
by Jasper

Back to Common Grounds.

Terenas2005-07-18 06:27:46
Axelord can knockdown, but again, it is still impossible to get balance back before someone unstunned. It was only possible to whore knockdown as a BC because of each arm working on different balance, it will be a lot harder to do the same here, if not impossible.

And both Axelord and Pureblade only have access to Blademaster's head afflictions, so no concussion, blackeye, bloodynose, etc.
Thorgal2005-07-18 09:08:30
Trans resilience, 91 cutting fieldplate:

6697h, 2444m, 4210e, 10p elrxk-
A look of complete concentration and menace glitters in Daevos's eyes.
6697h, 2444m, 4210e, 10p elrxk-
Daevos pronounces that you are under an ill omen, and a sense of imminent
foreboding descends upon you.
6697h, 2464m, 4210e, 10p elrxk-
Daevos swings a dragon-hilted claymore at you. You are cut across the chest,
laying open a flap of skin which bleeds profusely.
2715h, 2440m, 4210e, 10p elrxk-

Once he attaches elemental runes, this will instantly kill me. sad.gif
Syrienne2005-07-18 09:37:19
Kharvik would instant killed me too with runes I'm pretty sure.
Daganev2005-07-18 09:40:20
I'm sorry, but I've never seen elemental runes alone add 2K damage tongue.gif
Thorgal2005-07-18 09:49:37
Uhh..elemental runes add up to 40% to the total damage from a blade, if he's doing 4K+ damage, it won't be hard doing 6K+ damage with elemental runes to a softer target.

If you're doing 600 damage, elemental runes indeed won't add 2000 damage.
Unknown2005-07-18 09:50:19
The 3k is enough for me to worry about, never mind the runes tongue.gif.
Sylphas2005-07-18 19:11:33
Wow. Guess there's not much point in doing anything to a 2h warrior besides turning on bolting and trying to flow the hell back home before he hits me.
Murphy2005-07-18 22:40:53
Maybe you could try focus spirit (to get rid of omen)

and then maybe web, or your demesne gets paralyse in, or even sling it as a rune, hinder them with love/pacifism rune combos, or paralyse impatience, or any others which stop them from hitting you.

why? puissance wears off if it isn't used in a short time.
Thorgal2005-07-19 08:28:50
Puissance already got balanced now.