Raiha2005-08-05 19:47:10

Richter2005-08-05 19:49:26
Mmm, okay.
Ashteru2005-08-05 20:02:29
Oookay. Looking for a wife for Ash.
Race: Well, it could be everything except Viscanti.
Commune/City: All is okay 'xcept Magnagora. I prefer communes, though.
Guild: no preferences, tough I'd prefer communeguilds
Age: I don't care how old or young.
Interests: Well, I don't know. She must like to hear romantic things, she shouldn't mind about Ash being on Ethereal to defend it. It actually would be nice if she would fight too.
And she should be really nice and all, Ash really needs someone to calm him down.
Mudsex: No.
Race: Well, it could be everything except Viscanti.
Commune/City: All is okay 'xcept Magnagora. I prefer communes, though.
Guild: no preferences, tough I'd prefer communeguilds
Age: I don't care how old or young.
Interests: Well, I don't know. She must like to hear romantic things, she shouldn't mind about Ash being on Ethereal to defend it. It actually would be nice if she would fight too.

Mudsex: No.
Unknown2005-08-05 20:06:48
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Aug 5 2005, 03:02 PM)
Oookay. Looking for a wife for Ash.
Race: Well, it could be everything except Viscanti.
Commune/City:Â All is okay 'xcept Magnagora. I prefer communes, though.
Guild: no preferences, tough I'd prefer communeguilds
Age: I don't care how old or young.
Interests: Well, I don't know. She must like to hear romantic things, she shouldn't mind about Ash being on Ethereal to defend it. It actually would be nice if she would fight too.
And she should be really nice and all, Ash really needs someone to calm him down.
Mudsex: No.
Race: Well, it could be everything except Viscanti.
Commune/City:Â All is okay 'xcept Magnagora. I prefer communes, though.
Guild: no preferences, tough I'd prefer communeguilds
Age: I don't care how old or young.
Interests: Well, I don't know. She must like to hear romantic things, she shouldn't mind about Ash being on Ethereal to defend it. It actually would be nice if she would fight too.

Mudsex: No.
Amusing - "Hey, honey. Stop raiding." "No! We need Fae!" "Grr!" "YOUR PENIS IS SMALL!" "YOUR MOTHER'S BROCCOLI TASTES LIKE CRAP!" "YOU'RE A HORRIBLE LOVER!"
Ashteru2005-08-05 20:09:57
Oh yeah, I forgot that Gloms raid us these days...

Unknown2005-08-05 20:22:52
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Aug 5 2005, 03:09 PM)
Oh yeah, I forgot that Gloms raid us these days...

Then I should eat more carrots - or you need to take off those coke-bottle glasses.

Tenebrae2005-08-05 20:29:06
I may know someone that uses extra small condoms if you need it.
Richter2005-08-05 20:30:21
Unknown2005-08-05 20:31:32
QUOTE(Richter @ Aug 5 2005, 03:30 PM)
Fine, fine.
Diamante2005-08-06 10:27:43
Looking for a wife
Race: Miakoda-ish
Commune: Serenwilde
Interests: Giving leaves to whoever says hello, teaching everyone everything, frowning when you smiled or pointed at, giving gold to pixie gatherers is a must
Age: Since closed beta
Mudsex: Pre coded responses to various emotes
Miakoda, you will be mine! Muahahhahahahaha
Race: Miakoda-ish
Commune: Serenwilde
Interests: Giving leaves to whoever says hello, teaching everyone everything, frowning when you smiled or pointed at, giving gold to pixie gatherers is a must
Age: Since closed beta
Mudsex: Pre coded responses to various emotes
Miakoda, you will be mine! Muahahhahahahaha
Singollo2005-08-06 16:33:38
QUOTE(Raiha @ Aug 5 2005, 03:47 PM)

I'll marry you if you make those 500 health refills I keep asking for!

Unknown2005-08-06 16:44:05
QUOTE(Singollo @ Aug 7 2005, 02:33 AM)
I'll marry you if you make those 500 health refills I keep asking for! 

I did an order for that many the other day. Sooo boring.
Unknown2005-08-06 20:44:19
seek a wife or husband
Race: anything as long as your not a fish
City/commune: glom or mag
Age: dose not matter
Mudsex: eh depends i like dominating people
pm me if intrested
Race: anything as long as your not a fish
City/commune: glom or mag
Age: dose not matter
Mudsex: eh depends i like dominating people
pm me if intrested
Soll2005-08-06 20:55:11

Unknown2005-08-06 21:04:15
would if you were not from celest.
Soll2005-08-06 22:32:06

Unknown2005-08-07 03:13:11
might be able to make exceptions if your the right kind of guy.
Raiha2005-08-07 03:54:21
QUOTE(Singollo @ Aug 6 2005, 11:33 AM)
I'll marry you if you make those 500 health refills I keep asking for! 

What?! You're on! Just a warning, you wouldn't be getting a discount of any sort.
The most I've ever done at one time was.. 100. And it nearly drove me insane. I kept forgetting how many I'd finished.
Tenebrae2005-08-07 10:36:54
okay.. any commune or city is fine with me...
Syrienne2005-08-08 11:12:00
Terenas tried to force me to marry him! I have witnesses.