Jadryga2005-10-22 17:01:39
Jad = "Alger's Champion Pet".
tsaephai2005-10-22 19:08:58
this would be much easier if we were speaking one of them native american languages. all their languages have about 20 meanings in one word! like there's one word that means "i live on my side, you live on your side, and we fish in the middle"
the word's "choggagogmanchoggagogbunigungamuk" or something like that. it's the name of a lake. one word, too. there's another word meaning "the many little fires lit in the past" although i forget the exact word.
this would be much easier if we were speaking one of them native american languages. all their languages have about 20 meanings in one word! like there's one word that means "i live on my side, you live on your side, and we fish in the middle"
the word's "choggagogmanchoggagogbunigungamuk" or something like that. it's the name of a lake. one word, too. there's another word meaning "the many little fires lit in the past" although i forget the exact word.
Unknown2005-10-22 20:33:27
Traesri: Devoted
Alts: Not made, but Reclusive and Unstable would function for current concepts.
Alts: Not made, but Reclusive and Unstable would function for current concepts.
Unknown2005-10-22 20:55:06
*shudder* all of those cuddly ones. I left Achaea after being cuddled too much in the Shadowsnakes guild, the Paladins, Runewardens, and the Ashurans.
Umm, "primal" work for me?
Umm, "primal" work for me?
Narsrim2005-10-22 20:57:00
Narsrim = bastard/sadist
Unknown2005-10-22 21:20:42
Aesyra = masked
Qaletaqa2005-10-23 01:06:37
Kiarlea2005-10-23 06:53:04
Verithrax2005-10-23 07:00:37
Controversial. Or at least he tries to be.
Sylphas2005-10-23 07:06:41
Asshole. Or at least it seems that way, lately.
Unknown2005-10-23 07:09:41
Should have just stopped after the first word.
Unknown2005-10-23 10:19:01
Kiarlea2005-10-23 10:32:18
Should we be cheering or running?
(Or deffing up, I suppose)
Triden2005-10-23 18:38:53
Isune2005-10-23 19:07:21
Or, depending on circumstance, ludicrous.
Or, depending on circumstance, ludicrous.
Sekreh2005-10-24 03:10:41
(at least devoid of RP.. oh how I hate credits)
(at least devoid of RP.. oh how I hate credits)
Unknown2005-10-28 15:03:52
Saran2005-10-28 15:11:34
Saran = generallyjovial (had to)
Dide(new may just fall into the background or foreground whichever) = Somber
If Dide doesn't raise my interest i'm thinking of a blacktalon faeling who walks around like the shadowdancer fae (bound in shadows and the like)
Dide(new may just fall into the background or foreground whichever) = Somber
If Dide doesn't raise my interest i'm thinking of a blacktalon faeling who walks around like the shadowdancer fae (bound in shadows and the like)
Narsrim2005-10-28 15:16:12
I'm recanting:
Narsrim = defiant.
Narsrim = defiant.
Thorgal2005-10-28 15:51:34