Changes to the Celestia/Nil...

by Unknown

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Geb2005-08-19 00:44:55
Khorthac, cubixes can be countered. They are hard to get around, but a person paying $599.99 (under normal circumstances) is intitled to that little bit of overpoweredness. You can have that same level of power too, which would allow you, and some followers, to sit right up in Limbo and wait for the person to arrive.

Yes it is annoying to defend against, but it is also an annoyance that your enemies have to worry about too (Not recently, but in the past it was more of one). Also, we do have a few people in the city that have cubixes of there own (me included), that can go out and cause trouble too.
Diamante2005-08-19 00:45:10
(((stun, paralyze, shrivel arms, unconcious.. etc I dont know the whole list, but like shorlen said
they are easily cured, and it requires confrontation of the raider)))

No idea how to quote, but meh.

Ahem. That's what raiding is........ I would be rather dissapointed if I raided and there was no confrontation. Defend the celestials. meh
Unknown2005-08-19 00:45:21
QUOTE(Diamante @ Aug 19 2005, 12:42 AM)
Guys guys guys guys GUYS........

Cubixes are not overpowered. Honestly, I see Eiru/Alger and co. Die probably more than most indiviuals do. The fact is they are smart, and take the time to coordinate what they are doing. CUBIX IS NOT IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM UNSTOPPABLE. otherwise, none of the cubixers would die. Web, aeon, break arms. Considering you often outnumber them 4 to should be able to at least keep one of those afflictions on the cubixer most the time. Hell,  on prime you have almost the same thing....spores baby, spores. spores=1/2 second to pick up. Cubix= 600 bucks. so really, please, no more whines about cubixes, and Ill give you all one credit. I promise. *goes back to immersing himself in game and not real life*

read post #45
Kaervas2005-08-19 01:00:57
Of course cubixes are slightly imbalanced, they cost 2000 credits. Be glad they can't cubix away even while afflicted, at least it's possible to stop them.
Vesar2005-08-19 01:03:57
I'm going to re-state much of what has been said with no intention of furthering the discussion (Hey, I'm honest)

Cubix cost money. People pay -that- much money for something, I expect them to be able to use it.

Cubix is not unstoppable, as you seem to think, Khorthac. There is ONE entrance to Celestia and we all know where it is. It's not too difficult to isolate that area and defend it with the correct coordination. Heck, all you need are a couple of people breaking arms and webbing and the rest damaging the person to bring them down.

I hate the cubix, mostly because I want one, but I'm too cheap to spring for it. Those that do have my respect for actually caring that much.

And yes, Celest does counter-raid Nil, though not as much, because not many in the city have a cubix compared to those from, say, Magnagora.

As someone mentioned, get some levels, work on your combat skills (join the Circuit!!), and devise tactics to beat the problem, rather than complain about it on the forums.
Hajamin2005-08-19 01:58:22
I would just like to point out something. You stated you've played other IRE games before, and can see an unbalancing thing? Well, the cubix is exactly the same as the artifact wings in other games(not sure what Imperian has). Where they overpowered there too? Where they irritating? Yes, but not overpowered.

Yes, they can be irritating, yes they can be stopped too.
Shiri2005-08-19 01:59:09
QUOTE(Hajamin @ Aug 19 2005, 02:58 AM)
I would just like to point out something.  You stated you've played other IRE games before, and can see an unbalancing thing?  Well, the cubix is exactly the same as the artifact wings in other games(not sure what Imperian has).  Where they overpowered there too?  Where they irritating? Yes, but not overpowered.

Yes, they can be irritating, yes they can be stopped too.

I don't think in Imperian you can "attack" anywhere other than a place's city.

EDIT: Um, or Achaea. Not sure about Aetolia.
Murphy2005-08-19 02:00:25
general consensus is, you havent been in lusternia long enough to kno what you are really saying.

they paid for the priveledge, they get to use it. Like if you said to me, it's not fair you have artifact weapons and a heap of skills, whereas i just have trans guildskills, i would tell you excatly where to shove your opinion.

why? because there is an element to fighting called skill, and I am happy to fight anyone without my artifacts, because there is skill to back it up. Hit the treadmilll and get good at fighting, then you can pin someone down long enough so they don't cubix.

I can pin someone down so they die before they get cubix as a bonecrusher knight, you can certainly do it as any class, if you can't then its your skill that is lacking, not the cubix users
Vix2005-08-19 02:03:19
They can certainly use artifact wings to escape a raid in the other IRE games. Maybe make the Celestia/Nil lead to the Pool/Megalith where they can place guards?
Vesar2005-08-19 02:04:48
QUOTE(Vix @ Aug 18 2005, 09:03 PM)
They can certainly use artifact wings to escape a raid in the other IRE games. Maybe make the Celestia/Nil lead to the Pool/Megalith where they can place guards?

The whole point and power behind the cubix is the ability to bypass guards. Leave it as is.
Narsrim2005-08-19 02:05:33
Instead of nerfing the cubix, Celestia needs tweaked to be up to par with Nil. Almost all of the Demon Lords are located at in-door locations so at the very least, you can not cubix out from them. Celestia, however, is all out doors so you can. This should be changed.
Yrael2005-08-19 02:09:39
QUOTE(Narsrim @ Aug 19 2005, 01:05 PM)
Instead of nerfing the cubix, Celestia needs tweaked to be up to par with Nil. Almost all of the Demon Lords are located at in-door locations so at the very least, you can not cubix out from them. Celestia, however, is all out doors so you can. This should be changed.

That's an idea. A nice one. Narsrim has an idea that doesn't involve downgrading Necromancy? The world ends. Heh. Anyway. Ripple is an effective deterrant.
Marcalo2005-08-19 02:14:44
as far as i know all the supernals are indoors, so you can't cubix out of the rooms anyway, so ya. as for making all of celestia indoors that would be stupid, then it would make raiding it totally impossible unless you had a army to take out all the guards at the pool of stars, personally i think maybe a ripple like idea that stops people from being able to tesseract out or cubix out would be a good idea.
Unknown2005-08-19 02:43:48
QUOTE(Hajamin @ Aug 19 2005, 01:58 AM)
I would just like to point out something.  You stated you've played other IRE games before, and can see an unbalancing thing?  Well, the cubix is exactly the same as the artifact wings in other games(not sure what Imperian has).  Where they overpowered there too?  Where they irritating? Yes, but not overpowered.

Yes, they can be irritating, yes they can be stopped too.

Yeah, I did face those warriors who had it in Imperian, and Its quite the same thing, but there it
wasn't key areas like defending Celestia, or Nil.. Sure you could enter a city with it, but there it
was heavily patrolled by guards, and not to mention farsee(i think thats what it called) keept
track of where people was, Here you have to have window or scry which warriors dont have
unless they keep spending gold on a enchantment... Celestia and Nil, Is not heavily patrolled
you get a distant shout, then you have to portal there, see where he is, and charge him before
he escapes, when you attacked a city in Imperian it was diffrent, then you had to watch the
whole who list, and see who come's.. which is alot more trickier then here


forgot that scry and window doesn't reach beyound planes here, (what i've noticed)...
making it even harder
Hajamin2005-08-19 02:48:07

CosmicSense Sense anyone on adjacent planes.
Unknown2005-08-19 02:49:17
Actully new suggestion, remove the who list on celestia/nil, that would be scary...
Unknown2005-08-19 02:53:55
QUOTE(Hajamin @ Aug 19 2005, 02:48 AM)

CosmicSense        Sense anyone on adjacent planes.

Ah, alright, didnt know that, but still its like what, 5th from last in Planar..
And farscry was like 3rd ability in perception or whatever it was called in imperian..

that plays alot of diffrence for those that dont have alot of credits to move around with.
Yrael2005-08-19 02:56:00
QUOTE(marcalo @ Aug 19 2005, 01:14 PM)
as far as i know all the supernals are indoors, so you can't cubix out of the rooms anyway, so ya. as for making all of celestia indoors that would be stupid, then it would make raiding it totally impossible unless you had a army to take out all the guards at the pool of stars, personally i think maybe a ripple like idea that stops people from being able to tesseract out or cubix out would be a good idea.

I think he meant the outside bit. YOu know, when you enter the pillars of light? Also, removing the who lists would probably require a lot of effort. And raiders sometimes come equipped with a Gem of Cloaking anyway.
Unknown2005-08-19 02:57:58
It wasn't for the raiders sake to remove the whole list, it was for the defenders, mainly..

then you can't spam who' to see if a defending party pops up.
Unknown2005-08-19 03:16:30
QUOTE(Murphy @ Aug 19 2005, 02:00 AM)
general consensus is, you havent been in lusternia long enough to kno what you are really saying.

they paid for the priveledge, they get to use it. Like if you said to me, it's not fair you have artifact weapons and a heap of skills, whereas i just have trans guildskills, i would tell you excatly where to shove your opinion.

why? because there is an element to fighting called skill, and I am happy to fight anyone without my artifacts, because there is skill to back it up. Hit the treadmilll and get good at fighting, then you can pin someone down long enough  so they don't cubix.

I can pin someone down so they die before they get cubix as a bonecrusher knight, you can certainly do it as any class, if you can't then its your skill that is lacking, not the cubix users

This is not a question about fighting, and stop coming with your insults.