Titan thunderclap

by Unknown

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Unknown2005-09-29 04:41:49
From what I have heard, it is a 10p skill that deals damage to enemies in the local area.

But it only works outdoors, is that right? And shielding but not deafness stops it?
Athana2005-09-29 04:43:29
It only works once an IG month. That's the only limitation I know about it.
Unknown2005-09-29 04:44:48
Well, I just want to understand what limits its use in the Aetherways.

Apparently it's not an issue, so there must be some other limitation.
Xenthos2005-09-29 04:47:09
Titan thunderclap is only one room.

Demigod is not a local area, but the surrounding rooms (I think).
Unknown2005-09-29 04:48:22
Ahhh. That's a relief, thankyou.
Soll2005-09-29 06:35:45
I think Demigod clapping is line-of-sight. chin.gif
Unknown2005-09-29 07:01:22
Line of sight? That is scary.
Kaervas2005-09-29 07:58:13
Once an IG day actually.
Unknown2005-09-29 09:38:16
once per hour? wow, heh, I see in the future, many defenders line up for the defence of (insert area, person, thing, object, idea here) and 5 titans come in, they all thunderclap and kill all 30 defenders of (insert city/commune here) the defenders die, vitae and die again.

Meh, I hope this would never happen. At any rate it's a long way off seeing as we only have 4 titans and a 1 Demi at the moment, and most of them don't like the others.