Anarias2005-08-12 00:58:06
Artifact tophats hold 75 items I think. When one item is in the hat you will be able to see it when you probe the hat. If there is more than one item in the hat you will see something like "There is definitely something inside" when you probe it. If there is one item in the hat, you can easily take it out. If there is more than one item in the hat it will draw a random item. They're fun.
lume2005-08-12 02:11:22
Some people use them for raffles or to randomize contest prizes.
Revan2005-08-12 06:16:55
Mau is an excellent game. I'm glad people here know what it is. Let us implement this change so we may spread mau upon the general populace!!
Shryke2005-08-12 07:56:19
yeah, I learned mau last week, what a game!
Unknown2005-08-12 18:54:02
Problem with Mau is that now we have tells to deal with. H4X!!
And I'm pretty sure the admins read these threads.
And I'm pretty sure the admins read these threads.
Shamarah2005-08-12 18:58:16
Rely on honesty and/or psychicblock, then.