Ialie's Online Jewelry Cataloge

by Ialie

Back to Last Chance Trading Post.

Ialie2005-07-21 18:01:22
I have set up a space with msn that shows all my available jewelry designs for those of you who want to look while offline for some reason. Don't worry I won't be referencing this in game.

Also... If you would like to submit jewelry here, you can submit in the comments.

Hope this works out well.

EDIT: Yes.. I know I am cheating using my blog space, but who reads blogs anyway?

Jewelry Cataloge
Daganev2005-07-21 19:53:20
Unknown2005-07-21 20:21:01
Yea, good idea smile.gif
Unknown2005-07-22 13:26:37
-did the same thing a while back- heh not as intricately cataloged but makes yer job easier.