots of walking around***
Allaris, Disciple of the Way says, "Is this..our hall?"
You say, "Perhaps."
Allaris follows you south.
Cavity of Blackened Bone.
You see a single exit leading north.
You say, "Ah..."
You say, "I like this place."
Allaris, Disciple of the Way says, "This place is neat."
You say, "I apparently have an office now."
Cavity of Blackened Bone.
A shimmering black morphling is here, pulsing gently. Allaris, Disciple of the
Way is here. She wields a dark forestal shortsword in each hand.
You see a single exit leading north.
To leave the end way, you have to ENTER SPHINCTER.
Of course that's the less preferable way.
You smirk.
You say, "I wonder, is there one, or two ways out?"
You say, "I'm terrible with new places, get all turned around."
Nocturne, the morphling snickers at you.
Allaris, Disciple of the Way says, "We'll have to get a map drawn up at some
You say to Nocturne, the morphling, "Shaddup."
Allaris follows you southwest.
End of the alimentary canal.
You see exits leading northeast.
Gritting your teeth, you push yourself through the sphincter at the end of the
passageway, falling through to the anus beyond and finally being expelled,
covered in the stench of excrement.
Allaris follows you ether.
Lair of the Ebonglom Wyrm.
The massive bulk of the Ebonglom Wyrm pulsates on the floor. A sigil in the
shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. A statue of a leopard
stands here, caught mid-leap, its razor-sharp fangs exposed for the kill. A
large python has been split apart here. Fevered Dream, Etanru, High Priest of
Night is here. He wields an athame dagger in his left hand. Disciple of
Eventide, Shayle is here. She wields an athame dagger in her left hand.
You see a single exit leading east.
You say, "That's disgusting."
Allaris claps her hands together merrily.
"Ewwwwwwwww!" says Shayle in disgust.
Etanru begins to follow you.
Fevered Dream, Etanru, High Priest of Night says to you, "Go again!"
Disciple of Eventide, Shayle says, "Yeah that was gross."
Allaris, Disciple of the Way says, "But cool."
You say, "I got shat out."
Shayle grins and nods at you.
Fevered Dream, Etanru, High Priest of Night says, "Sneezed, dear."
Shayle shakes her head.
Disciple of Eventide, Shayle says, "That was Xenthos."
Disciple of Eventide, Shayle says, "They got shat."
Fevered Dream, Etanru, High Priest of Night says, "...Oh my."
Shayle snickers softly to herself.
Etanru taps his nose knowingly at you.
You gag a bit as you inhale your own stink.
"Ewwwwwwwww!" says Shayle in disgust.
You say, "And I smell now."
Xenthos greets the Ebonglom Wyrm with a sincere smile.
You say, "I wonder if it is time..."
Fevered Dream, Etanru, High Priest of Night says, "It keeps thudding it's tail
Etanru tilts his head curiously at you.
With a wistful look on his face, Xenthos touches the Ebonglom Wyrm.
Allaris, Disciple of the Way says to you, "Time?"
You say, "Let us wait and see what happens."
Xenthos, The Ebon Strategist says, "Aye."
You tilt your head and listen intently to the Ebonglom Wyrm.
The Ebonglom Wyrm rears up suddenly before bringing its bulk back down to the
Shayle blinks.
Allaris looks about herself, concern evident in her eyes.
Shayle purses her lips, deep in thought.
You say, "Its going to eat you all."
Xenthos nods his head emphatically.
Nocturne, the morphling rolls his eyes.
"Ummmm," Allaris says uncertainly.
Xenthos, The Ebon Strategist says to Nocturne, the morphling, "And you will be
Nocturne, the morphling shudders and emits a low growl, its shape changing and
getting larger. Its head starts to elongate and the teeth grow larger, while
the rest of the body doubles in size. Twisting from side to side, the
morphling's tail grows thicker and a barbed arrow-like growth appears on the
end. Lastly, a shimmering black scale appears on its back, follow by another,
then dozens more, to cover its entire body. Clearly out of breath, the
morphling settles down, settling on the shape of a large, black dragon.
You say, "Yeah, he's going to get eaten alright."
The Ebonglom Wyrm lashes out with surprising speed and grabs Nocturne, the
morphling within its great maw, taking it inside apparently unharmed.
You say, "Egads."
Shayle blinks.
Allaris blinks.
You say, "And in dragonform too!"
Fevered Dream, Etanru, High Priest of Night says, "Teehee."
Xenthos blinks.
Xenthos gives the Ebonglom Wyrm the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
Fevered Dream, Etanru, High Priest of Night says to the Ebonglom Wyrm,
"Excellent work. I approve."
You tap your foot impatiently, glaring at the Ebonglom Wyrm.
You say to the Ebonglom Wyrm, "Give my morphling back!"
Disciple of Eventide, Shayle says, "Ok....can Wyrms speak?"
The Ebonglom Wyrm raises itself up, coiling around itself in order to support
its great weight.
You say, "No, they cannot."
Disciple of Eventide, Shayle says, "Then we'd better start paying better
attention here.
You say, "They're somewhat of a cross between a worm and a dragon."
Fevered Dream, Etanru, High Priest of Night says, "I suggest that we cut it
open and see what's bothering it."
Etanru nods his head sagely.
You say, "Or not!"
Xenthos glares angrily at Etanru.
Xenthos, The Ebon Strategist says, "I say not."
Fevered Dream, Etanru, High Priest of Night says, "No?"
Dipping its head, the gargantuan Ebonglom Wyrm appears to stare directly at
Richter for a moment before making a downwards, dipping motion.
You say, "The Keeper of the Blackened Bones does not agree with this!"
You point Tetra, the elemental scourge at the Ebonglom Wyrm.
You say, "Enguarde!"
Fevered Dream, Etanru, High Priest of Night says to you, "It means it approves
of my idea."
Shayle purses her lips, deep in thought.
You say, "I hope he eats you."
Fevered Dream, Etanru, High Priest of Night says to you, "It wouldn't dare."
Shayle tells you, "Maybe he wants the sandwich."
The Ebonglom Wyrm grasps Tetra, the elemental scourge in fiercely powerful jaws
and swallows it silently.
You say, "Holy Nil!"
Allaris blinks.
Shayle blinks.
A wry smile spreads across Etanru's face.
Fevered Dream, Etanru, High Priest of Night says, "Oh my."
Xenthos, The Ebon Strategist says to you, "Um..."
Xenthos utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
Fevered Dream, Etanru, High Priest of Night says, "As I was saying."
The Ebonglom Wyrm gestures again, making the same bobbing signal.
Atum has been slain by the might of Ravenous Aurella, Disciple of the Murder.
Shayle ponders the situation.
Allaris, Disciple of the Way says, "It wants something?"
You give a loaf of bread to the Ebonglom Wyrm.
The Ebonglom Wyrm spits a loaf of bread onto the ground.
Xenthos, The Ebon Strategist says, "It wants to be fed, it would seem."
Xenthos urges you onwards.
You pick up a loaf of bread.
Fevered Dream, Etanru, High Priest of Night says, "It wants to eat something."
Etanru purses his lips pensively, gazing off into the distance as he carefully
gathers his thoughts.
Etanru gives the corpse of a large python to the Ebonglom Wyrm.
The Ebonglom Wyrm spits the corpse of a large python onto the ground.
Etanru gives the corpse of a starving deer to the Ebonglom Wyrm.
The Ebonglom Wyrm spits the corpse of a starving deer onto the ground.
Etanru ponders the situation.
Disciple of Eventide, Shayle says, "It eats essence."
You have emoted: Richter jumps into the air and yells, "Give me my stuff back!"
Disciple of Eventide, Shayle says, "And um---other things."
Disciple of Eventide, Shayle says, "Apparantly."
You begin to wield a brutal war hammer in your left hand.
You point a brutal war hammer at the Ebonglom Wyrm.
The Ebonglom Wyrm surges upwards and makes a slow, bobbing bow, staring at
Richter again.
Finger extended, Shayle pokes you.
Xenthos, The Ebon Strategist gives Richter a little nudge towards the maw of
the Wyrm.
You say, "Eat me, you big galute!"
Etanru bows respectfully to the Ebonglom Wyrm.
Fevered Dream, Etanru, High Priest of Night says to the Ebonglom Wyrm, "Neh?"
You find yourself unable to enter the Ebonglom Wyrm.
Etanru picks up the corpse of a starving deer.
A slow, sonorous voice echoes in the air, "Bend to the will of the Wyrm,
surrender in the motion of respect, and see the way forward."
You bow respectfully to the Ebonglom Wyrm.
The Ebonglom Wyrm rears up suddenly and opens its vast maw before taking you
into its mouth. You tumble inside as the great beast rights itself again,
getting to your feet as it settles.
Within a gaping maw.
Redundant vestiges of a previous life, a pair of bulbous tonsils hang down from
above. A shimmering black morphling is here, pulsing gently.
You see a single exit leading northeast.
The entire area lurches suddenly as the great beast rears up, light spilling
through its vast maw as Xenthos suddenly tumbles through, getting to his feet
as the Wyrm rights itself again.
You say, "That was interesting."
The entire area lurches suddenly as the great beast rears up, light spilling
through its vast maw as Allaris suddenly tumbles through, getting to her feet
as the Wyrm rights itself again.
Allaris, Disciple of the Way says, "Whoa.."
Xenthos blinks.
Within a gaping maw.
Redundant vestiges of a previous life, a pair of bulbous tonsils hang down from
above. A shimmering black morphling is here, pulsing gently. Xenthos, The Ebon
Strategist is here. He wields a scintillating rapier in his left hand and a
sinuous jade rapier in his right. Allaris, Disciple of the Way is here. She
wields a dark forestal shortsword in each hand.
You see a single exit leading northeast.
You say, "Nocturne."
Nocturne, the morphling obediently falls into line behind you.
You say, "Follow up."
Allaris, Disciple of the Way says, "Us?"
You say, "Let us see what all is in here."
***lots of walking around***
Allaris, Disciple of the Way says, "Is this..our hall?"
You say, "Perhaps."
Allaris follows you south.
Cavity of Blackened Bone.
You see a single exit leading north.
You say, "Ah..."
You say, "I like this place."
Allaris, Disciple of the Way says, "This place is neat."
You say, "I apparently have an office now."
Cavity of Blackened Bone.
A shimmering black morphling is here, pulsing gently. Allaris, Disciple of the
Way is here. She wields a dark forestal shortsword in each hand.
You see a single exit leading north.
To leave the end way, you have to ENTER SPHINCTER.
Of course that's the less preferable way.
You smirk.
You say, "I wonder, is there one, or two ways out?"
You say, "I'm terrible with new places, get all turned around."
Nocturne, the morphling snickers at you.
Allaris, Disciple of the Way says, "We'll have to get a map drawn up at some
You say to Nocturne, the morphling, "Shaddup."
Allaris follows you southwest.
End of the alimentary canal.
You see exits leading northeast.
Gritting your teeth, you push yourself through the sphincter at the end of the
passageway, falling through to the anus beyond and finally being expelled,
covered in the stench of excrement.
Allaris follows you ether.
Lair of the Ebonglom Wyrm.
The massive bulk of the Ebonglom Wyrm pulsates on the floor. A sigil in the
shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. A statue of a leopard
stands here, caught mid-leap, its razor-sharp fangs exposed for the kill. A
large python has been split apart here. Fevered Dream, Etanru, High Priest of
Night is here. He wields an athame dagger in his left hand. Disciple of
Eventide, Shayle is here. She wields an athame dagger in her left hand.
You see a single exit leading east.
You say, "That's disgusting."
Allaris claps her hands together merrily.
"Ewwwwwwwww!" says Shayle in disgust.
Etanru begins to follow you.
Fevered Dream, Etanru, High Priest of Night says to you, "Go again!"
Disciple of Eventide, Shayle says, "Yeah that was gross."
Allaris, Disciple of the Way says, "But cool."
You say, "I got shat out."
Shayle grins and nods at you.
Fevered Dream, Etanru, High Priest of Night says, "Sneezed, dear."
Shayle shakes her head.
Disciple of Eventide, Shayle says, "That was Xenthos."
Disciple of Eventide, Shayle says, "They got shat."
Fevered Dream, Etanru, High Priest of Night says, "...Oh my."
Shayle snickers softly to herself.
Etanru taps his nose knowingly at you.
You gag a bit as you inhale your own stink.
"Ewwwwwwwww!" says Shayle in disgust.
You say, "And I smell now."
Unknown2005-06-20 04:40:19
...I am going to nod and smile until I know if that was faked or not.
Joli2005-06-20 04:43:15
I don't think I've laughed that hard in a while.. 

Daganev2005-06-20 04:58:56
Saikado2005-06-20 05:07:59 WANTED to know if there was one or two ways out!
Unknown2005-06-20 05:13:09

Richter2005-06-20 05:26:39
Yeah, it was gross...
Daganev2005-06-20 05:27:58
You mean your fake log was gross... but its funny!
Unknown2005-06-20 05:30:57
Muhahaha it's obviously real, raid the Wyrm/Guild Hall!
Arundel2005-06-20 13:03:14
Too many puns. Brain exploding.
Erion2005-06-20 13:56:14
Real or not...?
Gods only know. o.o
Gods only know. o.o
Erion2005-06-20 13:58:06
One of the says lacked a " at the end - faked.
Saikado2005-06-20 14:27:34
Erion, you could say that too if you based it upon the lack of the hp, mana and other stat stuff that is upon every line.
Shiri2005-06-20 14:30:30
QUOTE(Saikado @ Jun 20 2005, 03:27 PM)
Erion, you could say that too if you based it upon the lack of the hp, mana and other stat stuff that is upon every line.
But it's common practice to edit that out.
Erion2005-06-20 14:30:34
QUOTE(Saikado @ Jun 20 2005, 10:27 AM)
Erion, you could say that too if you based it upon the lack of the hp, mana and other stat stuff that is upon every line.
...Any intelligent person posting a log would normally edit those out. It's abnormal to edit out end-quotes. But that's just me, I guess. I'm strange like that.
Saikado2005-06-20 14:32:54
If he was doing a copy/paste job, then is it not possible he missed a quote in the copying?
Shiri2005-06-20 14:35:14
Yes. It's also a lot of work to go to, and a lot of unnecessary spelling-things-correctly on Ricther's part, to do that. I'm inclined to believe it's real.
Erion2005-06-20 14:42:19
QUOTE(Shiri @ Jun 20 2005, 10:35 AM)
Yes. It's also a lot of work to go to, and a lot of unnecessary spelling-things-correctly on Ricther's part, to do that. I'm inclined to believe it's real.
I dunno... A guildhall inside the wyrm? I kinna think that's... Doubtful. But maybe. Shrug.
Shiri2005-06-20 14:45:15
Hmm, I don't know who would have written it though, it doesn't look like Richter's work.
Unknown2005-06-20 14:55:39
Xenthos was surpised that I had seen anything about it at all when I mentioned it to him (within moments of it being posted here) so I'm inclined to believe it's real...Xen tends to laugh at me when I get caught believing something dumb *poke Xen*