Zmud combat system update

by Thorgal

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Thorgal2005-07-10 00:23:11
The update is finished, I included all the new psionic afflictions (bursted vessels, deadening, throatlock, leglock and omniphobia), and a bromide sipper.

Send me an IM over AIM or IRC to get the update, send me a message in-game with your email address if you don't have AIM.
Thorgal2005-07-11 16:52:00
Forgot to include the bromide alias in the update, here it is:

#ALIAS db {drink bromide;del mechanics healbalance;add mechanics healbalance_try;#alarm "healingtime" +2 {#if %ismember( healbalance_try, @mechanics) {del mechanics healbalance_try;add mechanics healbalance}}} "MORTAL HEALING|healing"

edit: actually, I mixed up the limbhealing, have to PM or IM me with a request for a new health queue, otherwise your deepwounds won't be curing.
Thorgal2005-07-11 16:57:51
Gah, screw it, put in the alias DB above, then replace the value of the HEALING alias in mortal healing -> healing, with this:

#if (%ismember( asleep, @afflictions)=0 and %ismember( stunned, @afflictions)=0 and %ismember( pause, @mechanics)=0 and %ismember( aeon, @afflictions)=0 and %ismember( anorexia, @afflictions)=0 and %ismember( throat, @afflictions)=0 and %ismember( scarab, @afflictions)=0 and %ismember( throatlock, @afflictions)=0 and %ismember( healing, @mechanics)) {
#if %ismember( healbalance, @mechanics) {#if (%ismember( recklessness, @afflictions) or (@currenthealth<@siphealth) or @burstedvessels>0) {dh} {#if (@currentmana<@sipmana) {dm} {#if (@currentego<@sipbromide) {db} {#if %ismember( slickness, @afflictions)=0 {limbhealing}}}}}
#if %ismember( sparklebalance, @mechanics) {#if (%ismember( recklessness, @afflictions) or (@currenthealth<@sparklehealth)) {sparkleberry} {#if (@currentmana<@sparklemana) {sparkleberry} {#if (@currentego<@sparkleego) {sparkleberry}}}}