Unknown2006-05-11 15:36:54
Looking for a husband for Adrena, she's 17 years (I believe). She likes to have deep conversations and snuggling under the stars.
She needs a husband. Anyone can apply
umm... Pm me here or send Adrena a message IG. (Adrena resides in Serenwilde, by the way, in case any of you were wondering)

umm... Pm me here or send Adrena a message IG. (Adrena resides in Serenwilde, by the way, in case any of you were wondering)
Soll2006-05-11 20:15:31
Yes. It's true. Soll is alone! Le gasp.
Looking for a husband or wife for Soll, currently 76 years of age.
He's getting lonely, and needs some company. Potentials need to be completely IC in and out of public eye, and willing to RP their place as husband or wife well. (No, I'm not implying crazy MUDsecks.) Preferably over 40, and of either Serenwilde, Celest, or of no alignment. Possible follower of Isune. Must have an IC appreciation of 'beauty' and art. Race doesn't matter - barring Viscanti.
Looking for a husband or wife for Soll, currently 76 years of age.

Tekora2006-05-12 22:48:10
Single Trill Male, 39, seeks Single Trill Female, age 25-45, for longterm relationship/raising a family. Likes quiet meditation, reading, flying, and sitting on clifftops, watching the sunrise. Dislikes egocentrism, hypocrisy, and people who don't bathe after bashing Gorgogs.
Sense of humor and playful nature, a must. Celest and Serenwilde only. Message ingame for details. Willing to participate in romantic roleplay but MUDsexers need not apply.
Sense of humor and playful nature, a must. Celest and Serenwilde only. Message ingame for details. Willing to participate in romantic roleplay but MUDsexers need not apply.
Hazar2006-05-16 20:50:06
I'm still looking for a Glom wife. Preferably faeling.
Kyleel2006-05-17 06:25:22
QUOTE(Hazar @ May 17 2006, 07:20 AM) 288778
I'm still looking for a Glom wife. Preferably faeling.
More faelings in the family?
I don't think we really need that.

Valarien2006-05-17 12:40:32
QUOTE(Kyleel @ May 16 2006, 11:25 PM) 288961
More faelings in the family?
I don't think we really need that.

Ashteru2006-05-17 13:31:47
QUOTE(Valarien @ May 17 2006, 12:40 PM) 288991

She's just irked because she really is a faeling herself. *sagenod*
Valarien2006-05-17 13:39:30
Kyleel2006-05-17 15:35:54
QUOTE(Ashteru @ May 18 2006, 12:01 AM) 288994
She's just irked because she really is a faeling herself. *sagenod*
Now, now. Don't start that again...
My husband has some strange delusions, you know...
Ildaudid2006-05-17 23:45:24
QUOTE(Asarnil @ May 8 2006, 06:00 PM) 286331
Hah pwned!
I got yer wench! Next thing you know she is gonna by flying over to Australia to live with Murph, Yrael and me and you will be left sitting around by yourself!

QUOTE(marcalo @ May 8 2006, 07:08 PM) 286348
keep her! She's to high maitnence. *eyeshift* I hope she doesn't read this it will be the hose for me.

Unknown2006-05-18 03:13:47
Seventy, sexy, and single Seren seeking soulmate... still.
Folken's really not that smelly, and he is quite cuddly in the big Igasho crushing sort of way. Will consider anyone but Magnagorans. Contact me.

Folken's really not that smelly, and he is quite cuddly in the big Igasho crushing sort of way. Will consider anyone but Magnagorans. Contact me.
Unknown2006-05-18 03:24:45
QUOTE(Soll @ May 12 2006, 06:15 AM) 287091
Yes. It's true. Soll is alone! Le gasp.
Looking for a husband or wife for Soll, currently 76 years of age.

Laneth is like, 64 and single. I'll be back playing Lusternia much more very soon (once I figure out how to order my modem for cheap, gah!)
Adee2006-05-19 23:45:25
Well since Gero left and I have these fancy wedding rings lying aroud I suppose that Adee is up for grabs again. I'm not too picky about who she goes with, as long as I either 1)already know you, or 2)Can get to know you and like you. Hit me up I guess?
Unknown2006-05-24 21:48:46
Wife wanted for Posidous
Race: Any race that's not too much taller or shorter than a Merian.
Archetype: no preferences here
Organization: Celest or Serenwilde
Age: Preferably no older than 35
Mudsex: No
Children: Eventually, when they can be afforded
Misc: the ability to put up with Posidous' novices and his insistance on making dure they are fully armed and prepared for what's ahead
Send me a private message or approach me IC if you're interested
Posidous is essentially looking for a good friend to have a decent conversation and to go hunting with. Be prepared for long, overly analyzed conversations on obscure parts of Lusternia's history, as well as social, psychological, and physical analysis of anything that he doesn't understand completely; he's inevitably curious on the world about him, including the Tainted regions, and will take any chance to learn more on the customs and ideals of the other organisations. Posidous is a mage -- borderline Celestine in his ideals-- and I intend to roleplay that to the full extent. He does not expect or desire to get divorced upon marriage for any reason.
Race: Any race that's not too much taller or shorter than a Merian.
Archetype: no preferences here
Organization: Celest or Serenwilde
Age: Preferably no older than 35
Mudsex: No
Children: Eventually, when they can be afforded
Misc: the ability to put up with Posidous' novices and his insistance on making dure they are fully armed and prepared for what's ahead
Send me a private message or approach me IC if you're interested
Posidous is essentially looking for a good friend to have a decent conversation and to go hunting with. Be prepared for long, overly analyzed conversations on obscure parts of Lusternia's history, as well as social, psychological, and physical analysis of anything that he doesn't understand completely; he's inevitably curious on the world about him, including the Tainted regions, and will take any chance to learn more on the customs and ideals of the other organisations. Posidous is a mage -- borderline Celestine in his ideals-- and I intend to roleplay that to the full extent. He does not expect or desire to get divorced upon marriage for any reason.
Unknown2006-05-25 12:19:35
ok- I'll post again since Adrena recently moved to Magnagora
Looking for a husband for Adrena
Race: Any race
Organization: Glomdoring or Magnagora
Age: older than 17, younger than 40
Mudsex: yes
Children: probably
stole the chart from Posidous, because it's quick and to the point
If interested Pm me here or contact Adrena IG
Edit: there! I said it, I'm not afraid to admit the liking of mudsex like the lot of you- you who pretend not to like it... *cough* yepp...that's it
Looking for a husband for Adrena
Race: Any race
Organization: Glomdoring or Magnagora
Age: older than 17, younger than 40
Mudsex: yes
Children: probably
stole the chart from Posidous, because it's quick and to the point
If interested Pm me here or contact Adrena IG
Edit: there! I said it, I'm not afraid to admit the liking of mudsex like the lot of you- you who pretend not to like it... *cough* yepp...that's it
Unknown2006-05-25 22:47:35
Erm...Pretend? In order to stop the inevitable hijack of this thread, I'll direct you to the thread in the 'Idiots!' section, Adrena, pertaining to nympho novices and mudsex.
Mirk2006-05-26 22:31:32
QUOTE(Posidous @ May 25 2006, 05:47 PM) 291240
Erm...Pretend? In order to stop the inevitable hijack of this thread, I'll direct you to the thread in the 'Idiots!' section, Adrena, pertaining to nympho novices and mudsex.
actually, that deals with descriptions, NOT mudsex...
and there probably are some people who like, but say they don't, because they cave in to peer pressure and feel the need to conform (and shame on those people...)
I could care less if other people do it (I won't), but that's their own opinion
and back to the subject at hand...
Looking for a wife for Mirk
I could care less about age or race, but should be from Serenwilde
Mirk is 41 year old faeling, and a member of the hartstone.
No mudsex, and please send a pm if interested.
Daereth2006-05-29 10:55:51
Looking for a wife for Daereth
Race: Preferably Faeling, but any will do (no merians)
Archetype: Doesnt matter
Organization: Preferably Glomdoring or Magnagora
Age: Any under 35 (Im only 20 something)
Mudsex: Preferably not, as its kind of akward
Children: Yes, I want a big family
Interests: Doesnt matter, as long as its even remotely interesting. Also must be able to put up with a Glomdoring Ebonguard.
PM me or speak with me IC if your interested.
Race: Preferably Faeling, but any will do (no merians)
Archetype: Doesnt matter
Organization: Preferably Glomdoring or Magnagora
Age: Any under 35 (Im only 20 something)
Mudsex: Preferably not, as its kind of akward
Children: Yes, I want a big family
Interests: Doesnt matter, as long as its even remotely interesting. Also must be able to put up with a Glomdoring Ebonguard.
PM me or speak with me IC if your interested.
Unknown2006-05-29 11:25:31
Poor old Laneth wants a partner.
Male or female
40 + (Laneth is 65)
Elfen or Faeling would be best
Hopefully from Serenwilde, but that could be negotiable.
...Estarra should start charging for using the forums as a dating service. Internet dating is big business.
Male or female
40 + (Laneth is 65)
Elfen or Faeling would be best
Hopefully from Serenwilde, but that could be negotiable.
...Estarra should start charging for using the forums as a dating service. Internet dating is big business.
Unknown2006-06-05 05:14:00
Lets see here...
Seeking female partner whom is from the ages of 20-30, I hunt a lot... a woman who hunts would be nice, level 60ish and above. Any race but, Mugwump, Taurian, Viscanti, and Tae'dae... I dunno about mudsex, if you wanna i guess... pm me, and I will tell you who I am.
my character is a human who is nice and caring when you get ot know him... kinda strong, and likes to hang around with friends or hunt.
Seeking female partner whom is from the ages of 20-30, I hunt a lot... a woman who hunts would be nice, level 60ish and above. Any race but, Mugwump, Taurian, Viscanti, and Tae'dae... I dunno about mudsex, if you wanna i guess... pm me, and I will tell you who I am.
my character is a human who is nice and caring when you get ot know him... kinda strong, and likes to hang around with friends or hunt.