Diamondais2011-07-28 23:08:08
Back to spouse finding!
Lendren2011-07-29 01:34:40
QUOTE (diamondais @ Jul 28 2011, 07:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Back to spouse finding!
I was beginning to wonder if someone should ask why how much damage different race/class combos can take was important to spouse finding, actually.
Then I decided I didn't want to know.
Aerotan2011-08-04 10:58:52
As much as I don't like relying on this...
Syridean is looking for a potential suitor.
* Must marry into Dawneye
* Must be male
* High tolerance for genderbending is likely required
* Strong roleplaying ability a big plus (the family comes from all over, but we like to pretend we have a Jojoban bent)
* Must not be a prat
Pros and cons:
+ Dawneye is 34 members strong at last time I bothered checking
+ At least two clans (tailoring and cooking cartel, respectively) and a family channel (a bit dusty, that one)
+ Syridean is a trans tailor
+ The Dawneyes do have a manse and Syridean has access to the de facto family shop from which to sell things.
+ Syridean is loyal almost to a fault, and attentive when he's in the realms
- The Dawneyes have a reputation for being snugglers. Take this as you will.
- Syridean is a little jaded at present, and is looking for something solid to ground him again.
- Syridean has been accused of being 'wishy washy' at times, and has received threats from Elder Gods ordering him to cease and desist all talks of 'Cuddlemancy'.
- Syridean is unwilling to marry out of the Dawneyes. Period.
PMs or messages in game, please.
Syridean is looking for a potential suitor.
* Must marry into Dawneye
* Must be male
* High tolerance for genderbending is likely required
* Strong roleplaying ability a big plus (the family comes from all over, but we like to pretend we have a Jojoban bent)
* Must not be a prat
Pros and cons:
+ Dawneye is 34 members strong at last time I bothered checking
+ At least two clans (tailoring and cooking cartel, respectively) and a family channel (a bit dusty, that one)
+ Syridean is a trans tailor
+ The Dawneyes do have a manse and Syridean has access to the de facto family shop from which to sell things.
+ Syridean is loyal almost to a fault, and attentive when he's in the realms
- The Dawneyes have a reputation for being snugglers. Take this as you will.
- Syridean is a little jaded at present, and is looking for something solid to ground him again.
- Syridean has been accused of being 'wishy washy' at times, and has received threats from Elder Gods ordering him to cease and desist all talks of 'Cuddlemancy'.
- Syridean is unwilling to marry out of the Dawneyes. Period.
PMs or messages in game, please.
Ilyssa2011-08-04 12:11:10
QUOTE (Aerotan @ Aug 4 2011, 06:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
As much as I don't like relying on this...
Syridean is looking for a potential suitor.
* Must marry into Dawneye
* Must be male
* High tolerance for genderbending is likely required
* Strong roleplaying ability a big plus (the family comes from all over, but we like to pretend we have a Jojoban bent)
* Must not be a prat
Pros and cons:
+ Dawneye is 34 members strong at last time I bothered checking
+ At least two clans (tailoring and cooking cartel, respectively) and a family channel (a bit dusty, that one)
+ Syridean is a trans tailor
+ The Dawneyes do have a manse and Syridean has access to the de facto family shop from which to sell things.
+ Syridean is loyal almost to a fault, and attentive when he's in the realms
- The Dawneyes have a reputation for being snugglers. Take this as you will.
- Syridean is a little jaded at present, and is looking for something solid to ground him again.
- Syridean has been accused of being 'wishy washy' at times, and has received threats from Elder Gods ordering him to cease and desist all talks of 'Cuddlemancy'.
- Syridean is unwilling to marry out of the Dawneyes. Period.
PMs or messages in game, please.
Syridean is looking for a potential suitor.
* Must marry into Dawneye
* Must be male
* High tolerance for genderbending is likely required
* Strong roleplaying ability a big plus (the family comes from all over, but we like to pretend we have a Jojoban bent)
* Must not be a prat
Pros and cons:
+ Dawneye is 34 members strong at last time I bothered checking
+ At least two clans (tailoring and cooking cartel, respectively) and a family channel (a bit dusty, that one)
+ Syridean is a trans tailor
+ The Dawneyes do have a manse and Syridean has access to the de facto family shop from which to sell things.
+ Syridean is loyal almost to a fault, and attentive when he's in the realms
- The Dawneyes have a reputation for being snugglers. Take this as you will.
- Syridean is a little jaded at present, and is looking for something solid to ground him again.
- Syridean has been accused of being 'wishy washy' at times, and has received threats from Elder Gods ordering him to cease and desist all talks of 'Cuddlemancy'.
- Syridean is unwilling to marry out of the Dawneyes. Period.
PMs or messages in game, please.
He left out the part about him being a total sweetheart.

Calixa2011-08-04 13:28:06
Once more, with feeling. This is probably my last try before I am going to accept the million offers to marry out I do get. But I am stubborn and I don't want an angry Ixion, soooo:
Calixa is a Nihilist in Magnagora and deep-pacted to Lord Baalphegar. She runs the Magnagoran Literary Review, which also makes her an aide to the Librarian. She's a secretary within her guild, and the current Minister of Power. Her favorite color is black, and her favorite food is those cupcakes with a mask on them. She likes to explore, read, write, design, and fill her pockets with gold. Someday she wants to be a Demigod, become better in combat, reach the highest city rank, and rise in rank within Fain's Order.
* Need to be willing to marry into Kalas. Calixa likes her dear papa and will respect his wishes on this. For now
* Either gender works. Still a slight preference for male, but I've become more open-minded to playing a character that is different than who I as a player am.
* Citizen of Magnagora. Willing to transfer works, as long as it happens before the actual marriage. I don't mind turning this into a little RP angle!
* The House race is human, so yay if you are, but no biggy if you're not. As long as you're not a dirty lesser race we're good.
* You respect the IC and OOC divide. Not just in the marriage, but all through the game.
* Active character. Main, secondary main, alt, not too picky. If you're going on a break of some kind, let me know, else you might return to a divorce if it gets too bad.
* You get to be part of House Kalas, which is a Great House. Shiny!
* Your personal tailor and distributor of lich seeds. You scratch my back I scratch yours kinda deal.
* RP, bashing and aetherhunting companion.
* Your say in what to make of the wedding ceremony. Simple, elaborate, I'm good with either.
* No risk I will ruin the IC / OOC divide for you.
Send replies ingame or through forum PM.
Calixa is a Nihilist in Magnagora and deep-pacted to Lord Baalphegar. She runs the Magnagoran Literary Review, which also makes her an aide to the Librarian. She's a secretary within her guild, and the current Minister of Power. Her favorite color is black, and her favorite food is those cupcakes with a mask on them. She likes to explore, read, write, design, and fill her pockets with gold. Someday she wants to be a Demigod, become better in combat, reach the highest city rank, and rise in rank within Fain's Order.
* Need to be willing to marry into Kalas. Calixa likes her dear papa and will respect his wishes on this. For now

* Either gender works. Still a slight preference for male, but I've become more open-minded to playing a character that is different than who I as a player am.
* Citizen of Magnagora. Willing to transfer works, as long as it happens before the actual marriage. I don't mind turning this into a little RP angle!
* The House race is human, so yay if you are, but no biggy if you're not. As long as you're not a dirty lesser race we're good.
* You respect the IC and OOC divide. Not just in the marriage, but all through the game.
* Active character. Main, secondary main, alt, not too picky. If you're going on a break of some kind, let me know, else you might return to a divorce if it gets too bad.
* You get to be part of House Kalas, which is a Great House. Shiny!
* Your personal tailor and distributor of lich seeds. You scratch my back I scratch yours kinda deal.
* RP, bashing and aetherhunting companion.
* Your say in what to make of the wedding ceremony. Simple, elaborate, I'm good with either.
* No risk I will ruin the IC / OOC divide for you.
Send replies ingame or through forum PM.
Unknown2011-08-05 00:28:31
Morshoth is a disgrace who needs to get married and make Skyplume babies but cannot seem to manage it on his own. I have been ordered to "Find a spouse unit". Please form a single file line to apply for his affections.
Morshoth is a disgrace who needs to get married and make Skyplume babies but cannot seem to manage it on his own. I have been ordered to "Find a spouse unit". Please form a single file line to apply for his affections.
Casilu2011-08-05 05:39:39
QUOTE (Phoebus @ Aug 4 2011, 05:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Morshoth is a disgrace who needs to get married and make Skyplume babies but cannot seem to manage it on his own. I have been ordered to "Find a spouse unit". Please form a single file line to apply for his affections.
Morshoth is a disgrace who needs to get married and make Skyplume babies but cannot seem to manage it on his own. I have been ordered to "Find a spouse unit". Please form a single file line to apply for his affections.

Morshoth2011-08-05 22:35:44
QUOTE (Phoebus @ Aug 5 2011, 01:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Morshoth is a disgrace who needs to get married and make Skyplume babies but cannot seem to manage it on his own. I have been ordered to "Find a spouse unit". Please form a single file line to apply for his affections.
Morshoth is a disgrace who needs to get married and make Skyplume babies but cannot seem to manage it on his own. I have been ordered to "Find a spouse unit". Please form a single file line to apply for his affections.
To add on to this wonderful advertisement Phoebus has done, Morshoth would really prefer a male spouse, but if the right type of lady comes along, he may just change his mind. Right now, he holds no positions, but has done quite a lot throughout the years. He does have two aetherships and a manse shop, if we have any gold diggers out there

Kagato2011-08-06 22:57:19
Might as well put something up since I am actively playing again now that I've got sufficient free time on my hands...
Kagato is looking for a potential partner, he is deep-pledged to Elohora and is a follower of Eventru. Skill-wise he prefers exercising his mind over his muscles as such he is a Mythical influencer, fabled artist and fabled tailor, though he is also a Mythical Celestialist.
*MUST be a creative RPer and open to unusual setups.
*Should be able to seperate IC and OOC
*Must be a citizen of New Celest or willing to transfer citizenship there. (Serenwilde, Hallifax and Magnagora citzens are out.) Gaudiguch/Glomdoring citizens may be considered (Love potion anyone?)
*Preferably a faeling same as him, but may consider reincarnating for the right person, will also consider someone willing to reincarnate to faeling
*Must be active. If you are going to be away for more than an IRL week a note letting me know will be greatly appreciated - I know that real life generally comes first (it does for me...)
*Member of the Lightweavers Tailoring Cartel (Small cartel but working to try to get more members)
*RP/Hunting companion (Have no experience in Aetherhunting but am willing to learn)
*Devoted and attentive partner (Kagato is definitely a "one woman" guy and will happily drop what he is doing if needed urgently)
*Veteran RP Partner that knows the difference between IC and OOC
*Is unwilling to leave New Celest (Sorry, but I'm too firmly rooted there)
Kagato is looking for a potential partner, he is deep-pledged to Elohora and is a follower of Eventru. Skill-wise he prefers exercising his mind over his muscles as such he is a Mythical influencer, fabled artist and fabled tailor, though he is also a Mythical Celestialist.
*MUST be a creative RPer and open to unusual setups.
*Should be able to seperate IC and OOC
*Must be a citizen of New Celest or willing to transfer citizenship there. (Serenwilde, Hallifax and Magnagora citzens are out.) Gaudiguch/Glomdoring citizens may be considered (Love potion anyone?)
*Preferably a faeling same as him, but may consider reincarnating for the right person, will also consider someone willing to reincarnate to faeling
*Must be active. If you are going to be away for more than an IRL week a note letting me know will be greatly appreciated - I know that real life generally comes first (it does for me...)
*Member of the Lightweavers Tailoring Cartel (Small cartel but working to try to get more members)
*RP/Hunting companion (Have no experience in Aetherhunting but am willing to learn)
*Devoted and attentive partner (Kagato is definitely a "one woman" guy and will happily drop what he is doing if needed urgently)
*Veteran RP Partner that knows the difference between IC and OOC
*Is unwilling to leave New Celest (Sorry, but I'm too firmly rooted there)
Kayaldiyah2011-08-19 15:49:04
Kayaldiyah is currently looking for a husband. She is a strong Loboshigaru and is a member of the Nekotai guild. She currently holds the positions of Collegium professor and Undersecretary. She is also a Shadow Warden in the Free Collective of Glomdoring. As a trans tattoo artist with the artifact tattoo needle, you could also get all the tattoos you could ever want!
-Must be male, any age really, but she prefers someone maybe a little older who is well established and strong.
-Prefer someone from Glomdoring, although Gaudiguch or New Celest would be fine. It would be best if you relocated, though.
-Loboshigaru is the preferred race, but Aslaran would probably be ok, too. She might make an exception for another race if you’re the right person.
-Must be willing to marry into the Llaewell family. We are a very close-knit pack and a growing family. We would share a room together in the family manse. Or if you have your own manse, we can spend time there too.
There will be no mud sex involved in our relationship. I’m married IRL so I don’t need to do that in game. Kayaldiyah is very affectionate, however, so gestures of that type are welcomed (kissing, hugging, etc.). She is very active and would like someone who is also fairly active during the same time.
Yes, she needs a husband so that she can start adopting kids and help the family grow, but she is mostly looking for a companion to spend time with, hunt with, and grow a strong RP relationship with. She is fiercely loyal to her friends and family, and expects the same from her future husband.
Please send a message on here or IC if interested and we can work out a way for us to meet in game.

-Must be male, any age really, but she prefers someone maybe a little older who is well established and strong.
-Prefer someone from Glomdoring, although Gaudiguch or New Celest would be fine. It would be best if you relocated, though.
-Loboshigaru is the preferred race, but Aslaran would probably be ok, too. She might make an exception for another race if you’re the right person.
-Must be willing to marry into the Llaewell family. We are a very close-knit pack and a growing family. We would share a room together in the family manse. Or if you have your own manse, we can spend time there too.
There will be no mud sex involved in our relationship. I’m married IRL so I don’t need to do that in game. Kayaldiyah is very affectionate, however, so gestures of that type are welcomed (kissing, hugging, etc.). She is very active and would like someone who is also fairly active during the same time.
Yes, she needs a husband so that she can start adopting kids and help the family grow, but she is mostly looking for a companion to spend time with, hunt with, and grow a strong RP relationship with. She is fiercely loyal to her friends and family, and expects the same from her future husband.
Please send a message on here or IC if interested and we can work out a way for us to meet in game.
Jinx2011-08-29 03:15:08
As much as I don't like relying on this...
Syridean is looking for a potential suitor.
* Must marry into Dawneye
* Must be male
* High tolerance for genderbending is likely required
* Strong roleplaying ability a big plus (the family comes from all over, but we like to pretend we have a Jojoban bent)
* Must not be a prat
Pros and cons:
+ Dawneye is 34 members strong at last time I bothered checking
+ At least two clans (tailoring and cooking cartel, respectively) and a family channel (a bit dusty, that one)
+ Syridean is a trans tailor
+ The Dawneyes do have a manse and Syridean has access to the de facto family shop from which to sell things.
+ Syridean is loyal almost to a fault, and attentive when he's in the realms
- The Dawneyes have a reputation for being snugglers. Take this as you will.
- Syridean is a little jaded at present, and is looking for something solid to ground him again.
- Syridean has been accused of being 'wishy washy' at times, and has received threats from Elder Gods ordering him to cease and desist all talks of 'Cuddlemancy'.
- Syridean is unwilling to marry out of the Dawneyes. Period.
PMs or messages in game, please.
Syridean is looking for a potential suitor.
* Must marry into Dawneye
* Must be male
* High tolerance for genderbending is likely required
* Strong roleplaying ability a big plus (the family comes from all over, but we like to pretend we have a Jojoban bent)
* Must not be a prat
Pros and cons:
+ Dawneye is 34 members strong at last time I bothered checking
+ At least two clans (tailoring and cooking cartel, respectively) and a family channel (a bit dusty, that one)
+ Syridean is a trans tailor
+ The Dawneyes do have a manse and Syridean has access to the de facto family shop from which to sell things.
+ Syridean is loyal almost to a fault, and attentive when he's in the realms
- The Dawneyes have a reputation for being snugglers. Take this as you will.
- Syridean is a little jaded at present, and is looking for something solid to ground him again.
- Syridean has been accused of being 'wishy washy' at times, and has received threats from Elder Gods ordering him to cease and desist all talks of 'Cuddlemancy'.
- Syridean is unwilling to marry out of the Dawneyes. Period.
PMs or messages in game, please.
This needed a bump. Syridean is awesome and is a great rp'er. You get access to everything said above plus a tattoo cartel. We are a loving family but with a vast assortment of people. Aslaran would be preferred but not required. No Krokani, just no.
Lilian2011-09-22 04:07:57
Pros of being affiliated with one Lilian Ama'rua:
- Great hunter / aetherhunter.
- Okay influencer.
- Almost the high end of the low tier of combatants.
- She can draw you. You could be made famous!
- If you can wait several days, months, years...can design some nifty things.
- As a sneaky rogue, she can creep into near any aethermanse or village and buy things you can't!
- Willing to marry outside her family.
Cons of association:
- Bit...fragile.
- Maybe a little dramatic.
Lilian would like her mate to be:
- Probably older. She's not adverse to 100+ (even past 200 years). Course, if mature, she isn't adverse to someone younger than herself as well.
- A strong, capable male. (Like, both combatant and personality strong. Someone she can learn from.)
- Other stuff. I don't know.
- Preferably from Seren/Mag. Wouldn't decline someone from Celest or Hallifax if they were kindred spirits, however.
- Can't be Dawneye D: (Balian is her grampa >_> )
Contact....via PMs or tells in-game to figure something out.
Potential husband found.
Iorwen2011-10-31 19:51:59
In the interest of expanding the Shee-Slaugh family, I am looking for a spouse. I dislike using the forums for this but due to the nature of my role-play, I feel it is necessary.
That being said, my potential spouse must be:
-From Glomdoring and devoted to Glomdoring, with no intent to leave. I would also prefer a potential spouse with some sort of standing in Glomdoring.
-Interested in elitist role-play and willing to maintain a set role. The Shee-Slaugh are descended from Mother Night and it is expected that a member of the family acts the part.
-Able to act and maintain a sense of decorum.
-Willing to role-play through meeting my parents and gaining their approval, which can be an intensive task.
-Willing and able to keep in-game and out-of-game separate.
-Preferably a member of the faeling race. (Other races will be considered but the Shee-Slaugh race is faeling, so that would bring more honor to the family.)
The role-play of the Shee-slaugh is intensive but the Shee-slaugh are supportive of each other and in my opinion very intriguing and engaging people to role-play with.
The pros of this marriage:
-A partner that is transcendent in tailoring and has a cartel.
-The benefit of being a member of the Shee-Slaugh family and all that comes with that.
-A fairly attentive partner.
-Access to a decently sized aethership.
The cons of this marriage:
-A partner that is awkward in social situations and lives more-or-less inside her own head.
-The intensive task of gaining the approval of the Shee-Slaugh and Iorwen in particular.
-A partner that is occasionally called away, due to life out-of-game. (Of course, I always give notice and I expect that my potential spouse do the same, should he or she be called away.)
If interested, please PM me here or send a message in game.
That being said, my potential spouse must be:
-From Glomdoring and devoted to Glomdoring, with no intent to leave. I would also prefer a potential spouse with some sort of standing in Glomdoring.
-Interested in elitist role-play and willing to maintain a set role. The Shee-Slaugh are descended from Mother Night and it is expected that a member of the family acts the part.
-Able to act and maintain a sense of decorum.
-Willing to role-play through meeting my parents and gaining their approval, which can be an intensive task.
-Willing and able to keep in-game and out-of-game separate.
-Preferably a member of the faeling race. (Other races will be considered but the Shee-Slaugh race is faeling, so that would bring more honor to the family.)
The role-play of the Shee-slaugh is intensive but the Shee-slaugh are supportive of each other and in my opinion very intriguing and engaging people to role-play with.
The pros of this marriage:
-A partner that is transcendent in tailoring and has a cartel.
-The benefit of being a member of the Shee-Slaugh family and all that comes with that.
-A fairly attentive partner.
-Access to a decently sized aethership.
The cons of this marriage:
-A partner that is awkward in social situations and lives more-or-less inside her own head.
-The intensive task of gaining the approval of the Shee-Slaugh and Iorwen in particular.
-A partner that is occasionally called away, due to life out-of-game. (Of course, I always give notice and I expect that my potential spouse do the same, should he or she be called away.)
If interested, please PM me here or send a message in game.
Anita2011-11-15 22:16:36
Ignore this one!
Unknown2011-12-18 20:08:01
Daxi Starleaf is seeking a husband. Or, if all else fails, a wife.
She is a female elfen aquamancer enchantress. She has red hair. She is very intelligent and quite socially awkward. She enjoys hunting, though she probably isn't very good at it. She is also an enchantress. She really likes kelpies.
Celest preferred, will consider Gaudiguch or Serenwilde. Any race is cool, except viscanti or illithoid. Would like for spouse to join her family, so there can be more Star in Starleaf.
RP a must. Contact me in game.
She is a female elfen aquamancer enchantress. She has red hair. She is very intelligent and quite socially awkward. She enjoys hunting, though she probably isn't very good at it. She is also an enchantress. She really likes kelpies.
Celest preferred, will consider Gaudiguch or Serenwilde. Any race is cool, except viscanti or illithoid. Would like for spouse to join her family, so there can be more Star in Starleaf.
RP a must. Contact me in game.
Anita2011-12-29 20:43:00
Kante2012-01-20 20:38:47
Tynghall is looking for a wife.
What I'm looking for:
- Must be Magnagoran.
- Most races are fine, but Viscanti preferred it if at all possible.
- Preferably someone who will marry into the family that he founded. If you're not willing, you should be a part of a "prominent" Mag noble house, and I'll consider marrying into it.
- Any guild is fine.
- No idiots.
Basic information about Tynghall:
- Viscount in Magnagora.
- Currently in the Nihilists, working his way up again.
- Former Ambassador.
- Doesn't believe in PDA of any kind.
- No mudsexxin'.
That seems all that's relevant for now. If you're interested, or curious about any other information, contact Tynghall in game.
What I'm looking for:
- Must be Magnagoran.
- Most races are fine, but Viscanti preferred it if at all possible.
- Preferably someone who will marry into the family that he founded. If you're not willing, you should be a part of a "prominent" Mag noble house, and I'll consider marrying into it.
- Any guild is fine.
- No idiots.
Basic information about Tynghall:
- Viscount in Magnagora.
- Currently in the Nihilists, working his way up again.
- Former Ambassador.
- Doesn't believe in PDA of any kind.
- No mudsexxin'.
That seems all that's relevant for now. If you're interested, or curious about any other information, contact Tynghall in game.
Anita2012-02-11 13:48:25
Bumpy bump.
Unknown2012-03-09 13:21:42
Trophy husband/wife needed.
I only need your for adopting kids so Astraea doesn't eat my face and to expand the family.
It'd be cool if you liked combat.
That's all.
Trophy husband/wife needed.
I only need your for adopting kids so Astraea doesn't eat my face and to expand the family.
It'd be cool if you liked combat.
That's all.
Iorwen2012-04-04 06:08:22
In the interest of expanding the Shee-Slaugh family, I am looking for a spouse. I dislike using the forums for this but due to the nature of my role-play, I feel it is necessary. I really don't get out much, I guess I am too shy or maybe too distracted by tailoring designs and raising beasts.
That being said, my potential spouse must be:
-From Glomdoring and devoted to Glomdoring, with no intent to leave. I really don't want to bother with the politics involved in marrying someone from another city/commune. Sorry!
-Interested in elitist role-play and willing to maintain a set role. The Shee-Slaugh are descended from Mother Night and it is expected that a member of the family acts the part.
-Willing to role-play through meeting my parents and gaining their approval, which can be an intensive but rather amusing task.
-Willing and able to keep in-game and out-of-game separate.
-Preferably a member of the faeling race. (Other races are fine too but the Shee-Slaugh race is faeling, so that would bring more honor to the family.)
The pros of this marriage:
-A partner that is transcendent in tailoring and has a cartel.
-The benefit of being a member of the Shee-Slaugh family and all that comes with that.
-A fairly attentive partner.
-Access to a decently sized aethership, that has an awesome design if I do say so myself.
The cons of this marriage:
-A partner that is awkward in social situations and lives more-or-less inside her own head.
-The intensive task of gaining the approval of the Shee-Slaugh and Iorwen in particular, she doesn't like stupid people.
-A partner that is occasionally called away, due to life out-of-game. (Of course, I always give notice and I expect that my potential spouse do the same, should he or she be called away.)
If interested, please PM me here or send a message in game.
Shameless bump with edits.