Ranadae2007-12-13 02:03:13
QUOTE(Asarnil @ Dec 12 2007, 05:33 AM) 464742
Lies! The number of times I've been turned down by those d'Murani strumpets... 

How many times do I have to tell you? I'm married.
Amarysse2007-12-13 03:28:48
QUOTE(Ranadae @ Dec 12 2007, 08:03 PM) 465039
How many times do I have to tell you? I'm married.
Pfft. I've never let that get in my way.
Ranadae2007-12-13 05:43:25
QUOTE(Amarysse @ Dec 12 2007, 09:28 PM) 465117
Pfft. I've never let that get in my way.
Shh! Keep this up and the whole Basin will know about our secret love affair!
Rika2007-12-17 23:48:58
Alright, since I've had no luck/haven't been trying enough IG, Rika is looking for a partner (or just another good friend!). She's a Talnara, so you'll be in the most awesome family in Lusternia and you get the most awesome father/mother/parent person-in-law, Nejii. She was also a devout follower of Ayridion (who was the most awesome Divine
I'm not too bothered about gender or age. Only races I don't want are viscanti or illithoid. As for organization, I'd prefer Seren or Celest, but I guess Glom could perhaps work. No Mags, please. Must also be active. If you're interested, please send me a PM or OOC message.
Also, Xiel is a young gentleman who is looking for a nice woman. He's the Champion of the Moondancers, so he also comes with Patchou (
). If anyone is interested, please let him know.

I'm not too bothered about gender or age. Only races I don't want are viscanti or illithoid. As for organization, I'd prefer Seren or Celest, but I guess Glom could perhaps work. No Mags, please. Must also be active. If you're interested, please send me a PM or OOC message.
Also, Xiel is a young gentleman who is looking for a nice woman. He's the Champion of the Moondancers, so he also comes with Patchou (

Xiel2007-12-17 23:56:55
QUOTE(rika @ Dec 17 2007, 03:48 PM) 467072
.....who is looking for a nice woman...

I'ma hurt you now.
Aison2007-12-18 03:36:30
QUOTE(rika @ Dec 17 2007, 03:48 PM) 467072
Also, Xiel is a young gentleman who is looking for a nice woman. He's the Champion of the Moondancers, so he also comes with Patchou (
). If anyone is interested, please let him know.

Hate to break it to you, honey, but any girl who tries to climb into Xiel's branches is barking up the very wrong tree.
EDIT: Hell, they're in the wrong forrest.
Xiel2007-12-18 03:48:00
QUOTE(Aison @ Dec 17 2007, 07:36 PM) 467147
Hate to break it to you, honey, but any girl who tries to climb into Xiel's branches is barking up the very wrong tree.
EDIT: Hell, they're in the wrong forest.
EDIT: Hell, they're in the wrong forest.
It's always the girls though.

Rika2007-12-18 05:27:48
QUOTE(Aison @ Dec 18 2007, 04:36 PM) 467147
Hate to break it to you, honey, but any girl who tries to climb into Xiel's branches is barking up the very wrong tree.
EDIT: Hell, they're in the wrong forrest.
EDIT: Hell, they're in the wrong forrest.
Shhhhh! I know that. But don't tell them!
Nepthysia2007-12-19 18:36:19
Seeking magnagoran wife over 80 years old 
Contact via message here or in game.
Yes, har har, neppy's sick of men.

Contact via message here or in game.
Yes, har har, neppy's sick of men.
Acrune2007-12-20 03:27:34
Acrune's son Alban is needing to be seduced.
He's smart, and he kills people! Everyone knows killing people is sexy.
He's smart, and he kills people! Everyone knows killing people is sexy.
Unknown2007-12-20 03:50:04
QUOTE(Acrune @ Dec 19 2007, 10:27 PM) 468211
Acrune's son Alban is needing to be seduced.
He's smart, and he kills people! Everyone knows killing people is sexy.
He's smart, and he kills people! Everyone knows killing people is sexy.
You totally didn't expect me to find this. >.>
Acrune2007-12-20 03:55:55

Unknown2008-01-02 12:04:19
Name: Elyria
Age: 16
Commune: Glomdoring
Guild: Shadow dancers
Personality: Lyseria is a shy and quiet girl, she blushes whenever someone attempts to speak to her because she doesn’t really know how to communicate well( no she’s not stupid just over thinks her words or doesn’t think enough before she speaks) and she’s been known to be obedient at times XD, but she is also too free willed most of the time. She is also a sweet and caring girl, hoping that one day she will find true love. She’s a very curious young girl and often then naught gets into trouble from wild animals to rogues. She is very kind and gentle toward the injured, benevolently healing the wounded without concern unless they are enemies of her home and friends. She detests being owned, and is hostile and spiteful to any who attempt to own her. She is even more dedicated to family, and would go to hell and back for them.
Likes: Sewing/Healing/Reading/Exploring/The forest
Dislikes: Liars/Thieves/Being owned/spending to much time in the city
What she looking for: someone who’s patient and is willing to get to know her. Someone who won’t get angry her for her overgrowing curiosity or lack of knowledge after all she’s still growing. She needs someone who’s a little dominating but doesn’t want to own her also someone who’s sweet and caring. Since she’s normal shy and quiet she needs someone who can be persistent and won’t discard her for her many evident flaws
I’d Prefer
The Person be 2-4 years older then her
Someone whos interested in courting her first...love doesn't happen over night right XD
Rp: im aware im not good at it but id like to give it a go xD
Be From Glomdoring....eh she thinks her commune is the best...a little onsided i know but hey. anywho although id like him to be from glomdoring any other city or commune thats not enemied is okay
I'd also perfer if he's a warrior but if not thats fine as well
as far as race ago...i'd prefer another elfen or faeling even a furrikin but other races are welcomed as well she's not picky that is if your from glomdoring XD
so if anyones interested msg me here or in-game.
Age: 16
Commune: Glomdoring
Guild: Shadow dancers
Personality: Lyseria is a shy and quiet girl, she blushes whenever someone attempts to speak to her because she doesn’t really know how to communicate well( no she’s not stupid just over thinks her words or doesn’t think enough before she speaks) and she’s been known to be obedient at times XD, but she is also too free willed most of the time. She is also a sweet and caring girl, hoping that one day she will find true love. She’s a very curious young girl and often then naught gets into trouble from wild animals to rogues. She is very kind and gentle toward the injured, benevolently healing the wounded without concern unless they are enemies of her home and friends. She detests being owned, and is hostile and spiteful to any who attempt to own her. She is even more dedicated to family, and would go to hell and back for them.
Likes: Sewing/Healing/Reading/Exploring/The forest
Dislikes: Liars/Thieves/Being owned/spending to much time in the city
What she looking for: someone who’s patient and is willing to get to know her. Someone who won’t get angry her for her overgrowing curiosity or lack of knowledge after all she’s still growing. She needs someone who’s a little dominating but doesn’t want to own her also someone who’s sweet and caring. Since she’s normal shy and quiet she needs someone who can be persistent and won’t discard her for her many evident flaws
I’d Prefer
The Person be 2-4 years older then her
Someone whos interested in courting her first...love doesn't happen over night right XD
Rp: im aware im not good at it but id like to give it a go xD
Be From Glomdoring....eh she thinks her commune is the best...a little onsided i know but hey. anywho although id like him to be from glomdoring any other city or commune thats not enemied is okay
I'd also perfer if he's a warrior but if not thats fine as well
as far as race ago...i'd prefer another elfen or faeling even a furrikin but other races are welcomed as well she's not picky that is if your from glomdoring XD
so if anyones interested msg me here or in-game.
Ashai2008-01-09 01:55:40
Edit: I edited this completely, because I was in a whiny and emo mood.
Ashai is looking for a spouse, must be from Glomdoring, must be at least 40, must want a few kids.
Either gender is just dandy.
Ashai is 90 some years old, a Shadowdancer, intelligent (I hope as much), and a d'Murani.
So, if you want to in to a really influential family, and want someone who will probably go along with whatever you want in terms of marriage, I'm looking for you too.
Ashai is looking for a spouse, must be from Glomdoring, must be at least 40, must want a few kids.
Either gender is just dandy.
Ashai is 90 some years old, a Shadowdancer, intelligent (I hope as much), and a d'Murani.
So, if you want to in to a really influential family, and want someone who will probably go along with whatever you want in terms of marriage, I'm looking for you too.
Druken2008-01-09 02:49:45
QUOTE(Lyseria The Lioness @ Jan 2 2008, 07:04 AM) 472059
Be From Glomdoring....eh she thinks her commune is the best...a little onsided i know but hey. anywho although id like him to be from glomdoring any other city or commune thats not enemied is okay
I'd also perfer if he's a warrior but if not thats fine as well
as far as race ago...i'd prefer another elfen or faeling even a furrikin but other races are welcomed as well she's not picky that is if your from glomdoring XD
so if anyones interested msg me here or in-game.
I'd also perfer if he's a warrior but if not thats fine as well
as far as race ago...i'd prefer another elfen or faeling even a furrikin but other races are welcomed as well she's not picky that is if your from glomdoring XD
so if anyones interested msg me here or in-game.
That's what I like to hear!

Unknown2008-01-09 02:56:13
screw it, i'm bored.
Male or Female.
Race: anything but viscanti or illithoid
City: anything BUT magnagora.. sorry, stuck in celest, like it too much.
Age: doesn't matter, prefer them trainable
Misc: Must have own house, and willing to give me the run of the place
must realize this is ONLY a game, we aren't hooking up ooc ( my last one thought so)
must not get pissed if and when he realizes i have alts in magnagora also, as well as everywhere else.
mudsex: not a must, but it gives me something to do, and has to have experience.. my last one sucked, if i EVER hear the words "love mound" again i think i will vomit
oh, and has to be willing to wait until january 15th, when my shrubbing wears off. Wanting to talk first, not just jump into a relationship
Male or Female.
Race: anything but viscanti or illithoid
City: anything BUT magnagora.. sorry, stuck in celest, like it too much.
Age: doesn't matter, prefer them trainable
Misc: Must have own house, and willing to give me the run of the place
must realize this is ONLY a game, we aren't hooking up ooc ( my last one thought so)
must not get pissed if and when he realizes i have alts in magnagora also, as well as everywhere else.
mudsex: not a must, but it gives me something to do, and has to have experience.. my last one sucked, if i EVER hear the words "love mound" again i think i will vomit
oh, and has to be willing to wait until january 15th, when my shrubbing wears off. Wanting to talk first, not just jump into a relationship
Unknown2008-01-09 03:11:26
QUOTE(Mysti @ Jan 8 2008, 08:56 PM) 474706
screw it, i'm bored.
Male or Female.
Race: anything but viscanti or illithoid
City: anything BUT magnagora.. sorry, stuck in celest, like it too much.
Age: doesn't matter, prefer them trainable
Misc: Must have own house, and willing to give me the run of the place
must realize this is ONLY a game, we aren't hooking up ooc ( my last one thought so)
must not get pissed if and when he realizes i have alts in magnagora also, as well as everywhere else.
mudsex: not a must, but it gives me something to do, and has to have experience.. my last one sucked, if i EVER hear the words "love mound" again i think i will vomit
oh, and has to be willing to wait until january 15th, when my shrubbing wears off. Wanting to talk first, not just jump into a relationship
Male or Female.
Race: anything but viscanti or illithoid
City: anything BUT magnagora.. sorry, stuck in celest, like it too much.
Age: doesn't matter, prefer them trainable
Misc: Must have own house, and willing to give me the run of the place
must realize this is ONLY a game, we aren't hooking up ooc ( my last one thought so)
must not get pissed if and when he realizes i have alts in magnagora also, as well as everywhere else.
mudsex: not a must, but it gives me something to do, and has to have experience.. my last one sucked, if i EVER hear the words "love mound" again i think i will vomit
oh, and has to be willing to wait until january 15th, when my shrubbing wears off. Wanting to talk first, not just jump into a relationship
This is my favorite personals ad ever.
Unknown2008-01-09 04:22:02
QUOTE(Demetrios @ Jan 8 2008, 09:11 PM) 474714
This is my favorite personals ad ever.
well i have to be honest, my ex divourced me, and 10 seconds later, revoked my perms to a manse i helped build.. he added the rooms, i added the furniture.. so i want a man that's not an idiot. Oh, and i have no bashing skills, all my lessons are in jewelery.. so he has to get me into a guild, and loan me a few credits to learn with , or get me some levels..
needy? nah
Urazial2008-01-09 08:58:33
Love mound? 
Er, nevermind. On second thought I don't want to know.

Er, nevermind. On second thought I don't want to know.
Xavius2008-01-09 09:34:07
QUOTE(Urazial @ Jan 9 2008, 02:58 AM) 474886
Love mound? 
Er, nevermind. On second thought I don't want to know.

Er, nevermind. On second thought I don't want to know.
That's surprisingly close to the anatomically correct term for it.