Shiri2005-11-28 02:31:25
QUOTE(terenas @ Nov 27 2005, 11:53 PM)
Being single isn't so bad. 


Works fine for Nejii, but I feel bad for you poor people.
Galatae2005-11-28 04:45:20
I like being taken. And having a brother who's taken. Gives me three total people to pester and annoy without feeling bad about it. 

Munsia2005-11-28 06:28:01
I dont stay single for long.... I'm not sure if I should pity you or not... Ixion can have joli though
Shiri2005-12-11 11:43:23
Looking for a Seren furrikin (or changeling) wife for Sylphas who wouldn't mind keeping the Talnara name. (Forget the fact that he's an Estelonde, apparently it's low on the Norn's priority list.
Hopefully one or two of you exist out there somewhere, let alone being interested.

Hopefully one or two of you exist out there somewhere, let alone being interested.

Vix2005-12-17 20:58:13
Good luck with that. 
Maybe I'll make a furrikin alt and taunt him for a little bit...

Maybe I'll make a furrikin alt and taunt him for a little bit...

Shiri2005-12-18 00:23:12
QUOTE(Vix @ Dec 17 2005, 08:58 PM)
Good luck with that. 
Maybe I'll make a furrikin alt and taunt him for a little bit...

Maybe I'll make a furrikin alt and taunt him for a little bit...

I'm going to pooka you to reincarnate one day somehow. You better watch out, Vixy.
Unknown2005-12-18 07:13:13
Lolindir is a new being to the Basin, and he is a Viscanti of the Ur'Guard. He's Looking for a husband preferably from Magnagora or Glomdoring. He's quite a young guy but wise. Learns quickly at most. So, if interested send PM's for possible roleplay with the character.
Vix2005-12-18 19:35:58
QUOTE(Shiri @ Dec 17 2005, 07:23 PM)
I'm going to pooka you to reincarnate one day somehow. You better watch out, Vixy.
Not if I do it first.

Unknown2005-12-19 00:44:09
OK Airees could use a girl so if anyones intrested send a pm or tell in game. Only think is that you can't be from magnagora because i am kinda enemied and daevos likes to kill me for some reason.
Jack2005-12-19 22:30:58
Forty nine year old, oft-undead aslaran Nihilist, seeks wife for quiet time, snuggles, kisses and colonic irrigation. Preferably someone of Magnagoran stock, 45-55.
All enquiries to Kymir (P.O. Box 958666.)
All enquiries to Kymir (P.O. Box 958666.)
Unknown2005-12-22 03:45:08
I'm a young 'kin, a 33 year old Moondancer (alright, so that gave me away to the only three people who know me)...
Ummm... from a 'kin family, but not too worried about race or age (though older would be preferable)... very sweet and very shy unless annoyed, so you'll have to have -some- modicum of patience.
Ah heck, I'm not picky
PM me, even if it's only just to be someone to talk to IG.
Edit - I forgot, as I'm a Moondancer, Magnagorans and Glomdorians aren't an option at all, and you'd have to be a pretty impressive Celestian to stop me being annoyed at Celest.
Ummm... from a 'kin family, but not too worried about race or age (though older would be preferable)... very sweet and very shy unless annoyed, so you'll have to have -some- modicum of patience.
Ah heck, I'm not picky

Edit - I forgot, as I'm a Moondancer, Magnagorans and Glomdorians aren't an option at all, and you'd have to be a pretty impressive Celestian to stop me being annoyed at Celest.

Unknown2005-12-22 03:50:24
Gerald d'Murani is looking for a wife. My profile:
Name: Gerald d'Murani, eldest son of House d'Murani
Age: 36
Race: Master Viscanti
City: Magnagora
If I were to describe myself with three words (In game): Modest, icy, scholar
If I were to describe myself with three words (IRC): Witty, vulgar, awesome
Fun Facts about Gerald: Upon birth he was punted out of a window
Background: Part of one of the most prestigious House of Magnagora. Ex-GM of Geomancers, Ex-Steward of Magnagora.
Here is the criteria for candidates:
Age: It shouldn't matter, but aroud my age or younger is preferable.
Race: Viscanti
City: Magnagora
Mud Sex: No
- Your character must be your main.
- Be mature.
- Should plan to stay active long term. Breaks are fine (hell I just took a nice long one), and I am understanding if RL suddenly takes outmost priority. However, would be much appreciated if contact is maintained during absences.
EDIT: - Preferably not related to d'Erlette, i'Xiia, or Feyranti.
So why am I looking for a wife? Gerald, quite frankly, should be married. For his own sake, and for his family's sake. The d'Murani is looking for quality members to add to the family, and this is one of the ways the family can expand.
PM me for more information.
NB: If I manage to get a candidate I'll be gone from Christmas to New Years. PM me anyway though.
Name: Gerald d'Murani, eldest son of House d'Murani
Age: 36
Race: Master Viscanti
City: Magnagora
If I were to describe myself with three words (In game): Modest, icy, scholar
If I were to describe myself with three words (IRC): Witty, vulgar, awesome
Fun Facts about Gerald: Upon birth he was punted out of a window
Background: Part of one of the most prestigious House of Magnagora. Ex-GM of Geomancers, Ex-Steward of Magnagora.
Here is the criteria for candidates:
Age: It shouldn't matter, but aroud my age or younger is preferable.
Race: Viscanti
City: Magnagora
Mud Sex: No
- Your character must be your main.
- Be mature.
- Should plan to stay active long term. Breaks are fine (hell I just took a nice long one), and I am understanding if RL suddenly takes outmost priority. However, would be much appreciated if contact is maintained during absences.
EDIT: - Preferably not related to d'Erlette, i'Xiia, or Feyranti.
So why am I looking for a wife? Gerald, quite frankly, should be married. For his own sake, and for his family's sake. The d'Murani is looking for quality members to add to the family, and this is one of the ways the family can expand.
PM me for more information.
NB: If I manage to get a candidate I'll be gone from Christmas to New Years. PM me anyway though.

Strakc2005-12-22 03:54:52
You know with everyone seeking from only 2 of 4 locations, its sad how easy it is being from Glomdoring to make a girl from Serenwilde swoon and fall in love... really... its sad aint it.
Unknown2005-12-22 03:56:36
Well, I won't be. The player won't allow it!
Leonias2005-12-24 01:42:10
QUOTE(Amaru @ Aug 14 2005, 04:55 PM)
You all suck.
Amaru's opinion is rock and roll, and he is rock and roll for making it.
Therefore we should all be rock and roll, in the way that we understand true, enjoyable romance play is built on in-game storyline rather than half-assed wannabe dating ads.
...Though such ideals are often obsolete in the damned modern age.
Kiarlea2005-12-24 02:26:18
Look at England, 200 years ago. 400 years ago. Remind me again where romance came into it?
Leonias2005-12-24 02:29:19
You're right. Such morals have almost always been obsoleted.
But really, feel free to ignore me. I'm full of idealistic inclinations that drive me to comment the unrealistic ethics of 'how things should be'. It kills time.
But really, feel free to ignore me. I'm full of idealistic inclinations that drive me to comment the unrealistic ethics of 'how things should be'. It kills time.
Unknown2006-01-22 19:09:34
Ok taking one last stab at this before i just quit trying to find me a girl. Airees is lonely. Looking for someone from glom or mag. Hes 31 tainted Aslaran dreadlord apprentice, and likes cookies A LOT!
Drayakir2006-01-23 13:19:58
Drayakir is looking for a girl.
About me:
Race: Master Viscanti
Age: 41
Position: Geomantic Scholar, Archivist of the Geomancers and Magnagora, Laborer within the City
City: Magnagora
Brief Description: I'm a mad scientists, so it'd be nice to have somebody who could actually listen to my ideas, and just nod
Furthermore, I'm slightly bookish, so to expect some weird interactions, and slight inclinication towards sadistic anatomy.
Who am I looking for:
Race: Viscanti, Elfen (yes, Elfen, and to hell with the social stigma)
Age: 20-45
Position: Any
City: Any (just don't expect me to defect)
Brief Desc: Someone willing to be loyal, and join me in Magnagora. Someone that likes books. Someone that will help me avoid some awkward social situations. And hopefull double as a lab assistant.
About me:
Race: Master Viscanti
Age: 41
Position: Geomantic Scholar, Archivist of the Geomancers and Magnagora, Laborer within the City
City: Magnagora
Brief Description: I'm a mad scientists, so it'd be nice to have somebody who could actually listen to my ideas, and just nod

Who am I looking for:
Race: Viscanti, Elfen (yes, Elfen, and to hell with the social stigma)
Age: 20-45
Position: Any
City: Any (just don't expect me to defect)
Brief Desc: Someone willing to be loyal, and join me in Magnagora. Someone that likes books. Someone that will help me avoid some awkward social situations. And hopefull double as a lab assistant.
Aiakon2006-01-23 16:00:57
QUOTE(Nine Breaker @ Dec 22 2005, 04:50 AM)
So why am I looking for a wife? Gerald, quite frankly, should be married.
Too right. Get on with it.
QUOTE(Drayakir @ Jan 23 2006, 02:19 PM)
Race: Viscanti, Elfen (yes, Elfen, and to hell with the social stigma)
You're going to make yourself terribly unpopular with your Guildmaster if you marry an Elfen. Just ask Niyu. It will make Aiakon suddenly worry about how trustworthy you are.. and your progress upwards in the Guild hierarchy will halt very suddenly.