Cwin2005-10-26 20:01:27
Thanks, Rhayni. It doesn't have to be as formal as the Vote counts, just enough to show who is currently getting hit with a FoS at the moment. We already seem to be used to bolding and UnFoSing.
Meanwhile, Shadow, while picking over all of the posts is recommended, don't think you have to do it before you post, or accuse, or even vote. Alot of what I do is based on intuition (thus the 'what my gut says' comments). Just state whether what you say is based on facts, supsitions, God, or just out of the youknowwhat.
Even a joke would be nice right now, just to calm the group (ok, just me, though I'm feeling better now)
Meanwhile, Shadow, while picking over all of the posts is recommended, don't think you have to do it before you post, or accuse, or even vote. Alot of what I do is based on intuition (thus the 'what my gut says' comments). Just state whether what you say is based on facts, supsitions, God, or just out of the youknowwhat.
Even a joke would be nice right now, just to calm the group (ok, just me, though I'm feeling better now)
Unknown2005-10-26 20:03:47
well.. I still say let's claim, that last game was so annoying because we knew nothing at all and it would give us a chance to see with what the tainted can come up.. 

Unknown2005-10-26 20:06:23
FOS Count:
Sylphas- 1 (Revan)
Xenthos- 1 (Vix)
Revan- 2 (Cwin, Shorlen)
Shadow- 1 (Xenthos)
Vix- 2 (Sylphas, Laneth)
Laneth- 3 (Iridiel, Sylphas, Tsuki)
I think that's right.
Sylphas- 1 (Revan)
Xenthos- 1 (Vix)
Revan- 2 (Cwin, Shorlen)
Shadow- 1 (Xenthos)
Vix- 2 (Sylphas, Laneth)
Laneth- 3 (Iridiel, Sylphas, Tsuki)
I think that's right.
Shorlen2005-10-26 20:07:42
QUOTE(shadow @ Oct 26 2005, 04:03 PM)
well.. I still say let's claim, that last game was so annoying because we knew nothing at all and it would give us a chance to see with what the tainted can come up.. 

This is an absolutely horrible idea. It gives the traitors way too much information, and doesn't really help us, since the traitors will just lie about who they are. Remember, there is a cult of 1-2 people, and they will be making perfectly valid claims, and still be traitors who must be killed.
Those who are about to be lynched should claim. That said, if anyone makes the sixth vote against someone before they have a chance to claim, the person who makes that final vote is clearly a traitor/cultist. I'm saying this now, so the other true townies will not do it and get lynched the next day for it.
Unknown2005-10-26 23:15:17
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Oct 27 2005, 06:07 AM)
Those who are about to be lynched should claim. That said, if anyone makes the sixth vote against someone before they have a chance to claim, the person who makes that final vote is clearly a traitor/cultist. I'm saying this now, so the other true townies will not do it and get lynched the next day for it.
You said something I agree with for once!

Unknown2005-10-26 23:31:39
I'll see if I can address a few concerns raised against me.
Can I ask why I seem suss?
If it is because of the random voting: as I've found on the mafiascum forums a certain lovely person has introduced me to, random voting is a common way of going about the first day. You go around poking random people to see what they might say. It really is quite harmless, since there was no bandwagonning attached to my random voting.
When I did start getting actual suspicions for people (Tsae and Cwin) I stated those and stopped random voting, preffering to concentrate on people who I thought might be scummy. Granted, Tsae was not, but s/he was certainly posting like s/he was as far as I and the rest of you could see.
I'm not sure if Quidgy is suspicious, or if he just likes randomly voting a lot.
FoS: Quidgy, Vix
Explained above. Random voting is a common practice on the first day.
I can see why you might think that, but don't try to offload your responsibility here. You were 'swayed'? As you've said, you're generally against not lynching on the first day, yet somehow you carry on in the same paragraph to try to convince us that it's someone else's fault you voted?
But you're right, going by the first day I could be evil. Then again, I did what everyone else did in the lynch process. We all suck as much as eachother there, I'm afraid, and you trying to shift the blame doesn't exactly shine a ray of innocence over yourself.
QUOTE(Iridiel @ Oct 26 2005, 06:58 PM)
Even with that, I find Shorlen might be true, as Laneth also looks a bit fishy to me. So FoS Laneth and let's see if we receive a good explanation.
Can I ask why I seem suss?
If it is because of the random voting: as I've found on the mafiascum forums a certain lovely person has introduced me to, random voting is a common way of going about the first day. You go around poking random people to see what they might say. It really is quite harmless, since there was no bandwagonning attached to my random voting.
When I did start getting actual suspicions for people (Tsae and Cwin) I stated those and stopped random voting, preffering to concentrate on people who I thought might be scummy. Granted, Tsae was not, but s/he was certainly posting like s/he was as far as I and the rest of you could see.
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Oct 26 2005, 07:58 PM)
I'm not sure if Quidgy is suspicious, or if he just likes randomly voting a lot.
FoS: Quidgy, Vix
Explained above. Random voting is a common practice on the first day.
QUOTE(Tsuki @ Oct 26 2005, 11:31 PM)
Then I let myself get swayed by the logic of needing to do something with the theory of lynches being our only weapon against scum (which I did always support in the past anyway, so it wasn't too much to fall back in that rut of thinking), and posts of others (Kia and Quidgy) supporting such (especially Kia's. Bah, I let myself be swayed by the cult leader's posts
). Looking back on that now, it gives me the suspicion they were working together, so FoS Quidgyboo as being a possible cult member, recruited the first night.

I can see why you might think that, but don't try to offload your responsibility here. You were 'swayed'? As you've said, you're generally against not lynching on the first day, yet somehow you carry on in the same paragraph to try to convince us that it's someone else's fault you voted?
But you're right, going by the first day I could be evil. Then again, I did what everyone else did in the lynch process. We all suck as much as eachother there, I'm afraid, and you trying to shift the blame doesn't exactly shine a ray of innocence over yourself.
Revan2005-10-27 01:01:41
I believe that many people are basing their votings on general paranoia which, of course, should be expected. However, it also seems that no matter what one seems to say, it only strengthens that paranoid assumption, thus leading them into a panicked state of decision which, by most cases, is a flawed and biased view point merely because "so and so said "hi" in a weird way and omg he's sooo tainted wtf". In my case, for example, a simply laid plan open to discussion was the subject of finger pointing. Also, my thought process seems to frighten poor Cwin as he believes that just because I can intelligently put forth a thought to the general group. It would lead me to suspect that those who are voting for me simply because I'm giving thought out and descriptive responses would surely represent either of these two parties: 1) The Tainted 2) The depressingly paranoid and/or stupid.
Unknown2005-10-27 01:53:55
Seeming too smart is always a bad thing if you want to stay alive. Unless, of course, the scum cannot afford to kill you as it would validate your finger-pointing.
Cwin2005-10-27 02:08:15
QUOTE(Revan @ Oct 26 2005, 09:01 PM)
I believe that many people are basing their votings on general paranoia which, of course, should be expected. However, it also seems that no matter what one seems to say, it only strengthens that paranoid assumption, thus leading them into a panicked state of decision which, by most cases, is a flawed and biased view point merely because "so and so said "hi" in a weird way and omg he's sooo tainted wtf". In my case, for example, a simply laid plan open to discussion was the subject of finger pointing. Also, my thought process seems to frighten poor Cwin as he believes that just because I can intelligently put forth a thought to the general group. It would lead me to suspect that those who are voting for me simply because I'm giving thought out and descriptive responses would surely represent either of these two parties: 1) The Tainted 2) The depressingly paranoid and/or stupid.
First off, HE!? I otta vote you out on just that.
Ok, seriously, it's not just your talk that's gotten to me. I just feel that you're not ordinary. That can mean anything from a powerful good guy to a scum. FoS, to me, is mostly just a way to learn more about a person. Sort of like "Shine a spotlight on that guy and let's see em act". Votes on day 1 work out the same way for some reason, so long as it doesn't bandwagon (in general, though, I HATE Day 1 overall, but I know that the random voting, the bandwagoning, the OMGUS votes, and paranoia is a nessisary evil.) Stuff like what you just posted is exactly what I'm looking for. In all honesty, though, even though you have alot of good points, it still doesn't shake the gut feeling I have.
Revan2005-10-27 02:20:04
Well, first off I apologize for calling you a He.
I'm merely trying to be active in this, and doing the best I can to try to shed some light on a rather dubious set of circumstances. Yes, perhaps the way I'm wording them makes me sound like I'm super important, but in all reality, anyone can sound important given a strong grasp of language. In any case, I'd rather concern myself with twitchy vote fingers (who don't really bother to FoS) such as Iridiel and Sylphas, or also those who aren't that active at all (though extrenuating circumstances may be the cause of that).
I'm merely trying to be active in this, and doing the best I can to try to shed some light on a rather dubious set of circumstances. Yes, perhaps the way I'm wording them makes me sound like I'm super important, but in all reality, anyone can sound important given a strong grasp of language. In any case, I'd rather concern myself with twitchy vote fingers (who don't really bother to FoS) such as Iridiel and Sylphas, or also those who aren't that active at all (though extrenuating circumstances may be the cause of that).
Vix2005-10-27 02:53:55
I only urged Sylphas to bandwagon so that we could finally end the day. We were all frustrated with Day 1 so the sooner we got rid of it the better. I still wanted no lynch, but I wanted to move on even more.
Unknown2005-10-27 03:27:22
QUOTE(Vix @ Oct 27 2005, 12:53 PM)
I only urged Sylphas to bandwagon so that we could finally end the day. We were all frustrated with Day 1 so the sooner we got rid of it the better. I still wanted no lynch, but I wanted to move on even more.
You didn't think Tsae should get a chance to claim first?
Sylphas2005-10-27 06:55:44
Unvote: Revan. He's something, but for now I'm going to hope it's on our side. He's so blatant about it he's either bluffing completely (no harm done), protecting himself, or hopes that he can make us say "no scum would be that stupid." The last is very risky, so I'm doubting it for now.
Vote: Vix. I'm annoyed that you prodded me into voting (and that I was actually stupid enough not to think first). I will grant that me actually doing does make me look terribly suspicious. Hopefully I can work some of that off, but if not, you'll get a claim out of me at least.
Quidgyboo I'm still uncertain on. Yes, random voting isn't that bad, but I'm still suspicious for reasons I'm not even quite sure of. Just feels odd.
Vote: Vix. I'm annoyed that you prodded me into voting (and that I was actually stupid enough not to think first). I will grant that me actually doing does make me look terribly suspicious. Hopefully I can work some of that off, but if not, you'll get a claim out of me at least.
Quidgyboo I'm still uncertain on. Yes, random voting isn't that bad, but I'm still suspicious for reasons I'm not even quite sure of. Just feels odd.
Shorlen2005-10-27 13:18:45
I point out that Vix is a new player - I personally am not suspicious of her for not allowing Globglob to claim. There might be other reasons to be suspicious of her, but that isn't one of them. This is her first game, right?
Unknown2005-10-27 13:31:56
It is? Hmm...Well that's something then, though we could hardlyt be expected to know that, and you could be telling a lie in the hope that we don't know better.
So many possibilities.
So many possibilities.
Shorlen2005-10-27 13:35:09
QUOTE(Quidgyboo @ Oct 27 2005, 09:31 AM)
It is? Hmm...Well that's something then, though we could hardlyt be expected to know that, and you could be telling a lie in the hope that we don't know better.
So many possibilities.
So many possibilities.
If it isn't, it's not a lie, but a wrong guess

Unknown2005-10-27 13:44:37
I will verify that this is Vix's first time playing one of my games.
Cwin2005-10-27 13:45:01
Well, since I'm out of good information, let's reorganize:
Laneth- 1 vote, 3 FoS
Revan- 1 vote, 2 FoS
Vix- 1 Vote 2 FoS
Sylphas- 1 vote, 1 FoS
Iridiel- 1 vote
Xenthos- 1 FoS
Shadow- 1 FoS
Now that we have a FoS count, we can tell that while the votes are scattered again, there's four people who we are concerned about, Laneth,
Revan, Vix, and Sylphas, and three others who are noticable, Iridiel, Xenthos, and Shadow. Probably the best thing now is to focus on those 7 and decide how we feel about them, good or ill. I have my own feelings but I'll post that next: I want to keep this one objective.
Laneth- 1 vote, 3 FoS
Revan- 1 vote, 2 FoS
Vix- 1 Vote 2 FoS
Sylphas- 1 vote, 1 FoS
Iridiel- 1 vote
Xenthos- 1 FoS
Shadow- 1 FoS
Now that we have a FoS count, we can tell that while the votes are scattered again, there's four people who we are concerned about, Laneth,
Revan, Vix, and Sylphas, and three others who are noticable, Iridiel, Xenthos, and Shadow. Probably the best thing now is to focus on those 7 and decide how we feel about them, good or ill. I have my own feelings but I'll post that next: I want to keep this one objective.
Iridiel2005-10-27 14:16:48
I want to make it clear that the person who voted me clearly did it as a reaction of me calling him scumbag, wich shows that desire for revenge matters more to him than finding the real scumbags, wich is what he claims he's doing, thus proving my suspicions true.
Cwin2005-10-27 14:21:26
To be honest, I don't know what to think about Quid now. In truth, all he HAS been doing, first getting people to talk then going after the most supicious. It's actualy smart play and something both the good and bad side would do. There's definatly more suspicious people out there now and I'd like new events to happen to see how he acts.
He speaks logical and his plan makes sense. However, it still doesn't feel like enough. My FoS was placed on him and I might require a full on rollcall before the end of the day. By how it sounds, I'm not the only one.
I can't find much to suspect her on. Apperently, she's suspect for pushing a vote before rollcall, but no one else asked for a call either. I want to peg it to just a mistake and leave it there.
She's being focused on by Revan and Quid. Quid is after her for the same reason as people are after Vix; that last vote. Revan doesn't like her voting on him, but I'm more suspicious of Revan than Sylphas. Given that my feelings on what happened there, I can't suspect Sylphas very much.
Voted by Revan due to 'stupidity'? That's not a reason to kill someone. Beyond her dislike of Revan, there isn't much to look over, unless I'm missing something (which is easy to do).
Xenthos and Shadow I'll lump into one category: FoSed due to lack of information. Shadow is talking now but sounds too worried to suspect anyone an Xenthos makes me think of that guy sitting far away from the group making occasional comments here and there. I wouldn't mind if the main focus went to them just to learn more about them, but there's nothing I can say to peg against them.
There. I feel content now; it feels nice to just throw it all out and see what you have. How do the rest of you guys feel?
To be honest, I don't know what to think about Quid now. In truth, all he HAS been doing, first getting people to talk then going after the most supicious. It's actualy smart play and something both the good and bad side would do. There's definatly more suspicious people out there now and I'd like new events to happen to see how he acts.
He speaks logical and his plan makes sense. However, it still doesn't feel like enough. My FoS was placed on him and I might require a full on rollcall before the end of the day. By how it sounds, I'm not the only one.
I can't find much to suspect her on. Apperently, she's suspect for pushing a vote before rollcall, but no one else asked for a call either. I want to peg it to just a mistake and leave it there.
She's being focused on by Revan and Quid. Quid is after her for the same reason as people are after Vix; that last vote. Revan doesn't like her voting on him, but I'm more suspicious of Revan than Sylphas. Given that my feelings on what happened there, I can't suspect Sylphas very much.
Voted by Revan due to 'stupidity'? That's not a reason to kill someone. Beyond her dislike of Revan, there isn't much to look over, unless I'm missing something (which is easy to do).
Xenthos and Shadow I'll lump into one category: FoSed due to lack of information. Shadow is talking now but sounds too worried to suspect anyone an Xenthos makes me think of that guy sitting far away from the group making occasional comments here and there. I wouldn't mind if the main focus went to them just to learn more about them, but there's nothing I can say to peg against them.
There. I feel content now; it feels nice to just throw it all out and see what you have. How do the rest of you guys feel?