Ialie2005-07-16 08:38:11
Any changelings interesting in starting a changeling clan? We can make it private and secret and stuff if you like.
Unknown2005-07-16 09:50:51
Heh, people make clans for everything these days .
Ialie2005-07-16 10:17:39
Meh, its better than the mulitiple ooc clans.
Unknown2005-07-16 10:20:44
Oh true true, it's not a terrible idea, I'm just commenting for commenting's sake.
Unknown2005-07-16 12:49:29
That explains your post count.
Back on topic, I don't think we have THAT many changelings in the game. Yet. Also, if you want to keep it IC, then be ready for possible repercus... damn, how do you pronounce it? Possible trouble from your commune, for sharing a clan with Magnagorans (there were Mag-changelings last time I've checked).
Back on topic, I don't think we have THAT many changelings in the game. Yet. Also, if you want to keep it IC, then be ready for possible repercus... damn, how do you pronounce it? Possible trouble from your commune, for sharing a clan with Magnagorans (there were Mag-changelings last time I've checked).
Unknown2005-07-16 13:17:23
If I said everything that went through my head my post count would rival Shiri.
Bad cuber, made me feel bad.
Bad cuber, made me feel bad.