***FREE*** Updated Mushclient System

by Ethelon

Back to Mechanic's Corner.

Unknown2006-11-29 13:54:59
It's the same in MUSHclient as it is in zMUD, except that you have to check the Expand Variables option in MUSHclient before using the @ syntax.
Rika2006-12-13 09:34:57
I tried this system, but everytime I get this:

Error -2147221005 occurred when finding CLSID of scripting
language "VBscript":

Invalid class string

Any ideas how this can be fixed? Thanks in advance
Unknown2006-12-13 15:01:25
It looks like you don't have VBscript installed or enabled, which is tricky since it comes with every Windows installation. This error is usually seen with other languages that you would normally have to download and install, such as Python or PerlScript.

I recommend you ask on the MUSHclient forums.
Theomar2007-01-04 02:42:52
This has been a recurring problem, but lately it seems as if hitting DIAG will make it go into a myrtle loop.

The first time, it was some convoluted thing involving faeleaf (I ended up turning "on_sixthsense" to 1, and that solved it.

Then, just now, I hit diag and it sent it into another myrtle loop. I eventually traced it to the variable "blind" and set it to 0.

Which leads me to my next question: What is with all the different variables? For instance, I have found "ddraconis", "def_draconis", "draconison," and "on_draconis."
Ethelon2007-01-04 04:23:41
The free system is very out-dated.

The Variables you are seeing are from an early auto-defence script which is not active in the Free system. They don't do anything and do not hinder the system in any way.
Theomar2007-01-04 21:56:05
I'm saving up for your full system, Ethelon.

Hopefully I'll get more than 3 points in the beta hamserhunt and be able to buy your system smile.gif
Tamarian2007-01-09 20:47:04
Every time I enter the script, this error message comes up

Error number: 0
Event: Compile error
Description: :1: `=' expected near `Runes'
Called by: Immediate execution

any suggestions?

Thanking in advance
Theomar2007-01-09 22:48:50
Hit Shift+Ctrl+6, go up to the drop box and select VBScript, then make sure "Enable Scripting" is checked.
Unknown2007-03-16 06:58:57
This hasn't seemed to be a problem for anyone in the past ten pages, but for the life of me I cant' figure out how to set my 'att' variable to two attacks. Since i'm a knight i swing twice, or jab or twice, or swing and jab, but I can only set one. I spent 15 minutes fiddling around with it and got very frusterated. Any ideas?
Theomar2007-03-17 17:34:48
Make an alias that does:

Make sure it sends to Execute.

Then, do att jab or att swing.

Use just the alias that has:
Unknown2007-03-17 18:53:17
Or, find the ff alias and edit it to read "jab @target; jab @target" rather than "@att @target". You won't be able to change your attack with att anymore, but it's easy enough to edit the ff alias.
Tervic2007-03-17 19:39:22
better yet, modify the ff alias to the following:

send "@att @target"
send "@att @target"

Then set a macro (I have mine on f5) to send ff to the world. Then, no more typing ff to attack! Just smash f5. whee
Unknown2007-03-20 22:52:06
I have set it to send double, thank you. I think I'll try mashing f5! tongue.gif
Unknown2007-03-25 06:01:43
Having a simple target problem myself
Trying to set a simple script... like lunging targeted at a certain area set to one key binding.

For example
Number key 5, setting lunge at chest to a one button command

Syntax for lunge

So I tryed setting the code as...
lunge chest
x seran
att lunge seran chest

however It comes out like this
lunge seran chest seran
I can see that the target is declared AFTER the command is executed, making it impossible for me to target specific body parts.

x is not defined as a target... not really sure... eh... can I somehow set x to be the target.
so that i could write the script as:

att lunge x chest
instead of
att lunge seran chest

If I could figure this out then I could also set maneuvers more easily. Like a behead only and a slitthroat only maneuver at the push of one key.

Any assistance would be appreciated. Much Thanks =D
Ethelon2007-03-25 11:03:46
1) Make a new alias, call it whatever you want.
2) In the SEND box put this in: LUNGE @TARGET CHEST
3) Click the little side box that reads EXPAND VARIABLES
4) Bind this alias to whatever key you want
Talnar2007-07-14 01:47:01
First off, I downloaded this system so I can alter it for my own needs, and update it so it's customized for me. Also, I need to learn how to script, so I figured, "Why not?" and tried this out, however, I'll need help, and that's where you all come in!

First question: That thing on the bottom, with the Target being Ethelon, Faepipe being 7, bla bla bla... Yeah. Where is that? I need to change it for my own needs. I just need a location as to where I can find it. Thank you!
Talnar2007-07-15 11:07:25
Bump? Anyone?
Unknown2007-10-31 07:51:49
how do i configure the free systen for the new score layout?
Ethelon2007-10-31 19:17:34
You just use OldScore, or make an alias that sends "score" as oldscore. You can also go into the Trigger for your last login and change teh score send to oldscore.
Unknown2007-11-17 20:07:18
I've been looking for an autosipper for a while, so i just decided to use this one. I went by every thing in the README file, but from some reason i get these two things that show up:

"Send-to-script cannot execute because scripting is not enabled."

Compile error
World: Lusternia
Immediate execution
:1: '=' expected near 'Runes'
Error context in script:
1*: Sub Runes (a, b, c)
2 : rune1 = getvariable ("Rune1")
3 : rune2 = getvariable ("Rune2")
4 : if rune1 = "ansuz" OR rune2 = "ansuz" then
5 : call herbcall ("hypochondria", "wormwood")

I made sure that the box that says "enable script" is checked, but i have no clue what to do to fix this. Could someone help me out?

Edit: Not really an edit, but i fixed it! I actually decided to read back through and figured out that i needed to enable VBscript.