Unknown2005-08-18 23:03:43
QUOTE(Athana @ Aug 18 2005, 10:59 PM)
Last time I checked your city had some people with cubixes, and you can retaliate by attacking the other plane too..
All I hear is, with THAT amount of money i'm paying for it, it has to be unbalanced,
it has to be good, its stopped by:
stun, paralyze, shrivel arms, unconcious.. etc I dont know the whole list, but like shorlen said
they are easily cured, and it requires confrontation of the raider
Athana2005-08-18 23:06:42
QUOTE(Khorthac @ Aug 18 2005, 03:03 PM)
All I hear is, with THAT amount of money i'm paying for it, it has to be unbalanced,
it has to be good, its stopped by:
stun, paralyze, shrivel arms, unconcious.. etc I dont know the whole list, but like shorlen said
they are easily cured, and it requires confrontation of the raider
it has to be good, its stopped by:
stun, paralyze, shrivel arms, unconcious.. etc I dont know the whole list, but like shorlen said
they are easily cured, and it requires confrontation of the raider
Don't you still have to confront someone raiding without a cubix?

Unknown2005-08-18 23:09:43
Yes, of course, But the point is, then you can apply tactic to pin him down at a location perhaps
at the exit gateway,
right now the raider can EXIT/ENTER/RAID at wish
at the exit gateway,
right now the raider can EXIT/ENTER/RAID at wish
Yrael2005-08-18 23:17:52
You can use the same tactics to pin them down and stop them using the cubix; the range of afflictions stopping use is breathtaking. Well, no, but there are quite a few, I've been beaten repeatedly enough to know while dancing around on Celestia. Just use the afflictions to keep them there and kill them like you would at the entrance.
Unknown2005-08-18 23:22:54
I never said, all tactic was ruined, sure, if you happend to catch him unnoticed, when spamming who
list to see that defending party appear, you got a shot, but not much more then that, unless hes
willing to try them on.
list to see that defending party appear, you got a shot, but not much more then that, unless hes
willing to try them on.
Yrael2005-08-18 23:23:55
And most of them are. I usually type cos;qw so I can see who appears, because I die to novices.
Unknown2005-08-18 23:26:03
'most' of them are, thats it?
Yrael2005-08-18 23:28:56
Yes. Most of them aren't pitifully weak. They paid through the nose for it, and it's not something the Gods are likely to remove. Borrow a gem so you can sneak up on them, if you must. Scry them to get their location. Sit one SE of the Celestia exit and glance to make sure you know when they come back.
Corr2005-08-18 23:31:44
QUOTE(Khorthac @ Aug 18 2005, 10:58 PM)
I dont understand, mind if you elaborate?
can't have ingame things protect them for you?
ingame things that can hit and they can't protect?
I have no idea what your refearing to
What you saying, I require a cubix to retaliate at them?
can't have ingame things protect them for you?
ingame things that can hit and they can't protect?
I have no idea what your refearing to
What you saying, I require a cubix to retaliate at them?
From my limited understanding there are basically two ways to prevent the other team from hurting your team's goals.
1. Guards or passive defenses that kill or stop a person from hurting you before they get a chance to.
2. Other players killing or stoping a person from hurting you before they get a chance to.
A Cubix does not change this fact. It only stops 1. from being an issue.
If you are unwilling to do number 2, then either the goal is not important enough to you or you are not logged on to stop them.
If the goal is not important enough, then no need to change the rules of the game.
If you are not logged on to stop them, then try to be logged on when they are not around to stop you.
And yes, to fight a cubix well you need a cubix. Its hard to stop a tank when all you can afford is a horse. However, if you are creative and dedicated enough, you can stop a tank with a horse. Just ask Indiana Jones

Richter2005-08-18 23:38:34
No, to fight a cubix you do not need one. You don't fight one.
Person A touches his cubix, goes to limbo, and runs through a random exit.
Person B realizes they left, quickly touches their own, goes to limbo, finds the person gone.
How's that effective?
Person A touches his cubix, goes to limbo, and runs through a random exit.
Person B realizes they left, quickly touches their own, goes to limbo, finds the person gone.
How's that effective?
Unknown2005-08-18 23:43:23
The cubix is fine in my opinion. It costs 2000 credits anyhow. I'd say having the ability it gives is worth the 2k credits.
Unknown2005-08-19 00:02:25
QUOTE(Yrael @ Aug 18 2005, 11:28 PM)
Yes. Most of them aren't pitifully weak. They paid through the nose for it, and it's not something the Gods are likely to remove. Borrow a gem so you can sneak up on them, if you must. Scry them to get their location. Sit one SE of the Celestia exit and glance to make sure you know when they come back.
Thank you, I think that reinforces my argument, to have a guard/guards who can fight the raider
and just sit there, Waiting for the raider for him to come back.
But I let my fire rest now, I hope I pointed out my point, and something is done for it...
Yrael2005-08-19 00:11:27
Yeh? Go play on the Ethereal plane. It's like Celestia, just worse! Thousands of bloody times worse. Seriously.
Richter2005-08-19 00:12:08
It won't be. Post something that 99% of Lusternia doesn't disagree with you on.
99% of Lusternia: NO!
You: Yes, yes!
In the end, I think the pros outweigh the cons.
99% of Lusternia: NO!
You: Yes, yes!
In the end, I think the pros outweigh the cons.
Shorlen2005-08-19 00:14:52
QUOTE(Richter @ Aug 18 2005, 08:12 PM)
It won't be. Post something that 99% of Lusternia doesn't disagree with you on.
99% of Lusternia: NO!
You: Yes, yes!
In the end, I think the pros outweigh the cons.
99% of Lusternia: NO!
You: Yes, yes!
In the end, I think the pros outweigh the cons.
When the pros mean we have a game to play and paid staff, pros >>>>> cons

Edit: Oh, and a way to stop them from escaping? Why not demesnesummon them to a room with a roof? Assuming such a room exists on Celestia.
Marcalo2005-08-19 00:28:27
QUOTE(Khorthac @ Aug 18 2005, 05:35 PM)
Oh so now i'm a clueless newbie?
I have played IRE games before, and Its not hard to spot a unbalance in a game, some people shout out
nerfed at first thing, sometimes they are right, but _noone_ justifies the reason why its not unbalanced to me, you say, 'web' paralyze stop him from touching it, but that would mean I have to be a 100% guard on celestia with the others.. Sure if I was a strong fighter I could be alone a 100% guard there, and do it, I can't right now..
So dont go personal remarks I'm a newbie, and can't fight, and coudln't defend celestia when its
undefendable unless you stay there 100% guard
Narsrim and Murphy is not celestian's, and why I have that as argument is cause we are the weakest
and they dont have to defend the Celestia, which is quite often so raided, what I've seen.
This was my perception from todays raid for example, (removed names cause, dont want to drag in
anyone that doesn't want to)
(Celest): says, "Celestia under attack."
(Celest): (from Celestia, Plane of Light) says, " in Celestia."
I check who list:
Khorthac      Peasant                    On
    Peasant                    On
   Goodman                  On
We three fight it off, until we fall.. then we get a serenwilde to go there, I presume he was
quite a fighter, cause when he came, the raider left
Some remarks of people that supported me, about the device:
says, "Damn transplanar cubix."
says, "As soon as it gets tough."
After awhile, the raider is back and we have no assistance from the serenwilder, but
I check who list again and we have a strong fighter 'bob'..
(Celest): bob, "Cubix. If we defend, he finds it fun."
(Celest): bob says, "Leave it, and he'll get bored."
(Celest): bob says, "No way we can kill him anyway."
NOTE: I am not suggestion our strong fighter, was not 'as' strong, I do think
it was the truth, that bob was mentioning, and wish he be agreeing with me here..
and bob did come to assist, there, and the raider disepeared again..
So, How can I be a good paladin, ignore the device, let the angels die, cause of a
unstoppable force?.. or sit there 100% guard, web, web, shout for help?
if I dont, I would break my oath as a paladin..
I honestly think you can add more gameplay then that.. so my suggestion was to
either remove the Cubix, Tweak it, Remake Celestia or add planes you need to cross
before that..
And your starting to tick me off Richer, coming with insults..
I may be a young player to the game, but its' not like I havn't seen a unbalance before.
I have played IRE games before, and Its not hard to spot a unbalance in a game, some people shout out
nerfed at first thing, sometimes they are right, but _noone_ justifies the reason why its not unbalanced to me, you say, 'web' paralyze stop him from touching it, but that would mean I have to be a 100% guard on celestia with the others.. Sure if I was a strong fighter I could be alone a 100% guard there, and do it, I can't right now..
So dont go personal remarks I'm a newbie, and can't fight, and coudln't defend celestia when its
undefendable unless you stay there 100% guard
Narsrim and Murphy is not celestian's, and why I have that as argument is cause we are the weakest
and they dont have to defend the Celestia, which is quite often so raided, what I've seen.
This was my perception from todays raid for example, (removed names cause, dont want to drag in
anyone that doesn't want to)
I check who list:
Khorthac      Peasant                    On
We three fight it off, until we fall.. then we get a serenwilde to go there, I presume he was
quite a fighter, cause when he came, the raider left
Some remarks of people that supported me, about the device:
After awhile, the raider is back and we have no assistance from the serenwilder, but
I check who list again and we have a strong fighter 'bob'..
(Celest): bob, "Cubix. If we defend, he finds it fun."
(Celest): bob says, "Leave it, and he'll get bored."
(Celest): bob says, "No way we can kill him anyway."
NOTE: I am not suggestion our strong fighter, was not 'as' strong, I do think
it was the truth, that bob was mentioning, and wish he be agreeing with me here..
and bob did come to assist, there, and the raider disepeared again..
So, How can I be a good paladin, ignore the device, let the angels die, cause of a
unstoppable force?.. or sit there 100% guard, web, web, shout for help?
if I dont, I would break my oath as a paladin..
I honestly think you can add more gameplay then that.. so my suggestion was to
either remove the Cubix, Tweak it, Remake Celestia or add planes you need to cross
before that..
And your starting to tick me off Richer, coming with insults..
I may be a young player to the game, but its' not like I havn't seen a unbalance before.
now thats not what i said at all, i didn't say i found it fun when you all defened, i said i thought it was great you little guys were willing to try, when some of the bigger citizens of celest just sit at the pool while i raid and just let it happen, i was telling you all good job for having the guts to try.
Unknown2005-08-19 00:30:36
QUOTE(Richter @ Aug 19 2005, 12:12 AM)
It won't be. Post something that 99% of Lusternia doesn't disagree with you on.
99% of Lusternia: NO!
You: Yes, yes!
In the end, I think the pros outweigh the cons.
99% of Lusternia: NO!
You: Yes, yes!
In the end, I think the pros outweigh the cons.
Keep telling yourself, you might hear it in the end.
There was more voices then mine here, for a change.
Now will you let the people decide, or you going to try to keep dictate my opinions?
Shorlen, that sounds like another counter to bad it might be one of the only ones.
And I never been a fan of one trick ponies.
Yrael2005-08-19 00:39:40
QUOTE(Khorthac @ Aug 19 2005, 11:30 AM)
Keep telling yourself, you might hear it in the end.
There was more voices then mine here, for a change.
Now will you let the people decide, or you going to try to keep dictate my opinions?
Shorlen, that sounds like another counter to bad it might be one of the only ones.
And I never been a fan of one trick ponies.
There was more voices then mine here, for a change.
Now will you let the people decide, or you going to try to keep dictate my opinions?
Shorlen, that sounds like another counter to bad it might be one of the only ones.
And I never been a fan of one trick ponies.
Yes. We are going to dictate opinions. You could also ask for someone to ripple Celestia.
Diamante2005-08-19 00:42:14
Guys guys guys guys GUYS........
Cubixes are not overpowered. Honestly, I see Eiru/Alger and co. Die probably more than most indiviuals do. The fact is they are smart, and take the time to coordinate what they are doing. CUBIX IS NOT IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM UNSTOPPABLE. otherwise, none of the cubixers would die. Web, aeon, break arms. Considering you often outnumber them 4 to one.....you should be able to at least keep one of those afflictions on the cubixer most the time. Hell, on prime you have almost the same thing....spores baby, spores. spores=1/2 second to pick up. Cubix= 600 bucks. so really, please, no more whines about cubixes, and Ill give you all one credit. I promise. *goes back to immersing himself in game and not real life*
Cubixes are not overpowered. Honestly, I see Eiru/Alger and co. Die probably more than most indiviuals do. The fact is they are smart, and take the time to coordinate what they are doing. CUBIX IS NOT IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM UNSTOPPABLE. otherwise, none of the cubixers would die. Web, aeon, break arms. Considering you often outnumber them 4 to one.....you should be able to at least keep one of those afflictions on the cubixer most the time. Hell, on prime you have almost the same thing....spores baby, spores. spores=1/2 second to pick up. Cubix= 600 bucks. so really, please, no more whines about cubixes, and Ill give you all one credit. I promise. *goes back to immersing himself in game and not real life*
Alger2005-08-19 00:44:53
Ekard tried hit and running Nil earlier which ended with him praying.
Cubixes are fine in my opinion. Theyre an advantage that has a very high price, yes. It has its counters, though.
Cubixes are fine in my opinion. Theyre an advantage that has a very high price, yes. It has its counters, though.