Herb and Elixir balance

by Unknown

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Unknown2005-09-03 02:04:42
Im thinking about going Aslaran sooner or later, since they have a herb and elixir disadvantage how much in combat would this really effect me since im now a human Celestine level 73.
Murphy2005-09-03 02:38:42
the slower herb balance isn't too bad, the sipping penalty is a bit annoying, but worth it
Torak2005-09-03 03:06:17
Its well worth it, especially if you use Tarot.
Unknown2005-11-22 02:41:44
Now back to this aslaran thing, ok my sword is kinda slow so would the level 2 balance help a bit? By slow im saying 150 regular and 160 with runes.
Morik2005-11-22 03:05:08
Can always make up the penalty by having a crushing offence and using sparkleberry.
Unknown2005-11-22 03:24:21
My offense will be better when i stop relying on assualt that seems to be one of my few offensive faults. If anyone is willing to do some time stamp comparisons for me ill be thankful. Does anyone know the difference between time with the herb and elixir balance this is one of the few things that is holding be back from aslaran?
Unknown2005-11-22 03:58:43
Slower healing balance means you drink for less, not that the balance is slower.
Unknown2005-11-22 04:18:51
....I know that.
Unknown2005-11-22 04:22:59
Well, you asked... guess I misunderstood.