Prompt Colour

by Stangmar

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Stangmar2005-08-19 19:47:05
Ok, today my monitor decided not to display the colour green, just shows it as black. Can we pleaaaaaaase be able to CONFIG COLOUR PROMPT? I want to see my stats, and a white background is an eyesore. pray.gif
Soll2005-08-19 19:59:24
Stay in yellow/red. halo.gif
Corr2005-08-20 00:18:05
If you use something like Zmud you should be able to change what the mud says is "green" into something different.
Stangmar2005-08-20 00:28:25
i just changed all text to black and made my bg white. Still, would be nice to be able to change prompt colour with CONFIG for those who don't know how to use zMUD or don't have it. What sucked more was, after i spent 2 hours toying with it and getting it to a satisfactory setting, my monitor started working again.
Murphy2005-08-20 01:35:36
if you can't code zmud into making your prompt the right colour, why do you expect the admins to do it for you? really stop asking them to waste their time