Unknown2005-08-02 17:57:57
The following is my Bardic Entry for this month. I'm done a bit early, aren't I? But that leaves me a lot of time to revise, and I'm sure I've made a number of mistakes.
So here's the rough draft. I think I've ironed out any and all spelling and grammer errors (I've tried, at least), but in some of the later parts I may have a few errors. The parts I'm most worried about right now are the lists of DoC and Brood members at the end; I know both clans had way more people it them. If you were in it and I forgot to mention you, or you know people who were, or if you just found some other screw-up, please toss me a PM. I'd also like a section about Erion's Night Coven and its conflict with Viravain's Night Coven, so if you were involved, give me a ring.
EDIT: You may notice that much of this is the same as chelp glomdoringhistory and chelp glomdoringleaders. That's because I wrote those files.
EDIT 2: Okay, it's been cleaned up a ton and had a lot of corrections made. Still waiting on Night Coven/Summer Court Stuff.
The following is an exhaustive look at the Glomdoring’s past, finally complete after more than a year of laborious study. Credit goes out to Shayle Treeripper, Nyla Ravenfeather, and countless others of my fellows within the commune. My biggest thanks goes out to Richter Carthan, who helped in clarifying several passages and even wrote a few of them, not to mention is patience with my sometimes clumsy grammar. Thank you for your time and patience with my questions.
I hereby present to you the most full and complete history of Glomdoring ever penned.
The history of the Gloriana begins shortly after the conclusion of the Vernal Wars. With the world ravaged, the surviving races flocked to the Basin of Life to make a new home. An Elfen woman named Ellindel Treeheart drew forth the Fae, who were weakened and dying due to the catastrophic changes wrought in the Vernal Wars, and used her powers to heal them, and in turn they did their part of purge the touch of the Soulless from the Basin of Life. They taught Glinshari Strongleaf the ways of the druids, and together these newly formed druids and wiccans raised the first three nexuses of power, the great trees, within the restored forests of the Basin. Some of the more powerful Fae that were healed decided to remain on the Prime Plane and oversee these new communes, and act as guardians.
One great tree was raised in the northern forest of Serenwilde, over which presided Mother Moon and Brother Hart, and it was the Moonhart Mother Tree. One was raised in the northeastern forest of Ackleberry, which was watched by Brother Bear and Mother Lake, and its name has since been lost to the ages. One was raised in the southern forest of Gloriana, which was watched by Mother Night and Brother Raven, the wisest and most powerful of all nature spirits.
At this time the Gloriana druid’s guild which we now know as the Blacktalon was the Raven Circle, and the Shadowdancers were instead the Night Coven. Although not all are entirely sure of the fact, it is safe to assume that the Glomdoring was without a warrior’s guild during these years.
Those seeking refuge from the spreading corruption of the Soulless sought refuge within these places, and thus the three communes were formed. They all looked on with growing uneasiness as cities sprung up throughout the basin.
Part I
First, we shall set the stage. It is a little over five-hundred years since the first nature communes rose in the Basin. The Gloriana is currently ruled by two individuals: Brennan Stormcrow, High Priest of the Druids, and Rowena Darkshade(Now Rowena Nightshade), High Priestess of the Night Coven (Judging by available records, she was likely also the Marshall of the Gloriana). The Holy Celestine Empire, led by Emperor Ladantine VII, is embarking on Project Cosmic Hope in an attempt to reach the Supra Plane (Now known as the Cosmic Plane).
Rowena and Brennan, along with the other communes, oppose Project Cosmic Hope. They argue that breaching the Supra Plane will have unexpected consequences, and not to tamper with such forces. The cities, in their lust for power, ignore these warnings and vote to proceed.
They travel from city to city, trying to convince each to halt the project, but they are dismissed at every turn until finally Rowena began to despair, fearing she has failed Mother Night.
Part II
Magnagora had een shrouded in darkness, undead monstrosities were roaming the countryside, and the Basin was gripped with a fear not known since the Vernal Wars. The Empire had breached the Cosmic Plane, and in doing so they had created an opening through which Kethuru, the most powerful and evil of all the Soulless Gods, could escape his prison.
Gloriana had no hope at this point but to mobilize their defenses and hope for the best. Brennan and the Raven Circle melded the forest and brought to bear all of their powers, while the druids of the other communes did the same. The Night Coven, at this time, raised a great cone of pure power to ward off the taint. Despite these measures, the Centaurs fled the Gloriana for the Serenwilde, and though they begged the Elfen of Gloriana to run as well, they could not bring themselves to leave the forest.
The great force of Kethuru’s taint flooded Gloriana. Their defenses did naught. The taint ingrained itself in every grain of dirt, it filled every tree, it twisted every single being to its will and made them anew in its own image. Kethuru feasted, insatiable, on the life essence of Gloriana. It filled Rowena Darkshade and Brennan Stormcrow, it filled every druid and wiccan of the once-Gloriana until they were brimming with the sweet power of the Almighty One. With a single stroke of lightning Mother Night shattered the Master Ravenwood, but they did not need it. They were invincible. Or so they imagined.
Rowena took the surname Nightshade and, together with Brennan Stormcrow, embraced the maddening touch of Kethuru. The spirit which was once Raven was now Crow, and Mother Night had changed as well. They were stronger, wiser, and superior in every way to their previous forms. Mother Moon, Brother Hart, Sister Lake; all the spirits of the Basin fled before their might.
Rowena traveled to the Ethereal plane and once there began to suck the essence from every Fae she could find, feeding Kethuru with their life. As she tore their souls from their bodies to feed her new master the Fae screamed “D’or glom! D’or glom!â€, or “have mercy upon us!â€. Rowena replies, simply, ““F’ai glomdoring!â€. “I have no mercy.â€
Thus was born Glomdoring, the Heart of Darkness, the Forest Without Mercy.
Part III
The new masters of the Glomdoring took captive Glib Gladheart, a Furrikin and the High Priest of the Ackleberry druids. Under the gaze of Brother Crow they forced mouthful after mouthful of tainted substance down the Furrikin’s throat, slowly growing and elongating as the corruption was forced into his body. Glib transformed, then, into the Ebonglom Wyrm.
Meanwhile, the remained untainted forces rallied on the Isle of Celest. There they raised Ladantine’s daughter, Marilynth, into a Vernal God, draining the Pool of Stars. Marilynth then summoned Avechna the Avenger to renew the seal that bound Kethuru; although Kethuru had been jarred back into his prison by the force of Gaudiguch and Hallifax severing their ties with the Prime Material Plane, the seals were still very weak.
At this point the armies of the tainted Ladantine and the Glomdoring broke through the gates of Celest and charged the Pool of Stars. Rowena Nightshade and Emperor Ladantine, riding atop Father Crow and accompanies by Mother Night, landed on the platform beside Marilynth.
Marilynth demanded of Avechna that he slay the tainted creatures, for they did, after all, have the touch of Kethuru upon them, but Ladantine reminded Avechna that his sole duty was to restore the seals.
Avechna left them to restore the seals, while Marilynth struggled to use her power to hold the tainted forces at bay. When at last she could hold them back no longer she hurled herself into the Pool of Stars and sacrificed herself to destroy it. Rowena Nightshade escaped the explosion atop Crow, but Ladantine’s armies were destroyed and he no longer had any chance of harnessing the power of the Nexus to achieve godhood.
So, the world was once again left in ruin. The Glomdoring Forest would lay dormant for more than one-hundred years before its cause was taken up again, first by a rogue group of fanatics calling themselves the Disciples of Crow and then again, almost twenty years later, by the Great Goddess Viravain, who would finally awaken the Glomdoring from its hibernation.
The Glomdoring slept. Elsewhere in the land life was beginning to flourish again as the remnants of the Taint Wars were washed away. The Serenwilde consolidated itself in the north, while those under the influence of the taint rallied to Magnagora and there forged an empire. The surviving members of the Holy Celestine Empire gathered on the western shores of the inner sea and build the city of New Celest, bringing the light back to the Basin.
But still the Glomdoring slept, and until more than one-hundred years after Estarra the Eternal returned to Lusternia would a man rise whose goal it was to bring back the forest’s former glory.
It was the 4th of Shanthin. The year was 101 CE. In a public post addressing the Basin, Visaeris Mae’loch declared his intentions to the world. He had formed a clan, called the Disciples of Crow, and called for those who wished for power and knowledge to join him in his quest. The price of entrance was high, as he demanded that everyone who wished to follow reject their current homes, and much of the Basin opposed him from the first. Very few would join the once-Nihilist, and most who did later regretted their sacrifice. (See Public Post #62)
Prominent Ex-Members of the Disciples of Crow (The Crows):
Visaeris Mae’loch - Visaeris emerged from the Portal of Fate a Nihilist of Magnagora. In the early days of the modern age he rose quickly along their ranks and was established at the guild’s first champion. A skilled and ambitious fighter, he waged a neverending war against Magnagora’s enemies and slew countless Serenwilders, among others.
Visaeris left Magnagora after a heated dispute with the Minister of Power and embraced what he knew to be his true calling; the Glomdoring. He theorized that one could wield the unified powers of Nature and the Taint in tandem, drawing from both and unlocking never before heard of powers. With his immortal cry of ‘F’ai Glomdoring!’ he began what would become one of the Basin’s most powerful underground movements. See Public Posts 106 and 127.
“Change brings pain, but in the end, evolution is inevitable and easily worth the price. I seek no violence, but if it is necessary, so be it.â€
Richter Carthan -
Richter Carthan was originally a Serenguard of the Serenwilde commune. He quickly rose to be a guild secretary, but felt alienated by the others, and often argued with his fellow secretaries. An incident at the Megalith of Doom shortly into his career left him twisted, and not quite human. Hating himself almost as much as he had grown to hate Serenwilde, he fled the commune. Visaeris has just put out his call to the people of the Basin, and seeing little other alternative, Richter joined with him as one of the first Disciples of Crow, and rose within the clan to become one of the two priests of Glomdoring. He put his subtlety and connections to use, preferring indirect methods of influence rather than brute force.
Eventually, Richter wanted to remove his enemy status, and sought to feed the Disciples information by becoming an informant from within Serenwilde. Leaving the Disciples of Crow, because commune totems were tuned against them, he pled his case to Nikua Gladheon. However, when the disciples of crow disbanded, they moved for a short time into the Black Anvil cartel, which Richter was a part of. Annoyed, he left that as well, though he came to own it in later years. Nikua hounded Richter's merchants for months, thinking that Richter's Black Market (later renamed the Merchant's Guild) was where the disciples were hiding.
Richter joined Visaeris' former home of Magnagora briefly, though he never gave up his Serenguard skills. Richter needed power, and even managed to lead an ill-fated assault on Hart with a sizeable group of Magnagorans. Almost everyone in the group was killed. Later, when Magnagora was actively trying to raise crow, Valek killed Richter for helping, and he was cast out of the city. This would not be the first time Richter was betrayed by a power hungry person for helping the cause of Glomdoring.
Richter did not come into public view again until the Glomdoring commune was formed, where he became the Ebonguard's first Administrator, though he operated alone within the forest for some time, especially during his brief engagement to Arilyon.
"We must always work together, because without us, there is only a forest, only an idea. Together, we can do the seemingly impossible, and we cannot fail."
Guido Flagg -
Guido Flagg was a Tae’dae of the Serenguard, and was among the first group of people to join Visaeris, forsaking his commune and guild in the process. Before leaving the Serenwilde he robbed them of a large chunk of power, earning him the title of ‘traitor’ for the rest of his life and leading to countless deaths at the hands of his once-friends.
He served faithfully within the Disciples and eventually reached the rank of Priest, alongside Richter Carthan. After his career as a Disciple he went on to serve the Guardians of the Eternal Flame (Whom he betrayed), Lady Terentia (Whom he betrayed), and Magnagora (Whom he betrayed). In each case his incessant backstabbing was done in the name of his one true passion, Glomdoring, either to further its ideals or to raise the resources needed to support a Glomdoring movement. He eventually formed a second group of Disciples under the guise of the ‘Flagg Brood’, but was toppled by a number of conspirators within the clan. Shortly afterward the infamous Tae’dae committed suicide, passing away before his dream could be realized. See public posts 208 and 213.
“I would like to see their dirty skin peeled from their bones and snapped up by Kethuru himself. I would like to see each and every one of those sickening monsters torn limb from limb by the cruelest demons of Nil. Even then they would not know the pain they have caused me... I want to see one of them have their very soul burned away for every centimeter of scar tissue they have etched upon my flesh.â€
The Auralius Twins -
Yuniko and Yukari Auralius are twin sisters, Yuniko from the city of Magnagora and Yukari from the Serenwilde forest.. They were the first two to join Visaeris and, ironically, would lead to his downfall.
The twins proved devoted Disciples during their membership, and helped in the very first raising of Crow. Throughout their stay in the Crows they showed themselves to be exemplary members. However, shortly after they were forced to disband it was discovered that the twins had leaked a large amount of secret information to the Serenwilde leadership, in turn being promised asylum by Marshall Nikua Gladheon.
After that, Nikua hounded the rag-tag group of followers at every turn. Because of the information leaks, Visaeris was forced to disband the Disciples, who briefly moved into Riyo's Black Anvil cartel. Nikua received false information this time, and thought the group was hiding in the Black Market cartel, owned by Richter. The disciples were indeed housed in the Black Anvil, though Nikua continued to persecute the group of master merchants for some time. Eventually, Richter used Tuek Myeras to show that Visaeris and his brood had never entered The Black Market by letting him into the cartel. Soon after, the name was changed to the Merchant's Guild, Tuek stayed on as an alchemist, and the flow of information from the twins seemed to stop.
Although it was widely thought that had betrayed the clan to save their own skins, the sisters protest that they did it for the good of the Glomdoring, and saw that no good could come from serving Visaeris, whose fanaticism they regarded with disdain. They later went on to become leaders of the Glomdoring commune.
“We did what we did for the good of the Glomdoring, and no other reason. Visaeris was a fool and did nothing but harm the forest."
The Disciples of Crow had been assaulted from the beginning by the forces of Serenwilde, and were both outnumbered and outmuscled by the commune. This led to a widespread death of its members and a generally low morale. Although they successfully revived the Great Spirit Crow on more than one occasion He was always struck down again by the Serenwilde.
On top of this, Visaeris’ continued squabbles with Magnagora and Lord Raezon’s Order led him to take a drastic measure of revenge. Visaeris posted a list containing most of Lord Raezon’s followers (Public Post 166), although kindly he excluded his old ally Richter Carthan from the list. This post caused Magnagora to turn on, enemy, and hunt the Disciples. Being struck at by both the city and the commune, they had no choice but to disband. The Disciples were scattered on the winds.
“Stupidity doesn't become you at all Visaeris, but you seem determined to wear its mantle. You want to speak of honor... you can never speak of it again.†- Lord Raezon
More than twenty years after the Disciples of Crow were destroyed, former member Guido Flagg, his brother Jack Flagg, and a number of others came together to revive the Glomdoring movement. They formed a clan in secret, called the “Flagg Broodâ€, and began anew what Visaeris had started so many years ago.
At first, the Brood met with success after success. Guido and his councilors recruited many talented and dedicated individuals and Guido, in a conversation with Lady Rowena Nightshade, was the first mortal to learn that the Night Coven must be brought back in order to return the Glomdoring to its rightful place. Guido immediately set to work, paired together Nihilists with Moondancers and Geomancers with Hartstone Druids, urging them to work together. Rowena and Brennan could no longer work their magic, the forces they once controlled having grown foreign to them after becoming tainted, and so the Flagg Brood strove to mesh Taint and Nature together into once power. They never succeeded.
Erion, the Faeslayer, betrayer of Celest. A cunning merian and one of Guido’s appointed councilors within the clan. Erion, hungry for power and loathing Guido’s leadership, began to conspire with the Nihilist leader Bricriu, the Poison Tongue. Erion convinced Guido that Bricriu had begun to rally the Demon Lords against the Flagg brood, claiming she was angry that her nihilists were sharing their powers with the Serenwilders. Guido went to the Demon Lord Ashtorath and pleaded with him to rebel against the other Demon Lords and delay their actions. Before he could get any further he was join by Bricriu and Erion, who cast him from Magnagora and had him executed. A few days later, as the Brood’s membership dwindled, Guido declared the clan over and abandoned it. He took his own life shortly afterward.
During the last days of the Flagg Brood there returned to Lusternia a minor creation goddess, Lady Viravain. She was the Goddess of the Summer Song, and delighted in little birds, bumblebees, and flowers. She was timid, shy, and easily liked. Who could have foreseen what she would soon become.
When Lady Viravain looked upon the Glomdoring forest she was saddened greatly by the corruption twisting it. She wished to purge it of the taint, and was told by Estarra that such a task would be possible yet very difficult. Viravain was unsure if she could complete the task, but Lord Raezon put down her hopes entirely. He told Her that Her only hope of cleansing the Glomdoring would be by drawing strength from the Seal of Nature.
Viravain fell for Raezon’s trick and with the Seal of Nature in hand began to work at reviving the Master Ravenwood Tree. At first all went well, but as more and more of the Seal’s power was spent it became to splinter. The tainted creatures of Glomdoring rushed in to overcome the Elder Goddess as the seal shattered.
With the shattering of the seal, a portion of Kethuru’s being was able to enter the Prime Material Plane via Viravain. Kethuru immediately possessed Viravain, transforming her, and became to wreck havoc on the Basin.
Although Kethuru was finally banished from the Basin (See events post 22 and 23), Viravain had been greatly transformed by the possession. Once a shy and peaceful goddess, She was now a dark and subtle manipulator, calling Herself ‘Mistress of the Webs’. She had very little knowledge of her past life and remembered nothing of her possession. Oddly enough, she was no longer able to perceive the taint, and in her eyes the Glomdoring had been cleansed of it.
Seeing the forest as healed at last she set about reviving it at once. She needed mortals to populate the forest, and Rowena Nightshade rose to the task. Although she was undead and barren, Rowena used her powerful magic to seduce the Laeroc, Consort of the Fae Queen. She grew pregnant with two twisted children, the long-sought union between nature and taint finally complete.
After a long labor Rowena gave birth to the Shadow Faelings, powerful creatures born of the taint. With that task complete, Viravain ordered Rowena to call down Mother Night and give up her title as Queen of the Night Coven. Rowena reluctantly handed her title over to Gwynevere Whytetower-Draknoris, first Guildmaster of the newly formed Shadowdancers. Viravain then went on to appoint Daganev Treeripper as Guildmaster of the Ebonguard, who were to be the protectors of the forest.
Finally, after so many long years and so much spent blood, the Glomdoring Commune had returned. Only one thing remained before they could truly claim victory.
Glomdoring still lacked a guild of druids, and it wasn’t until nearly half a year later that the guild which was once The Raven’s Circle was reborn. Brennan Stormcrow visited the members of Glomdoring in their dreams and advised them to find the Song of Crow, so that their chosen one might sing it and take their rightful place as master of the Glomdoring Druids.
With help from Brennan the would-be druids tracked down all of the pieces of the Song of Crow. They then chose Bau Sayelle-Gladheart, a former Hartstone Druid, to sing it and become their first Guildmaster. Visaeris Mae’loch was also considered for the honor, having recently returned to the realms, but was shown little regard by most commune members.
During Estar, in the year 120 CE, the Elder God Shikari located the transcendental beacon and returned to Lusternia after countless years wandering the Void. He was instantly greeting happily by Viravain, whom he called ’sister’. She joined Him in His fulcrux within Avechna’s Peak and they spoke of recent events. She told Him of Glomdoring, and of what had passed in His absence.
Lady Viravain brought Lord Shikari to Glomdoring, and introduced Him to Her new people. There Lord Shikari made a promise to Viravain, to help the Glomdoring to the best of His abilities while she went away to slumber. Since then he has become Patron of the Glomdoring’s guilds as well as Divine Patron of the Glomdoring in His sister’s absence.
So, the Glomdoring thrives once more, all three of its guilds having been raised up from the depths of time. Guided by the wisdom of Lady Viravain and Lord Shikari, the Glomdoring shall spread its influence until all the Basin falls under the concealing shadows of Mother Night. Only then will we be victorious.
The Dark Marshals and Dark Seneschals -
- Chade d'Illici
- Nayl Treeripper
The Ebonguard Guild -
- The Merciless Chieftains of the Ravenwood (Guildmasters)
- Dagnev Treeripper
- The Keepers of the Blackened Bones (Administrators)
- Richter Carthan
- Xenthos An'Ryshe
- The Masters of the Bloodhunt (Champions)
- Syrienne An'Ryshe
- Tharruk Treeripper
The Blacktalon Guild -
- The Eyes of Crow (Guildmasters)
- Bau Sayelle-Gladheart
- Yukari Auralius
- The Keepers of the Black Nest (Administrators)
- Nyla Ravenfeather
- The Talons of Crow (Champions)
- Arilyon d'Irande
- Nayl Treeripper
- Yuniko Auralius
- Marsu Aurendil
The Shadowdancers Guild -
- Kings of the Night (Guildmasters)
- Gwynevere Whytetower-Drakonis
- Etanru
- Princes of Shadows (Administrators)
- Jasper Blackthane
- Princes of Darkness (Champions)
- Ethelon Treeripper
Ambassadors -
- Nayl Treeripper
- Gwynevere Whytetower-Drakonis
- Shayle Treeripper
Ministers of Power -
- Jasper Blackthane
- Lomdomian
- Aurella An'Ryshe
- Marsu Aurendil
Treasurers -
- Xenthos An'Ryshe
Stewards -
- Daganev Treeripper
- Ethelon Treeripper
Ministers of Trade -
- Richter Carthan
- Tenqual Ach'lye
Chancellors -
- Lyth Drakonis
- Adracunin Treeripper
- Titania
Ministers of Cultural Affairs -
- Moralis
- Nyla Ravenfeather
Visaeris Mae’loch (Leader)
Richter Carthan
Guido Flagg (Deceased)
Yuniko Auralius
Yukari Auralius
Silvenae (Deceased)
Atmos Daerauko
Dyr (Deceased)
Riyo Tedrani (Deceased)
Rawkhi Daerauko
Guido Flagg (Deceased) (Leader)
Richter Carthan
Yuniko Auralius
Yukari Auralius
Athana Xandul
Revan Xandul
Kaervas d’Murani
Jack Flagg
So here's the rough draft. I think I've ironed out any and all spelling and grammer errors (I've tried, at least), but in some of the later parts I may have a few errors. The parts I'm most worried about right now are the lists of DoC and Brood members at the end; I know both clans had way more people it them. If you were in it and I forgot to mention you, or you know people who were, or if you just found some other screw-up, please toss me a PM. I'd also like a section about Erion's Night Coven and its conflict with Viravain's Night Coven, so if you were involved, give me a ring.
EDIT: You may notice that much of this is the same as chelp glomdoringhistory and chelp glomdoringleaders. That's because I wrote those files.
EDIT 2: Okay, it's been cleaned up a ton and had a lot of corrections made. Still waiting on Night Coven/Summer Court Stuff.
The following is an exhaustive look at the Glomdoring’s past, finally complete after more than a year of laborious study. Credit goes out to Shayle Treeripper, Nyla Ravenfeather, and countless others of my fellows within the commune. My biggest thanks goes out to Richter Carthan, who helped in clarifying several passages and even wrote a few of them, not to mention is patience with my sometimes clumsy grammar. Thank you for your time and patience with my questions.
I hereby present to you the most full and complete history of Glomdoring ever penned.
The history of the Gloriana begins shortly after the conclusion of the Vernal Wars. With the world ravaged, the surviving races flocked to the Basin of Life to make a new home. An Elfen woman named Ellindel Treeheart drew forth the Fae, who were weakened and dying due to the catastrophic changes wrought in the Vernal Wars, and used her powers to heal them, and in turn they did their part of purge the touch of the Soulless from the Basin of Life. They taught Glinshari Strongleaf the ways of the druids, and together these newly formed druids and wiccans raised the first three nexuses of power, the great trees, within the restored forests of the Basin. Some of the more powerful Fae that were healed decided to remain on the Prime Plane and oversee these new communes, and act as guardians.
One great tree was raised in the northern forest of Serenwilde, over which presided Mother Moon and Brother Hart, and it was the Moonhart Mother Tree. One was raised in the northeastern forest of Ackleberry, which was watched by Brother Bear and Mother Lake, and its name has since been lost to the ages. One was raised in the southern forest of Gloriana, which was watched by Mother Night and Brother Raven, the wisest and most powerful of all nature spirits.
At this time the Gloriana druid’s guild which we now know as the Blacktalon was the Raven Circle, and the Shadowdancers were instead the Night Coven. Although not all are entirely sure of the fact, it is safe to assume that the Glomdoring was without a warrior’s guild during these years.
Those seeking refuge from the spreading corruption of the Soulless sought refuge within these places, and thus the three communes were formed. They all looked on with growing uneasiness as cities sprung up throughout the basin.
Part I
First, we shall set the stage. It is a little over five-hundred years since the first nature communes rose in the Basin. The Gloriana is currently ruled by two individuals: Brennan Stormcrow, High Priest of the Druids, and Rowena Darkshade(Now Rowena Nightshade), High Priestess of the Night Coven (Judging by available records, she was likely also the Marshall of the Gloriana). The Holy Celestine Empire, led by Emperor Ladantine VII, is embarking on Project Cosmic Hope in an attempt to reach the Supra Plane (Now known as the Cosmic Plane).
Rowena and Brennan, along with the other communes, oppose Project Cosmic Hope. They argue that breaching the Supra Plane will have unexpected consequences, and not to tamper with such forces. The cities, in their lust for power, ignore these warnings and vote to proceed.
They travel from city to city, trying to convince each to halt the project, but they are dismissed at every turn until finally Rowena began to despair, fearing she has failed Mother Night.
Part II
Magnagora had een shrouded in darkness, undead monstrosities were roaming the countryside, and the Basin was gripped with a fear not known since the Vernal Wars. The Empire had breached the Cosmic Plane, and in doing so they had created an opening through which Kethuru, the most powerful and evil of all the Soulless Gods, could escape his prison.
Gloriana had no hope at this point but to mobilize their defenses and hope for the best. Brennan and the Raven Circle melded the forest and brought to bear all of their powers, while the druids of the other communes did the same. The Night Coven, at this time, raised a great cone of pure power to ward off the taint. Despite these measures, the Centaurs fled the Gloriana for the Serenwilde, and though they begged the Elfen of Gloriana to run as well, they could not bring themselves to leave the forest.
The great force of Kethuru’s taint flooded Gloriana. Their defenses did naught. The taint ingrained itself in every grain of dirt, it filled every tree, it twisted every single being to its will and made them anew in its own image. Kethuru feasted, insatiable, on the life essence of Gloriana. It filled Rowena Darkshade and Brennan Stormcrow, it filled every druid and wiccan of the once-Gloriana until they were brimming with the sweet power of the Almighty One. With a single stroke of lightning Mother Night shattered the Master Ravenwood, but they did not need it. They were invincible. Or so they imagined.
Rowena took the surname Nightshade and, together with Brennan Stormcrow, embraced the maddening touch of Kethuru. The spirit which was once Raven was now Crow, and Mother Night had changed as well. They were stronger, wiser, and superior in every way to their previous forms. Mother Moon, Brother Hart, Sister Lake; all the spirits of the Basin fled before their might.
Rowena traveled to the Ethereal plane and once there began to suck the essence from every Fae she could find, feeding Kethuru with their life. As she tore their souls from their bodies to feed her new master the Fae screamed “D’or glom! D’or glom!â€, or “have mercy upon us!â€. Rowena replies, simply, ““F’ai glomdoring!â€. “I have no mercy.â€
Thus was born Glomdoring, the Heart of Darkness, the Forest Without Mercy.
Part III
The new masters of the Glomdoring took captive Glib Gladheart, a Furrikin and the High Priest of the Ackleberry druids. Under the gaze of Brother Crow they forced mouthful after mouthful of tainted substance down the Furrikin’s throat, slowly growing and elongating as the corruption was forced into his body. Glib transformed, then, into the Ebonglom Wyrm.
Meanwhile, the remained untainted forces rallied on the Isle of Celest. There they raised Ladantine’s daughter, Marilynth, into a Vernal God, draining the Pool of Stars. Marilynth then summoned Avechna the Avenger to renew the seal that bound Kethuru; although Kethuru had been jarred back into his prison by the force of Gaudiguch and Hallifax severing their ties with the Prime Material Plane, the seals were still very weak.
At this point the armies of the tainted Ladantine and the Glomdoring broke through the gates of Celest and charged the Pool of Stars. Rowena Nightshade and Emperor Ladantine, riding atop Father Crow and accompanies by Mother Night, landed on the platform beside Marilynth.
Marilynth demanded of Avechna that he slay the tainted creatures, for they did, after all, have the touch of Kethuru upon them, but Ladantine reminded Avechna that his sole duty was to restore the seals.
Avechna left them to restore the seals, while Marilynth struggled to use her power to hold the tainted forces at bay. When at last she could hold them back no longer she hurled herself into the Pool of Stars and sacrificed herself to destroy it. Rowena Nightshade escaped the explosion atop Crow, but Ladantine’s armies were destroyed and he no longer had any chance of harnessing the power of the Nexus to achieve godhood.
So, the world was once again left in ruin. The Glomdoring Forest would lay dormant for more than one-hundred years before its cause was taken up again, first by a rogue group of fanatics calling themselves the Disciples of Crow and then again, almost twenty years later, by the Great Goddess Viravain, who would finally awaken the Glomdoring from its hibernation.
The Glomdoring slept. Elsewhere in the land life was beginning to flourish again as the remnants of the Taint Wars were washed away. The Serenwilde consolidated itself in the north, while those under the influence of the taint rallied to Magnagora and there forged an empire. The surviving members of the Holy Celestine Empire gathered on the western shores of the inner sea and build the city of New Celest, bringing the light back to the Basin.
But still the Glomdoring slept, and until more than one-hundred years after Estarra the Eternal returned to Lusternia would a man rise whose goal it was to bring back the forest’s former glory.
It was the 4th of Shanthin. The year was 101 CE. In a public post addressing the Basin, Visaeris Mae’loch declared his intentions to the world. He had formed a clan, called the Disciples of Crow, and called for those who wished for power and knowledge to join him in his quest. The price of entrance was high, as he demanded that everyone who wished to follow reject their current homes, and much of the Basin opposed him from the first. Very few would join the once-Nihilist, and most who did later regretted their sacrifice. (See Public Post #62)
Prominent Ex-Members of the Disciples of Crow (The Crows):
Visaeris Mae’loch - Visaeris emerged from the Portal of Fate a Nihilist of Magnagora. In the early days of the modern age he rose quickly along their ranks and was established at the guild’s first champion. A skilled and ambitious fighter, he waged a neverending war against Magnagora’s enemies and slew countless Serenwilders, among others.
Visaeris left Magnagora after a heated dispute with the Minister of Power and embraced what he knew to be his true calling; the Glomdoring. He theorized that one could wield the unified powers of Nature and the Taint in tandem, drawing from both and unlocking never before heard of powers. With his immortal cry of ‘F’ai Glomdoring!’ he began what would become one of the Basin’s most powerful underground movements. See Public Posts 106 and 127.
“Change brings pain, but in the end, evolution is inevitable and easily worth the price. I seek no violence, but if it is necessary, so be it.â€
Richter Carthan -
Richter Carthan was originally a Serenguard of the Serenwilde commune. He quickly rose to be a guild secretary, but felt alienated by the others, and often argued with his fellow secretaries. An incident at the Megalith of Doom shortly into his career left him twisted, and not quite human. Hating himself almost as much as he had grown to hate Serenwilde, he fled the commune. Visaeris has just put out his call to the people of the Basin, and seeing little other alternative, Richter joined with him as one of the first Disciples of Crow, and rose within the clan to become one of the two priests of Glomdoring. He put his subtlety and connections to use, preferring indirect methods of influence rather than brute force.
Eventually, Richter wanted to remove his enemy status, and sought to feed the Disciples information by becoming an informant from within Serenwilde. Leaving the Disciples of Crow, because commune totems were tuned against them, he pled his case to Nikua Gladheon. However, when the disciples of crow disbanded, they moved for a short time into the Black Anvil cartel, which Richter was a part of. Annoyed, he left that as well, though he came to own it in later years. Nikua hounded Richter's merchants for months, thinking that Richter's Black Market (later renamed the Merchant's Guild) was where the disciples were hiding.
Richter joined Visaeris' former home of Magnagora briefly, though he never gave up his Serenguard skills. Richter needed power, and even managed to lead an ill-fated assault on Hart with a sizeable group of Magnagorans. Almost everyone in the group was killed. Later, when Magnagora was actively trying to raise crow, Valek killed Richter for helping, and he was cast out of the city. This would not be the first time Richter was betrayed by a power hungry person for helping the cause of Glomdoring.
Richter did not come into public view again until the Glomdoring commune was formed, where he became the Ebonguard's first Administrator, though he operated alone within the forest for some time, especially during his brief engagement to Arilyon.
"We must always work together, because without us, there is only a forest, only an idea. Together, we can do the seemingly impossible, and we cannot fail."
Guido Flagg -
Guido Flagg was a Tae’dae of the Serenguard, and was among the first group of people to join Visaeris, forsaking his commune and guild in the process. Before leaving the Serenwilde he robbed them of a large chunk of power, earning him the title of ‘traitor’ for the rest of his life and leading to countless deaths at the hands of his once-friends.
He served faithfully within the Disciples and eventually reached the rank of Priest, alongside Richter Carthan. After his career as a Disciple he went on to serve the Guardians of the Eternal Flame (Whom he betrayed), Lady Terentia (Whom he betrayed), and Magnagora (Whom he betrayed). In each case his incessant backstabbing was done in the name of his one true passion, Glomdoring, either to further its ideals or to raise the resources needed to support a Glomdoring movement. He eventually formed a second group of Disciples under the guise of the ‘Flagg Brood’, but was toppled by a number of conspirators within the clan. Shortly afterward the infamous Tae’dae committed suicide, passing away before his dream could be realized. See public posts 208 and 213.
“I would like to see their dirty skin peeled from their bones and snapped up by Kethuru himself. I would like to see each and every one of those sickening monsters torn limb from limb by the cruelest demons of Nil. Even then they would not know the pain they have caused me... I want to see one of them have their very soul burned away for every centimeter of scar tissue they have etched upon my flesh.â€
The Auralius Twins -
Yuniko and Yukari Auralius are twin sisters, Yuniko from the city of Magnagora and Yukari from the Serenwilde forest.. They were the first two to join Visaeris and, ironically, would lead to his downfall.
The twins proved devoted Disciples during their membership, and helped in the very first raising of Crow. Throughout their stay in the Crows they showed themselves to be exemplary members. However, shortly after they were forced to disband it was discovered that the twins had leaked a large amount of secret information to the Serenwilde leadership, in turn being promised asylum by Marshall Nikua Gladheon.
After that, Nikua hounded the rag-tag group of followers at every turn. Because of the information leaks, Visaeris was forced to disband the Disciples, who briefly moved into Riyo's Black Anvil cartel. Nikua received false information this time, and thought the group was hiding in the Black Market cartel, owned by Richter. The disciples were indeed housed in the Black Anvil, though Nikua continued to persecute the group of master merchants for some time. Eventually, Richter used Tuek Myeras to show that Visaeris and his brood had never entered The Black Market by letting him into the cartel. Soon after, the name was changed to the Merchant's Guild, Tuek stayed on as an alchemist, and the flow of information from the twins seemed to stop.
Although it was widely thought that had betrayed the clan to save their own skins, the sisters protest that they did it for the good of the Glomdoring, and saw that no good could come from serving Visaeris, whose fanaticism they regarded with disdain. They later went on to become leaders of the Glomdoring commune.
“We did what we did for the good of the Glomdoring, and no other reason. Visaeris was a fool and did nothing but harm the forest."
The Disciples of Crow had been assaulted from the beginning by the forces of Serenwilde, and were both outnumbered and outmuscled by the commune. This led to a widespread death of its members and a generally low morale. Although they successfully revived the Great Spirit Crow on more than one occasion He was always struck down again by the Serenwilde.
On top of this, Visaeris’ continued squabbles with Magnagora and Lord Raezon’s Order led him to take a drastic measure of revenge. Visaeris posted a list containing most of Lord Raezon’s followers (Public Post 166), although kindly he excluded his old ally Richter Carthan from the list. This post caused Magnagora to turn on, enemy, and hunt the Disciples. Being struck at by both the city and the commune, they had no choice but to disband. The Disciples were scattered on the winds.
“Stupidity doesn't become you at all Visaeris, but you seem determined to wear its mantle. You want to speak of honor... you can never speak of it again.†- Lord Raezon
More than twenty years after the Disciples of Crow were destroyed, former member Guido Flagg, his brother Jack Flagg, and a number of others came together to revive the Glomdoring movement. They formed a clan in secret, called the “Flagg Broodâ€, and began anew what Visaeris had started so many years ago.
At first, the Brood met with success after success. Guido and his councilors recruited many talented and dedicated individuals and Guido, in a conversation with Lady Rowena Nightshade, was the first mortal to learn that the Night Coven must be brought back in order to return the Glomdoring to its rightful place. Guido immediately set to work, paired together Nihilists with Moondancers and Geomancers with Hartstone Druids, urging them to work together. Rowena and Brennan could no longer work their magic, the forces they once controlled having grown foreign to them after becoming tainted, and so the Flagg Brood strove to mesh Taint and Nature together into once power. They never succeeded.
Erion, the Faeslayer, betrayer of Celest. A cunning merian and one of Guido’s appointed councilors within the clan. Erion, hungry for power and loathing Guido’s leadership, began to conspire with the Nihilist leader Bricriu, the Poison Tongue. Erion convinced Guido that Bricriu had begun to rally the Demon Lords against the Flagg brood, claiming she was angry that her nihilists were sharing their powers with the Serenwilders. Guido went to the Demon Lord Ashtorath and pleaded with him to rebel against the other Demon Lords and delay their actions. Before he could get any further he was join by Bricriu and Erion, who cast him from Magnagora and had him executed. A few days later, as the Brood’s membership dwindled, Guido declared the clan over and abandoned it. He took his own life shortly afterward.
During the last days of the Flagg Brood there returned to Lusternia a minor creation goddess, Lady Viravain. She was the Goddess of the Summer Song, and delighted in little birds, bumblebees, and flowers. She was timid, shy, and easily liked. Who could have foreseen what she would soon become.
When Lady Viravain looked upon the Glomdoring forest she was saddened greatly by the corruption twisting it. She wished to purge it of the taint, and was told by Estarra that such a task would be possible yet very difficult. Viravain was unsure if she could complete the task, but Lord Raezon put down her hopes entirely. He told Her that Her only hope of cleansing the Glomdoring would be by drawing strength from the Seal of Nature.
Viravain fell for Raezon’s trick and with the Seal of Nature in hand began to work at reviving the Master Ravenwood Tree. At first all went well, but as more and more of the Seal’s power was spent it became to splinter. The tainted creatures of Glomdoring rushed in to overcome the Elder Goddess as the seal shattered.
With the shattering of the seal, a portion of Kethuru’s being was able to enter the Prime Material Plane via Viravain. Kethuru immediately possessed Viravain, transforming her, and became to wreck havoc on the Basin.
Although Kethuru was finally banished from the Basin (See events post 22 and 23), Viravain had been greatly transformed by the possession. Once a shy and peaceful goddess, She was now a dark and subtle manipulator, calling Herself ‘Mistress of the Webs’. She had very little knowledge of her past life and remembered nothing of her possession. Oddly enough, she was no longer able to perceive the taint, and in her eyes the Glomdoring had been cleansed of it.
Seeing the forest as healed at last she set about reviving it at once. She needed mortals to populate the forest, and Rowena Nightshade rose to the task. Although she was undead and barren, Rowena used her powerful magic to seduce the Laeroc, Consort of the Fae Queen. She grew pregnant with two twisted children, the long-sought union between nature and taint finally complete.
After a long labor Rowena gave birth to the Shadow Faelings, powerful creatures born of the taint. With that task complete, Viravain ordered Rowena to call down Mother Night and give up her title as Queen of the Night Coven. Rowena reluctantly handed her title over to Gwynevere Whytetower-Draknoris, first Guildmaster of the newly formed Shadowdancers. Viravain then went on to appoint Daganev Treeripper as Guildmaster of the Ebonguard, who were to be the protectors of the forest.
Finally, after so many long years and so much spent blood, the Glomdoring Commune had returned. Only one thing remained before they could truly claim victory.
Glomdoring still lacked a guild of druids, and it wasn’t until nearly half a year later that the guild which was once The Raven’s Circle was reborn. Brennan Stormcrow visited the members of Glomdoring in their dreams and advised them to find the Song of Crow, so that their chosen one might sing it and take their rightful place as master of the Glomdoring Druids.
With help from Brennan the would-be druids tracked down all of the pieces of the Song of Crow. They then chose Bau Sayelle-Gladheart, a former Hartstone Druid, to sing it and become their first Guildmaster. Visaeris Mae’loch was also considered for the honor, having recently returned to the realms, but was shown little regard by most commune members.
During Estar, in the year 120 CE, the Elder God Shikari located the transcendental beacon and returned to Lusternia after countless years wandering the Void. He was instantly greeting happily by Viravain, whom he called ’sister’. She joined Him in His fulcrux within Avechna’s Peak and they spoke of recent events. She told Him of Glomdoring, and of what had passed in His absence.
Lady Viravain brought Lord Shikari to Glomdoring, and introduced Him to Her new people. There Lord Shikari made a promise to Viravain, to help the Glomdoring to the best of His abilities while she went away to slumber. Since then he has become Patron of the Glomdoring’s guilds as well as Divine Patron of the Glomdoring in His sister’s absence.
So, the Glomdoring thrives once more, all three of its guilds having been raised up from the depths of time. Guided by the wisdom of Lady Viravain and Lord Shikari, the Glomdoring shall spread its influence until all the Basin falls under the concealing shadows of Mother Night. Only then will we be victorious.
The Dark Marshals and Dark Seneschals -
- Chade d'Illici
- Nayl Treeripper
The Ebonguard Guild -
- The Merciless Chieftains of the Ravenwood (Guildmasters)
- Dagnev Treeripper
- The Keepers of the Blackened Bones (Administrators)
- Richter Carthan
- Xenthos An'Ryshe
- The Masters of the Bloodhunt (Champions)
- Syrienne An'Ryshe
- Tharruk Treeripper
The Blacktalon Guild -
- The Eyes of Crow (Guildmasters)
- Bau Sayelle-Gladheart
- Yukari Auralius
- The Keepers of the Black Nest (Administrators)
- Nyla Ravenfeather
- The Talons of Crow (Champions)
- Arilyon d'Irande
- Nayl Treeripper
- Yuniko Auralius
- Marsu Aurendil
The Shadowdancers Guild -
- Kings of the Night (Guildmasters)
- Gwynevere Whytetower-Drakonis
- Etanru
- Princes of Shadows (Administrators)
- Jasper Blackthane
- Princes of Darkness (Champions)
- Ethelon Treeripper
Ambassadors -
- Nayl Treeripper
- Gwynevere Whytetower-Drakonis
- Shayle Treeripper
Ministers of Power -
- Jasper Blackthane
- Lomdomian
- Aurella An'Ryshe
- Marsu Aurendil
Treasurers -
- Xenthos An'Ryshe
Stewards -
- Daganev Treeripper
- Ethelon Treeripper
Ministers of Trade -
- Richter Carthan
- Tenqual Ach'lye
Chancellors -
- Lyth Drakonis
- Adracunin Treeripper
- Titania
Ministers of Cultural Affairs -
- Moralis
- Nyla Ravenfeather
Visaeris Mae’loch (Leader)
Richter Carthan
Guido Flagg (Deceased)
Yuniko Auralius
Yukari Auralius
Silvenae (Deceased)
Atmos Daerauko
Dyr (Deceased)
Riyo Tedrani (Deceased)
Rawkhi Daerauko
Guido Flagg (Deceased) (Leader)
Richter Carthan
Yuniko Auralius
Yukari Auralius
Athana Xandul
Revan Xandul
Kaervas d’Murani
Jack Flagg
Richter2005-08-02 18:09:11
Ah, good, its nice that someone wrote it all down, it was quite fun. I have a good bit of information to add to that, some of Visaeris' old dealings, some stuff with Riyo and his Black Anvil at the time, etc. I'll read it over and PM you some extras.
Unknown2005-08-02 18:11:49
QUOTE(Richter @ Aug 2 2005, 06:09 PM)
Ah, good, its nice that someone wrote it all down, it was quite fun. I have a good bit of information to add to that, some of Visaeris' old dealings, some stuff with Riyo and his Black Anvil at the time, etc. I'll read it over and PM you some extras.
Good, good. I've already gotten a lot of corrections, mostly spelling, and patched it up a bit.
Unknown2005-08-02 19:28:56
DESCRUCTION OF THE GLORIANA 
And nobody remembers the Night Coven anymore. Or the Summer Court, it seems.

And nobody remembers the Night Coven anymore. Or the Summer Court, it seems.
Unknown2005-08-02 19:34:26
To further clarify - you should talk to people like Kaervas and Arilyon, I'd suggest Erion, although I've not heard from him for a while. Apparantly, he's lurking on an alt, and switched SNs. Hmm. The Twins might be able to tell you about the Night Coven, Jasper and Gwynevere about the Summer Court.
Unless you're going for the revisionist history. I like it, for it's unfinished appearance.
Unless you're going for the revisionist history. I like it, for it's unfinished appearance.
Unknown2005-08-02 19:39:05
So here's the rough draft. I think I've ironed out any and all spelling and grammer errors (I've tried, at least), but in some of the later parts I may have a few errors. The parts I'm most worried about right now are the lists of DoC and Brood members at the end; I know both clans had way more people it them. If you were in it and I forgot to mention you, or you know people who were, or if you just found some other screw-up, please toss me a PM. I'd also like a section about Erion's Night Coven and its conflict with Viravain's Night Coven, so if you were involved, give me a ring.
I missed that. I'll send you a PM on the basics, that I remember.
I missed that. I'll send you a PM on the basics, that I remember.
Richter2005-08-02 20:31:46
Told you guys he was Erion!
And I was going over the post, going to add in bits about the summer court and stuff. Hard to proofread/add to it when I have to take a constant string of calls, and then have no lunch break because you have to call your car insurance.
And I was going over the post, going to add in bits about the summer court and stuff. Hard to proofread/add to it when I have to take a constant string of calls, and then have no lunch break because you have to call your car insurance.

Jasper2005-08-03 01:53:22

And nobody remembers the Night Coven anymore. Or the Summer Court, it seems.
And nobody remembers the Night Coven anymore. Or the Summer Court, it seems.
Alas, such important factors of the recreation of Glomdoring and they have been forgotten.
Unknown2005-08-03 13:16:30
QUOTE(Richter @ Aug 2 2005, 03:31 PM)
Told you guys he was Erion!
And I was going over the post, going to add in bits about the summer court and stuff. Hard to proofread/add to it when I have to take a constant string of calls, and then have no lunch break because you have to call your car insurance.
And I was going over the post, going to add in bits about the summer court and stuff. Hard to proofread/add to it when I have to take a constant string of calls, and then have no lunch break because you have to call your car insurance.

Err yea caught me not really. Sorry. Not. Pity, you tried, though. To quote the one you accuse me of being - Richter, need a +1

Richter2005-08-03 17:50:33
I never got that +1 thing. 
And I added a bunch of stuff to his document, hopefully he can find info on the summer court.

And I added a bunch of stuff to his document, hopefully he can find info on the summer court.
Unknown2005-08-03 18:50:42
Honestly. It was Jasper, Xenthos, Erion, Gwynevere, Moralis were the BIG names involved, that I can remember. Kaervas got fussy, because Viravain refused to listen to him and kept telling him to leave, 'cause he was a Magnagoran.
All that good, fun stuff. I miss it, sometimes.
All that good, fun stuff. I miss it, sometimes.
Xenthos2005-08-03 18:51:53
Cronnacht was quite involved in the original Summer Court, as well as Gwylifar to an extent, and Elryn I believe.
Edit: As well as a few of the names Little Faith mentioned.
Edit: As well as a few of the names Little Faith mentioned.
Unknown2005-08-03 18:56:22
Yea. I didn't really know much about you until AFTER the incident.
Xenthos2005-08-03 18:58:21
QUOTE(Ye of Little Faith @ Aug 3 2005, 02:56 PM)
Yea. I didn't really know much about you until AFTER the incident.
That was kind of the point... not many knew about us at all.
Unknown2005-08-03 18:58:50
Don't worry, I've still got a whole month to interrogate some people. Have to finish a school report today, though, and I go back on the 10th, so it will be a bit slow coming.
Unknown2005-08-03 19:06:13
QUOTE(Temporary_Guido @ Aug 3 2005, 01:58 PM)
Don't worry, I've still got a whole month to interrogate some people. Have to finish a school report today, though, and I go back on the 10th, so it will be a bit slow coming.
High School down where I come from starts tommorrow (the 4th). I really pity you. Mine starts the 22nd. And I get all of December off - and am just skipping the three days before and three days after Fantasy Fest. Freaks, Geeks and Goddesses - any excuse to wear leather in public is a good enough excuse for me.
Richter2005-08-03 19:09:42
I, uh... work. School doesn't ever start for me again. 

Gwylifar2005-08-03 19:15:10
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Aug 3 2005, 02:51 PM)
Cronnacht was quite involved in the original Summer Court, as well as Gwylifar to an extent, and Elryn I believe.
I was kept mostly on the periphery, plus I kept having bad timing and missing the cleansings. The main thing I got to do was gather Chuchip's prophecies on the subject and try to make sense of them and relate them to actual events. This was challenging in its way, but since they were written (OOC) by the admins, at least there were things in them to match up. But since Gwynevere was always bringing in those so-vague-as-to-be-meaningless Naos prophecies from... I don't know where, which did not come from the admins and did not actually correspond to anything, I mostly did this quietly by myself, since doing it in the clan always got mired down in those other non-prophecies.
I was also working on the Moors at the time and there was some talk bouncing around about the idea that the Claw could turn out useful (because of its unparalleled ability to counter Taint).
That was about the extent my involvement, ultimately.
Richter2005-08-03 19:20:14
The news posts from the summer court should show more, I think it turned into the shadow court, so ask one of them if you want access to the old posts.
Unknown2005-08-03 20:15:57
QUOTE(Ye of Little Faith @ Aug 3 2005, 07:06 PM)
any excuse to wear leather in public is a good enough excuse for me.
You are Erion. It can no longer be denied.