Unknown2005-08-18 20:09:56
And, its not exactly fun chasing around someone who can enter/leave whenever he wants, it ticks me
off, cause there's no way to stop that.
Its a full time job, to just do that, to 'web' him and catch him, and kill him, so he wont come again..
otherwise he will just enter/leave..
Or a fulltime job to guard the spot he enters on
off, cause there's no way to stop that.
Its a full time job, to just do that, to 'web' him and catch him, and kill him, so he wont come again..
otherwise he will just enter/leave..
Or a fulltime job to guard the spot he enters on
Athana2005-08-18 20:10:55
QUOTE(Phred @ Aug 18 2005, 12:08 PM)
I did come up with the proposal to have an artifact that can temporarilly negate a cubix or any form of teleportation if a victim is hit with it. Thus preventing "hit and run" tactics.
That would probably be the only fair way to negate such powers. Nerfing the cubix would not be considered a happy thing to those who spent the credits.
That would probably be the only fair way to negate such powers. Nerfing the cubix would not be considered a happy thing to those who spent the credits.
Making an artifact like this is essentially nerfing a cubix...why not just make an arftifact to negate every artifact...oh I can't see so and so with thirdeye because they have a cloaking gem..there should be an artifact that lets you see people with gems! That's sort of stupid to me
Unknown2005-08-18 20:16:02
I never intended for it to be created soley to negate a cubix Athana, but rather to be sort of like the D&D spell dimensional anchor, which prevents all forms of teleporting, summoning, etc.
It would be nice to have that kind of power to force somebody to use more physical means of escape. It could also be a benefit, preventing a subject from being summoned.
It would be nice to have that kind of power to force somebody to use more physical means of escape. It could also be a benefit, preventing a subject from being summoned.
Richter2005-08-18 20:52:51
Here's a thought: You don't see the hardcore older fighters complaining about it. You see the younger players doing so.
When was the last time you had, oh, Narsrim and Murphy complaining about cubixes?
When was the last time you had, oh, Narsrim and Murphy complaining about cubixes?
Shorlen2005-08-18 22:20:22
I personally loathe the existance of cubixes, but I always loathe forms of instant unstoppable travel and evacuation in games
But then again, I use them, so I can't/don't complain. I just kinda wish there was SOME way to stop marcalo's hit and run tactics which he used to use on us. We had people constantly spamming vine, and he still gets away before we can kill him. Why? reflexing "you have writhed free of your entanglement" with "touch cubix" makes it dang annoying to kill people who run the moment you hit them =\\
Meh, but if people want to pay 2,000 credits for an essentialy unstoppable way to use hit-and-run tactics (all ways to stop cubixes can be cured in seconds, and you only need a single moment unhindered to touch it, since touching takes 0 time), that's fine - it keeps the game running
EDIT: In other words, just putting a short timer on them for use would make me absurdly happy, but it isn't fair at all to those who have bought them, so don't do it

Meh, but if people want to pay 2,000 credits for an essentialy unstoppable way to use hit-and-run tactics (all ways to stop cubixes can be cured in seconds, and you only need a single moment unhindered to touch it, since touching takes 0 time), that's fine - it keeps the game running

EDIT: In other words, just putting a short timer on them for use would make me absurdly happy, but it isn't fair at all to those who have bought them, so don't do it

Unknown2005-08-18 22:35:26
QUOTE(Richter @ Aug 18 2005, 08:52 PM)
Here's a thought: You don't see the hardcore older fighters complaining about it. You see the younger players doing so.
When was the last time you had, oh, Narsrim and Murphy complaining about cubixes?
When was the last time you had, oh, Narsrim and Murphy complaining about cubixes?
Oh so now i'm a clueless newbie?
I have played IRE games before, and Its not hard to spot a unbalance in a game, some people shout out
nerfed at first thing, sometimes they are right, but _noone_ justifies the reason why its not unbalanced to me, you say, 'web' paralyze stop him from touching it, but that would mean I have to be a 100% guard on celestia with the others.. Sure if I was a strong fighter I could be alone a 100% guard there, and do it, I can't right now..
So dont go personal remarks I'm a newbie, and can't fight, and coudln't defend celestia when its
undefendable unless you stay there 100% guard
Narsrim and Murphy is not celestian's, and why I have that as argument is cause we are the weakest
and they dont have to defend the Celestia, which is quite often so raided, what I've seen.
This was my perception from todays raid for example, (removed names cause, dont want to drag in
anyone that doesn't want to)
I check who list:
Khorthac Peasant On
We three fight it off, until we fall.. then we get a serenwilde to go there, I presume he was
quite a fighter, cause when he came, the raider left
Some remarks of people that supported me, about the device:
After awhile, the raider is back and we have no assistance from the serenwilder, but
I check who list again and we have a strong fighter 'bob'..
(Celest): bob, "Cubix. If we defend, he finds it fun."
(Celest): bob says, "Leave it, and he'll get bored."
(Celest): bob says, "No way we can kill him anyway."
NOTE: I am not suggestion our strong fighter, was not 'as' strong, I do think
it was the truth, that bob was mentioning, and wish he be agreeing with me here..
and bob did come to assist, there, and the raider disepeared again..
So, How can I be a good paladin, ignore the device, let the angels die, cause of a
unstoppable force?.. or sit there 100% guard, web, web, shout for help?
if I dont, I would break my oath as a paladin..
I honestly think you can add more gameplay then that.. so my suggestion was to
either remove the Cubix, Tweak it, Remake Celestia or add planes you need to cross
before that..
And your starting to tick me off Richer, coming with insults..
I may be a young player to the game, but its' not like I havn't seen a unbalance before.
Unknown2005-08-18 22:36:46
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Aug 18 2005, 10:20 PM)
I personally loathe the existance of cubixes, but I always loathe forms of instant unstoppable travel and evacuation in games
But then again, I use them, so I can't/don't complain. I just kinda wish there was SOME way to stop marcalo's hit and run tactics which he used to use on us. We had people constantly spamming vine, and he still gets away before we can kill him. Why? reflexing "you have writhed free of your entanglement" with "touch cubix" makes it dang annoying to kill people who run the moment you hit them =\\
Meh, but if people want to pay 2,000 credits for an essentialy unstoppable way to use hit-and-run tactics (all ways to stop cubixes can be cured in seconds, and you only need a single moment unhindered to touch it, since touching takes 0 time), that's fine - it keeps the game running
EDIT: In other words, just putting a short timer on them for use would make me absurdly happy, but it isn't fair at all to those who have bought them, so don't do it

Meh, but if people want to pay 2,000 credits for an essentialy unstoppable way to use hit-and-run tactics (all ways to stop cubixes can be cured in seconds, and you only need a single moment unhindered to touch it, since touching takes 0 time), that's fine - it keeps the game running

EDIT: In other words, just putting a short timer on them for use would make me absurdly happy, but it isn't fair at all to those who have bought them, so don't do it

Finely some more support
Shorlen2005-08-18 22:39:33
QUOTE(Khorthac @ Aug 18 2005, 06:35 PM)
I may be a young player to the game, but its' not like I havn't seen a unbalance before.
The problem, I do believe, is that it is an imbalance they *paid* for. IRE games are focused around that idea - it's how they make money to keep the servers running and the paid parts of the staff paid. IRE games would NOT be nearly as interesting as they are without this idea. I mean, if you never buy credits with OOC money, you might have a single trans skill. Someone who shells out the money for omni trans can wipe the floor with you. Is this an imbalance? Certainly. Is it bad that it exists? No. It's in the game design. It's how the game works. Don't like it? I recommend finding a different game, probably one with a monthly fee - they can afford to be truly fair.
Sylphas2005-08-18 22:39:34
Ialie, there are no cubix exits in areas anyone can place guards.
Taking away cubices would be stupid. They're very powerful, but also very, very expensive.
Taking away cubices would be stupid. They're very powerful, but also very, very expensive.
Unknown2005-08-18 22:42:19
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Aug 18 2005, 10:39 PM)
The problem, I do believe, is that it is an imbalance they *paid* for. IRE games are focused around that idea - it's how they make money to keep the servers running and the paid parts of the staff paid. IRE games would NOT be nearly as interesting as they are without this idea. I mean, if you never buy credits with OOC money, you might have a single trans skill. Someone who shells out the money for omni trans can wipe the floor with you. Is this an imbalance? Certainly. Is it bad that it exists? No. It's in the game design. It's how the game works. Don't like it? I recommend finding a different game, probably one with a monthly fee - they can afford to be truly fair.
I am suggesting an improvement, And yes I know that is one of the ways to tempt costumers to buy
artifacts, but I am saying that the fact is, its to much, and be tweaked to still be useful with gameplay.
Athana2005-08-18 22:43:11
If you're talking about the raid that just happened now then you should know that just before it happened Ekard was using a cubix to raid Earth and Nil...so the argument does not only stand for Celest. Everyone organization gets hit this way.
Unknown2005-08-18 22:44:48
QUOTE(Athana @ Aug 18 2005, 10:43 PM)
If you're talking about the raid that just happened now then you should know that just before it happened Ekard was using a cubix to raid Earth and Nil...so the argument does not only stand for Celest. Everyone organization gets hit this way.
No, wasn't even aware of the raid now..
And Why you think I made the topic "Changes to the Celstia/Nil" ?
if ethereal needs it, so do a similar to theirs, I wouldn't know, i'm never there.
Murphy2005-08-18 22:49:09
For a severe dose of bitching, I recommend a Can of harden up.
Why don't you get some levels, buy some creditsd and learn how to fight, if you can FIGHT, especially if you are a guardian, then you won't have a prblem keeping them from using cubix, a wide range of afflictions also stop it.
Quit with the bitching and get on with life, they aren't going to nerf or change the planes, they are FINE the way they are, furthermore they aren't going to refund, or nerf cubixes. Have YOU bought thousands of credits? No? well don't try to come on here and screw people out of their hard earned with your pissing and moaning.
I have never believed for ONE second, that cubixes have been overpowered in any way, its a justifiable expense. If you go out and buy 2k credits, you can trans a heap of skills, and if you are good you can stop them from using it via afflictions.
PS I don't have a cubix.
Why don't you get some levels, buy some creditsd and learn how to fight, if you can FIGHT, especially if you are a guardian, then you won't have a prblem keeping them from using cubix, a wide range of afflictions also stop it.
Quit with the bitching and get on with life, they aren't going to nerf or change the planes, they are FINE the way they are, furthermore they aren't going to refund, or nerf cubixes. Have YOU bought thousands of credits? No? well don't try to come on here and screw people out of their hard earned with your pissing and moaning.
I have never believed for ONE second, that cubixes have been overpowered in any way, its a justifiable expense. If you go out and buy 2k credits, you can trans a heap of skills, and if you are good you can stop them from using it via afflictions.
PS I don't have a cubix.
Yrael2005-08-18 22:52:43
QUOTE(Khorthac @ Aug 19 2005, 06:52 AM)
I'm not saying its impossible to disable him in fight, I'm saying its impossible to stop him from going
there, and leaving, pretty much.. and then you require a player guard there, sure I heard celestians get
warning message, but thats pretty much the only warning you get.. its not like npc guards rush to aid either..
or other angels that help eachother..
I realy dislike the idea of someone entering in a instant a key area for someones territory..
could make it to enter a step before, so you actully have time to defend.
there, and leaving, pretty much.. and then you require a player guard there, sure I heard celestians get
warning message, but thats pretty much the only warning you get.. its not like npc guards rush to aid either..
or other angels that help eachother..
I realy dislike the idea of someone entering in a instant a key area for someones territory..
could make it to enter a step before, so you actully have time to defend.
They team up on anyone they catch attacking. Those Archangels are nasty.
Corr2005-08-18 22:53:10
This sounds like the same thing as the faethorn complaints.
All I have to say is that if you care about something enough you can stand guard. If your not around to stand guard and can't have ingame things protect them for you, then you most likely have ingame things that you can hit that they can't protect without being there.
To me, that makes is perfectly balanced. Also, I do not think each cubix takes a person to their own gates, so you should be able to chase them.
All I have to say is that if you care about something enough you can stand guard. If your not around to stand guard and can't have ingame things protect them for you, then you most likely have ingame things that you can hit that they can't protect without being there.
To me, that makes is perfectly balanced. Also, I do not think each cubix takes a person to their own gates, so you should be able to chase them.
Unknown2005-08-18 22:53:20
QUOTE(Murphy @ Aug 18 2005, 10:49 PM)
For a severe dose of bitching, I recommend a Can of harden up.
Why don't you get some levels, buy some creditsd and learn how to fight, if you can FIGHT, especially if you are a guardian, then you won't have a prblem keeping them from using cubix, a wide range of afflictions also stop it.
Quit with the bitching and get on with life, they aren't going to nerf or change the planes, they are FINE the way they are, furthermore they aren't going to refund, or nerf cubixes. Have YOU bought thousands of credits? No? well don't try to come on here and screw people out of their hard earned with your pissing and moaning.
I have never believed for ONE second, that cubixes have been overpowered in any way, its a justifiable expense. If you go out and buy 2k credits, you can trans a heap of skills, and if you are good you can stop them from using it via afflictions.
PS I don't have a cubix.
Why don't you get some levels, buy some creditsd and learn how to fight, if you can FIGHT, especially if you are a guardian, then you won't have a prblem keeping them from using cubix, a wide range of afflictions also stop it.
Quit with the bitching and get on with life, they aren't going to nerf or change the planes, they are FINE the way they are, furthermore they aren't going to refund, or nerf cubixes. Have YOU bought thousands of credits? No? well don't try to come on here and screw people out of their hard earned with your pissing and moaning.
I have never believed for ONE second, that cubixes have been overpowered in any way, its a justifiable expense. If you go out and buy 2k credits, you can trans a heap of skills, and if you are good you can stop them from using it via afflictions.
PS I don't have a cubix.
Your bringing the oil to the fire..
Since when, has ever enough credits justified something, except from bribing?
I dont care if it cost 200000 credits, its just wrong the way it is.
Richter2005-08-18 22:57:49
QUOTE(Murphy @ Aug 18 2005, 02:49 PM)
For a severe dose of bitching, I recommend a Can of harden up.
Why don't you get some levels, buy some creditsd and learn how to fight, if you can FIGHT, especially if you are a guardian, then you won't have a prblem keeping them from using cubix, a wide range of afflictions also stop it.
Quit with the bitching and get on with life, they aren't going to nerf or change the planes, they are FINE the way they are, furthermore they aren't going to refund, or nerf cubixes. Have YOU bought thousands of credits? No? well don't try to come on here and screw people out of their hard earned with your pissing and moaning.
I have never believed for ONE second, that cubixes have been overpowered in any way, its a justifiable expense. If you go out and buy 2k credits, you can trans a heap of skills, and if you are good you can stop them from using it via afflictions.
PS I don't have a cubix.
Why don't you get some levels, buy some creditsd and learn how to fight, if you can FIGHT, especially if you are a guardian, then you won't have a prblem keeping them from using cubix, a wide range of afflictions also stop it.
Quit with the bitching and get on with life, they aren't going to nerf or change the planes, they are FINE the way they are, furthermore they aren't going to refund, or nerf cubixes. Have YOU bought thousands of credits? No? well don't try to come on here and screw people out of their hard earned with your pissing and moaning.
I have never believed for ONE second, that cubixes have been overpowered in any way, its a justifiable expense. If you go out and buy 2k credits, you can trans a heap of skills, and if you are good you can stop them from using it via afflictions.
PS I don't have a cubix.
I knew I picked a good brother.

And think: they support the server. If people stopped buying artifacts and such, you would have no game to play. Stop whining now.
Unknown2005-08-18 22:58:12
QUOTE(Corr @ Aug 18 2005, 10:53 PM)
This sounds like the same thing as the faethorn complaints.
All I have to say is that if you care about something enough you can stand guard. If your not around to stand guard and can't have ingame things protect them for you, then you most likely have ingame things that you can hit that they can't protect without being there.
All I have to say is that if you care about something enough you can stand guard. If your not around to stand guard and can't have ingame things protect them for you, then you most likely have ingame things that you can hit that they can't protect without being there.
I dont understand, mind if you elaborate?
can't have ingame things protect them for you?
ingame things that can hit and they can't protect?
I have no idea what your refearing to
QUOTE(Corr @ Aug 18 2005, 10:53 PM)
To me, that makes is perfectly balanced. Also, I do not think each cubix takes a person to their own gates, so you should be able to chase them.
What you saying, I require a cubix to retaliate at them?
Unknown2005-08-18 22:59:40
QUOTE(Richter @ Aug 18 2005, 10:57 PM)
I knew I picked a good brother. 
And think: they support the server. If people stopped buying artifacts and such, you would have no game to play. Stop whining now.

And think: they support the server. If people stopped buying artifacts and such, you would have no game to play. Stop whining now.
Now your jumping to conclusions, I am suggesting something, and all I hear from people is more oil
to the fire, I'm not suggesting to make it useless, if it has to be there.
Athana2005-08-18 22:59:53
QUOTE(Khorthac @ Aug 18 2005, 02:58 PM)
I have no idea what your refearing to
What you saying, I require a cubix to retaliate at them?
What you saying, I require a cubix to retaliate at them?
Last time I checked your city had some people with cubixes, and you can retaliate by attacking the other plane too..