Lendren2009-12-31 11:42:48
Okay, one last time I'm putting Lendren on the market. Lendren is an occasionally pretentious and occasionally childlike but usually self-effacing person who is currently "retired" -- only doing some basic administrative things and managing a few shops -- but is coming out of retirement gradually. (In a month or two, when I finally get high-speed Internet at home, he might even start becoming a combatant. Believe it or not.) He's a full shapechanger, changing gender and race fairly often, though he might settle on one race or gender (or both) for the right person if they preferred it (but would rather someone who likes him ever-changing). He's creative, goofy, periodically obsessive about one or another (usually artistic) project, generally apolitical and usually a little idealistic, sometimes a bit moody, and most of the time quite playful (his furrikin form is otterkin for good reason). As a Starfall he has an unabashed fondness for rainbows, and tends to be flamboyant and colorful right up to, but hopefully not always over, the line of garishness (though Maylea has been a slightly moderating influence in that regard).
Seeking someone who is either a Seren to stay, or very compellingly going to remain friendly with Serenwilde indefinitely -- that Romeo and Juliet drama is not really fun after the first billion times. Lendren is currently technically married but Linwe's been inactive for ages and isn't coming back, so Lendren is preparing to divorce (but he's never going to change how he feels about Linwe -- he's just ready to move on). He won't be leaving the Starfalls (the family can't afford it; we're actually only a few people from Banner House) but he's certainly open to another marriage. Gender is not a factor, and neither is race (with the obvious exceptions). Rumors about how rich he is may be true, but he's not a sugar daddy, so don't come looking for tons of free credits.
Seeking someone who is either a Seren to stay, or very compellingly going to remain friendly with Serenwilde indefinitely -- that Romeo and Juliet drama is not really fun after the first billion times. Lendren is currently technically married but Linwe's been inactive for ages and isn't coming back, so Lendren is preparing to divorce (but he's never going to change how he feels about Linwe -- he's just ready to move on). He won't be leaving the Starfalls (the family can't afford it; we're actually only a few people from Banner House) but he's certainly open to another marriage. Gender is not a factor, and neither is race (with the obvious exceptions). Rumors about how rich he is may be true, but he's not a sugar daddy, so don't come looking for tons of free credits.
Selskia2010-01-01 20:20:31
Selskia's still looking.
- Happy Faeling, slightly childish, and adorable in a hopefully non-obnoxious way. 40 years old.
- Slowly bashing her way to demi, one level at a time. Currently at 92.
- Cares about the Serenwilde, her family, and this weird white deerthing.
- Administrator for the Hartstone.
- Seeking males or females, preferably mammalian (ie, no insects or fishies), preferably Seren.
- Loves bluebells.
- Not marrying out of Mes'ard.
- Jeweler. You'll get lots of thoughtful trinkets and probably stuff designed for you.
- Mes'ard. Biggest family in the Basin.
- Place of power. She's a guild admin and has the ear of several important people.
- RP. I like the RP.
- On a related note, you'll get a wife that is fully capable of typing in complete sentences with appropriate grammar and spelling.
- Amusing family history. Her blood mom is a drunk who sort of abandoned her, so her aunt and uncle became mom and dad.
- Kinda rich, but not a sugar momma. But at least she'll take care of herself.
- Aiyana's your stepmom. She's awesome.
- Said stepmom is a cook. Cookies!
- Won't see much of the stepdad.
- Gregori's your stepdad. Sorry.
- Aiyana's your stepmom. Though I don't see why this is a con. She's awesome.
- Faeling. Therefore, tiny.
- Likes bashing alone.
- Hates politics. Could be a pro, if you're similarly sick of drama.
- Gregori's still your stepdad. Sorry.
- Interested? Selskia's shy, mostly because I fail at interpersonal relations, so take the initiative.
- If Selskia doesn't seem to like you IC, but I like you well enough as a person OOC, contact Aiyana. Arranged marriages make for interesting things.
- Happy Faeling, slightly childish, and adorable in a hopefully non-obnoxious way. 40 years old.
- Slowly bashing her way to demi, one level at a time. Currently at 92.
- Cares about the Serenwilde, her family, and this weird white deerthing.
- Administrator for the Hartstone.
- Seeking males or females, preferably mammalian (ie, no insects or fishies), preferably Seren.
- Loves bluebells.
- Not marrying out of Mes'ard.
- Jeweler. You'll get lots of thoughtful trinkets and probably stuff designed for you.
- Mes'ard. Biggest family in the Basin.
- Place of power. She's a guild admin and has the ear of several important people.
- RP. I like the RP.
- On a related note, you'll get a wife that is fully capable of typing in complete sentences with appropriate grammar and spelling.
- Amusing family history. Her blood mom is a drunk who sort of abandoned her, so her aunt and uncle became mom and dad.
- Kinda rich, but not a sugar momma. But at least she'll take care of herself.
- Aiyana's your stepmom. She's awesome.
- Said stepmom is a cook. Cookies!
- Won't see much of the stepdad.
- Gregori's your stepdad. Sorry.
- Aiyana's your stepmom. Though I don't see why this is a con. She's awesome.
- Faeling. Therefore, tiny.
- Likes bashing alone.
- Hates politics. Could be a pro, if you're similarly sick of drama.
- Gregori's still your stepdad. Sorry.
- Interested? Selskia's shy, mostly because I fail at interpersonal relations, so take the initiative.
- If Selskia doesn't seem to like you IC, but I like you well enough as a person OOC, contact Aiyana. Arranged marriages make for interesting things.
Somaria2010-01-06 03:03:24

Somaria's on the market again. Due to ooc stuff, I don't remember things here and there, so neither does she. Already met up with a few people who I had no idea I was friends with, so if I don't remember you, don't feel insulted please.
Anyway, skipping through my rambling, I'll shift to the basics.
- Avid Roleplayer. I enjoy it, I do it whenever possible, and I prefer you to enjoy some semblance of it as well.
- Knowledgeable about the basin for the most part, wont need your help with much.
- Enjoys the thought of making babies, or rather, the babies themselves.
- Willing to take on pretty much any family name, with one or two exceptions.
- Having changed from her slumber, her personality's become much more agreeable. Intelligent, funny, friendly, energetic, but still reserved when it goes too far. I'm pretty sure this is an improvement if I'm remembering correctly..
- While there are a few cons to come, you wont be bored easily.
- Somaria has bad history.. with almost everywhere and everyone. Your mom, her mom, and your cousin twice removed will likely oppose.
- According to logs, Gods have not been pleasant to people she cares about on one or two occasions.
- I'm not on 24/7. Evenings, and even then, my time is split with Second Life as I run a business there and having just moved in rl, it's my only source of income, albeit small.
- I'm rusty. A rusty combatant, rusty with commands.. Rusty and forgetful. And old.

veroryn2010-01-13 13:26:20
QUOTE (Somaria @ Jan 6 2010, 04:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Somaria's on the market again. Due to ooc stuff, I don't remember things here and there, so neither does she. Already met up with a few people who I had no idea I was friends with, so if I don't remember you, don't feel insulted please.
Anyway, skipping through my rambling, I'll shift to the basics.
- Avid Roleplayer. I enjoy it, I do it whenever possible, and I prefer you to enjoy some semblance of it as well.
- Knowledgeable about the basin for the most part, wont need your help with much.
- Enjoys the thought of making babies, or rather, the babies themselves.
- Willing to take on pretty much any family name, with one or two exceptions.
- Having changed from her slumber, her personality's become much more agreeable. Intelligent, funny, friendly, energetic, but still reserved when it goes too far. I'm pretty sure this is an improvement if I'm remembering correctly..
- While there are a few cons to come, you wont be bored easily.
- Somaria has bad history.. with almost everywhere and everyone. Your mom, her mom, and your cousin twice removed will likely oppose.
- According to logs, Gods have not been pleasant to people she cares about on one or two occasions.
- I'm not on 24/7. Evenings, and even then, my time is split with Second Life as I run a business there and having just moved in rl, it's my only source of income, albeit small.
- I'm rusty. A rusty combatant, rusty with commands.. Rusty and forgetful. And old.

You aren't old, hun. You're just experianced. And yes you know me, though you remember Vermis more than Veroryn. Speaking of which....
veroryn2010-01-13 13:42:18
Veroryn's on the market I guess. His stats are as follows:
-Late 30's
-Shadowcaster Faeling
-Avidly loyal to Glomdoring, and proud of it
-Mainly built for combat, he's trying to become more well-rounded
-His hair is a dead giveaway to whether he really likes you or not, if he lets it down, you're "in the home stretch" as the saying goes >_>
-Very proud to be in his Divine Order (Nocht)
-More a listener than a fighter, Veroryn tries to put in his thoughts anywhere he thinks they will help
-To quote the infamous Somaria, "avid role player". I, too, try to put as much into the RPing as I can, even going as far as modding say's
-Randomly give gold in equally random amounts, whether you need it or not
-Tries to please, due to past experiences (see below)
-Will devote much of his time to his "special other"
-Veroryn's few attempts at love have been squished like so many weevils, so it'll take a bit of work to break him down. He lost two opportunities to be in a family, and he's not one to throw himself into a relationship right away.
-Going to reiterate the proud-of-his-commune-and-order comments here, it might get a bit excessive, I'm not sure, since I don't pay attention to counting
-It will take quite a bit of work to get Veroryn to fall in love, so if you don't want to spend a few days, if not over a week (meaning an in-game half year, mind) of breaking down his icy barriers, then please don't even think about trying. However, if you enjoy a challenge, and like to earn your loved one's heart, this should go under "pros"
-Veroryn was learning combat from Celina for a time, so he picked up a bit of her...personality
-Ver has no family name to speak of, so your char and he would be making your own, unless you're in a family of course
-Anyone in Glomdoring, or Nocht's order get an immediate trust, but it's not required
-Don't care about race or age at all, just your ability to role-play, and someone who is mature (although kephera are, by principle of Glomdoring, slightly mistrusted, Veroryn will give chances to the 'large weevils')
-Anyone who likes getting into debates (not influencing either, that's not really Ver's "thing") about just about anything, just someone who will speak their mind
-Anyone who likes small physical contact, such as a hand on the shoulder, or holding hands, or a touch on the cheek every now and again
No thanks:
-No enemies of Glomdoring or Nocht
-Rash, impatient people
-Please, God, no mudsexxing unless it's for RP purposes...
It seems a bit to ask after I re-look it over, but oh well, all I can do is post and pray...
-Late 30's
-Shadowcaster Faeling
-Avidly loyal to Glomdoring, and proud of it
-Mainly built for combat, he's trying to become more well-rounded
-His hair is a dead giveaway to whether he really likes you or not, if he lets it down, you're "in the home stretch" as the saying goes >_>
-Very proud to be in his Divine Order (Nocht)
-More a listener than a fighter, Veroryn tries to put in his thoughts anywhere he thinks they will help
-To quote the infamous Somaria, "avid role player". I, too, try to put as much into the RPing as I can, even going as far as modding say's
-Randomly give gold in equally random amounts, whether you need it or not
-Tries to please, due to past experiences (see below)
-Will devote much of his time to his "special other"
-Veroryn's few attempts at love have been squished like so many weevils, so it'll take a bit of work to break him down. He lost two opportunities to be in a family, and he's not one to throw himself into a relationship right away.
-Going to reiterate the proud-of-his-commune-and-order comments here, it might get a bit excessive, I'm not sure, since I don't pay attention to counting
-It will take quite a bit of work to get Veroryn to fall in love, so if you don't want to spend a few days, if not over a week (meaning an in-game half year, mind) of breaking down his icy barriers, then please don't even think about trying. However, if you enjoy a challenge, and like to earn your loved one's heart, this should go under "pros"
-Veroryn was learning combat from Celina for a time, so he picked up a bit of her...personality
-Ver has no family name to speak of, so your char and he would be making your own, unless you're in a family of course
-Anyone in Glomdoring, or Nocht's order get an immediate trust, but it's not required
-Don't care about race or age at all, just your ability to role-play, and someone who is mature (although kephera are, by principle of Glomdoring, slightly mistrusted, Veroryn will give chances to the 'large weevils')
-Anyone who likes getting into debates (not influencing either, that's not really Ver's "thing") about just about anything, just someone who will speak their mind
-Anyone who likes small physical contact, such as a hand on the shoulder, or holding hands, or a touch on the cheek every now and again
No thanks:
-No enemies of Glomdoring or Nocht
-Rash, impatient people
-Please, God, no mudsexxing unless it's for RP purposes...
It seems a bit to ask after I re-look it over, but oh well, all I can do is post and pray...
Nymerya2010-01-28 11:06:15
Sooo, I am currently looking for individuals who are interested in helping to bring some strong roleplay and fun to a family. To this end, instead of looking straight for new children, I'd like to first try and find people to marry my current ones! I really would prefer people who're happy to roleplay with the existing family to some extent, and marrying in is really a must. I am also not going to sell my children out, we're just trying to improve roleplay!
-For Sotsepmet, a nice, perhaps somewhat quiet husband. Sotsepmet himself is rather quiet but a good roleplayer, and intelligent.
-For Syryn, husband preferably though I believe a wife is also acceptable if they are a strong roleplayer!
-Alts are not a problem, as long as they are able to play for a few hours a week. A completely inactive character is no fun for anyone.
-Age is not an issue! There will be the expectation of children at some point, however.
Obviously, there would be clear benefits. An orderhead, city leader and guildmaster in the family, plus whatever else happens as the family grows will mean chances to get involved in politics and roleplay as well as help where it can be provided.
If anyone is interested, just poke me on forums or in game, especially if you're thinking of creating an alt for it.
-For Sotsepmet, a nice, perhaps somewhat quiet husband. Sotsepmet himself is rather quiet but a good roleplayer, and intelligent.
-For Syryn, husband preferably though I believe a wife is also acceptable if they are a strong roleplayer!
-Alts are not a problem, as long as they are able to play for a few hours a week. A completely inactive character is no fun for anyone.
-Age is not an issue! There will be the expectation of children at some point, however.
Obviously, there would be clear benefits. An orderhead, city leader and guildmaster in the family, plus whatever else happens as the family grows will mean chances to get involved in politics and roleplay as well as help where it can be provided.
If anyone is interested, just poke me on forums or in game, especially if you're thinking of creating an alt for it.
Ameryth2010-01-28 12:31:34
QUOTE (Nymerya @ Jan 28 2010, 12:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If anyone is interested, just poke me on forums or in game, especially if you're thinking of creating an alt for it.
Why, ... thank you Mother.
I will accept all ... applications (?) in the form of an ingame message. Generally prudent, I will probably shut down casual in-game flirts.
I am relatively new to the Basin, and am yet unsure as to the way of things in Magnagora. I will generally be the quiet type, though I thirst for knowledge greatly, and will eagerly engage in conversation or debate.
Those not considering long term relationships need not apply.
I will accept any organisation, though I shall never leave Magnagora, nor shall I betray its interests.
While I am not judgemental, sado/masochists need not apply, nor do serial glomp/lick -ers.
I am not adverse to humour, indeed it is encouraged, provided it is intelligent and in good taste.
Self control and self awareness a plus.
In hindsight, I ought to have made a seperate account for Sotsepmet... Ah well.
Casilu2010-02-01 02:00:10
Seeking husband or wife for Casilu in Hallifax since I'm basically enemied everywhere else and do not have the budget to change that. I'm currently family-free, so I'm open to wherever in that sense. Just starting talking to me, if we get along, maybe it will go somewhere. If you have any questions send me a message with them somewhere. 

Anisu2010-02-01 02:59:51
QUOTE (casilu @ Feb 1 2010, 03:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Seeking husband or wife for Casilu in Hallifax since I'm basically enemied everywhere else and do not have the budget to change that. I'm currently family-free, so I'm open to wherever in that sense. Just starting talking to me, if we get along, maybe it will go somewhere. If you have any questions send me a message with them somewhere. 

Hai, have you met Rika

Casilu2010-02-01 03:48:32
Siam2010-02-01 04:01:03
QUOTE (casilu @ Feb 1 2010, 10:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Seeking husband or wife for Casilu in Hallifax since I'm basically enemied everywhere else and do not have the budget to change that. I'm currently family-free, so I'm open to wherever in that sense. Just starting talking to me, if we get along, maybe it will go somewhere. If you have any questions send me a message with them somewhere. 

Rika's looking.
Ayisdra2010-02-01 19:53:41
QUOTE (casilu @ Jan 31 2010, 09:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Seeking husband or wife for Casilu in Hallifax since I'm basically enemied everywhere else and do not have the budget to change that. I'm currently family-free, so I'm open to wherever in that sense. Just starting talking to me, if we get along, maybe it will go somewhere. If you have any questions send me a message with them somewhere. 

Don't do it! Casilu will leave you when you are the most in love!
unrelated to the Evil Casilu,
Ayisdra is looking ...
He is an 81 year old Lucidian.
Aeromancer in Hallifax.
Either gender would be fine.
No Furrikin, Faeling, Viscanti, Kephera, Illithoid, or Merian.
Ayisdra will not leave the Ysav'rai.
Glomdoring or Hallifax is perfered. (and Gaudiguch is a no of course).
contract in game or via pm here.
Anisu2010-02-01 21:22:29
QUOTE (Ayisdra @ Feb 1 2010, 08:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Don't do it! Casilu will leave you when you are the most in love!
unrelated to the Evil Casilu,
Ayisdra is looking ...
He is an 81 year old Lucidian.
Aeromancer in Hallifax.
Either gender would be fine.
No Furrikin, Faeling, Viscanti, Kephera, Illithoid, or Merian.
Ayisdra will not leave the Ysav'rai.
Glomdoring or Hallifax is perfered. (and Gaudiguch is a no of course).
contract in game or via pm here.
unrelated to the Evil Casilu,
Ayisdra is looking ...
He is an 81 year old Lucidian.
Aeromancer in Hallifax.
Either gender would be fine.
No Furrikin, Faeling, Viscanti, Kephera, Illithoid, or Merian.
Ayisdra will not leave the Ysav'rai.
Glomdoring or Hallifax is perfered. (and Gaudiguch is a no of course).
contract in game or via pm here.
To the bolded, a true hallifaxian!
Casilu2010-02-06 05:34:57
QUOTE (casilu @ Jan 31 2010, 06:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Seeking husband or wife for Casilu in Hallifax since I'm basically enemied everywhere else and do not have the budget to change that. I'm currently family-free, so I'm open to wherever in that sense. Just starting talking to me, if we get along, maybe it will go somewhere. If you have any questions send me a message with them somewhere. 

An addition: No Rika or Anisu. Someone else, please contact me in game.
Anisu2010-02-06 05:43:41
QUOTE (casilu @ Feb 6 2010, 06:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
An addition: No Rika or Anisu. Someone else, please contact me in game.
Aww and here I was ready to marry you *curses*
Oh well back to my plotting genderchange to marry someone.
Rii2010-02-09 03:25:28
Looking for a wife for kkrelk. Must be someone who would offer some interesting RP, With a sense of humor. Citizenship and Age dont matter. (Im that desperate... :'(
Kalaneya2010-02-10 04:58:35
Probably the last time I'll do this.
- secretary in Nekotai (GR12), CR6 in Glom, level 88
- quiet, hard-working, and rather peaceable
- loves to figure things out. Puzzles and quests are quite fun for her.
- No mudsex.
- Good grammar, or at least proper capitalization.
- RP
- Don't act like a little kid.
- Male of female, doesn't matter
- Glom preferred. Hallifax considered, but I still can't get around your damn city.
- She will not leave Glomdoring or the Nekotai. (SAHMIAM.)
- She won't spend EVERY WAKING MINUTE with you.
- No kephera, no krokani.
- Will design for you.
Lastly, no drama. I play the game for fun and relaxation, not to start crap with people, cliques, factions, whatever (so an affair will probably not work). Contact IG or here.
- secretary in Nekotai (GR12), CR6 in Glom, level 88
- quiet, hard-working, and rather peaceable
- loves to figure things out. Puzzles and quests are quite fun for her.
- No mudsex.
- Good grammar, or at least proper capitalization.
- RP
- Don't act like a little kid.
- Male of female, doesn't matter
- Glom preferred. Hallifax considered, but I still can't get around your damn city.
- She will not leave Glomdoring or the Nekotai. (SAHMIAM.)
- She won't spend EVERY WAKING MINUTE with you.
- No kephera, no krokani.
- Will design for you.
Lastly, no drama. I play the game for fun and relaxation, not to start crap with people, cliques, factions, whatever (so an affair will probably not work). Contact IG or here.
Unknown2010-02-10 06:08:59
QUOTE (Kalaneya @ Feb 9 2010, 11:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
- She will not leave Glomdoring or the Nekotai. (SAHMIAM.)
Talk about prejudice.
Reiha2010-02-10 06:25:22
If you get Reiha into Celest, she'll marry you. Or, if you prefer, like never marry again.
Here are her qualities:
- terrible grammar
- swears a lot
- has a big ship (midlife crisis car)
- will be a meatshield/kill for you
Here are her qualities:
- terrible grammar
- swears a lot
- has a big ship (midlife crisis car)
- will be a meatshield/kill for you
Lorina2010-02-10 08:03:11
QUOTE (Reiha @ Feb 10 2010, 01:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you get Reiha into Celest, she'll marry you. Or, if you prefer, like never marry again.
Here are her qualities:
- terrible grammar
- swears a lot
- has a big ship (midlife crisis car)
- will be a meatshield/kill for you
Here are her qualities:
- terrible grammar
- swears a lot
- has a big ship (midlife crisis car)
- will be a meatshield/kill for you
scratch this. I am crazy