Xenthos2005-11-04 22:55:40
Then assuming everyone has given their exact role... *coughs*, yeah, I know, not likely. It seems like the guilty are ALL party goers. If the head hadn't been killed off, there would be three of them right now (head, + 3 nights, - laneth), which would have essentially guaranteed us a loss on this night. Given that, having more non-guilty would have made it game-over within three days, just by one person surviving.
*IF* this is the case, we only have one more to chop now to end this. It does seem easy, but if the party-goer hadn't died so early, we'd be in dire straits. It also means that every role claim may seem perfectly fine, but has the party goer hidden underneath. Thoughts?
*IF* this is the case, we only have one more to chop now to end this. It does seem easy, but if the party-goer hadn't died so early, we'd be in dire straits. It also means that every role claim may seem perfectly fine, but has the party goer hidden underneath. Thoughts?
Tsuki2005-11-04 23:49:40
Now, to my questions:
- If Tsuki power was stolen when targetting Revan (even if he didn't know) and targeted Quidgy who was not innocent... Did you receive a non-innocent answer? Or Laneth did and lied about it saying he was innocent?
- If Tsuki power was stolen when targetting Revan (even if he didn't know) and targeted Quidgy who was not innocent... Did you receive a non-innocent answer? Or Laneth did and lied about it saying he was innocent?
When Quidgy stole my power, all I discovered was that my investigation didn't uncover Revan's name. That gave me a few suspicions ... either that I'd been roleblocked or that Revan was something odd that I was unable to find information on (such as a godfather showing up as innocent). I felt it was more likely to be the latter, especially with how discussions were going, which led me to suspect Revan as scummy. Then having him revealed as innocent and to find that Quidgy'd taken my power and created the situation that led to my suspecting an innocent ...

Also, I'd be grateful for a logical explanation on how we have so many information roles and nobody said anything until now.
Prudence, on my part. If someone had come out and claimed to be someone, and I'd investigated and discovered that wasn't their true name, I could and would have revealed myself then. Once everyone knows what I can do, my ability it limited. At this point, I can just check up on Cwin, Iridiel and Xenthos to make sure they gave the correct names. if one of you gave a false name, and is scum hiding behind that, I'll possibly be targetted tonight to keep from revealing what I might discover. Making myself vulnerable like that has also, however, given Xenthos (as a claimed intent-scrier which seems to have at least an equal if not greater usefulness than my name-scrier ability) a bit more protection. So cult/scum have to determine whether to try killing him, on the basis that he might discover them, or try killing me on the basis that I might discover something fishy.
Yes, I can confirm that Vix's name is correct. The question I have at this point is who killed the cult leader. Kiarlea could kill, but wouldn't have killed herself unless she tried to recruit a scum, in which case we'd have more than the cult to worry about. Iridiel can kill, and Vix can kill. If neither Iridiel nor Vix killed Kiarlea, we've either got a scum who targetted her or was targetted by her for recruitment ... either one which would've worked. Or a serial killer maybe? That might be scummy to have cause her death, and the role alone would also have fit with having the cult leader alone (at least to start).
unvote Iridiel, just to be safe and not allow a lynch to sneak by
Suspicions are leaning more heavily toward Vix, even though she did give her true name. It's ... interesting, even given new-to-the-game status, that you say you did nothing so far Vix, other than tracking during the third night.
Vix2005-11-05 00:26:41
No, I seriously didn't. I'm that bad of a newbie. 
I wouldn't know who to kill if anyone and I haven't guarded (not that it would matter anyways).

I wouldn't know who to kill if anyone and I haven't guarded (not that it would matter anyways).
Tsuki2005-11-05 00:34:20
Not killing or guarding, I could understand, from a fear of making a mistake and killing or protecting the wrong person. But not even tracking ... when you could've gotten lucky and tracked someone who killed someone innocent ... ? 
Vix, dear, you're either indeed that bad of a newbie or you're being sneaky and hiding something more sinister while professing (albeit believably) to be that bad of a newbie.
Also I have to wonder why Ibby didn't prod you if you didn't give her night choices or why she wouldn't've replaced you if you indeed didn't use them. I suppose it's possible, but just the "possibility" isn't enough to relax my suspicions.

Vix, dear, you're either indeed that bad of a newbie or you're being sneaky and hiding something more sinister while professing (albeit believably) to be that bad of a newbie.
Also I have to wonder why Ibby didn't prod you if you didn't give her night choices or why she wouldn't've replaced you if you indeed didn't use them. I suppose it's possible, but just the "possibility" isn't enough to relax my suspicions.
Vix2005-11-05 00:58:41
I can only track once in the whole game. Dunno if I said that.
Tsuki2005-11-05 01:19:20

Okay, you'd said "I can track, guard, or kill once in the night." I took that to mean you could track or guard or kill, one of the three choices each night. You're now saying that you can only do each action, or the tracking action only for some reason, once during the entire thing?

This is really stretching plausability too far for me. vote Vix
Vix2005-11-05 01:22:11
No, no, bah. Curse my bad wording. I'm basically a one-shot vigilante or healer or tracker. And knowing Ibby, making up a thing like this is entirely plausible. She said that any role or variation of the roles listed can be found. Apparently I'm a unique idea? 

Cwin2005-11-05 01:32:40
My blocks turned out like my scries the last two games: Useless.
First Night: Shadow out of randomness
Second Night: Revan out of Gut instinct
Third Night: Quid since he was the most suspicious. I think half the basin targetted him last night.
Beats scrying someone, having them die first night and having me die by second night.
In any case, given the insanity of roles we've been given, it looks like mostly a matter of who was recruited first night. Vix's past actions does suggest newness. It also suggest scummyness. Vix's role sounds proper, but realy that doesn't say anything. We have a scry calling you guilty and realy, calling it a false call is a game of "Wine In Front of Me".
I'm going for it. vote Vix
First Night: Shadow out of randomness
Second Night: Revan out of Gut instinct
Third Night: Quid since he was the most suspicious. I think half the basin targetted him last night.
Beats scrying someone, having them die first night and having me die by second night.
In any case, given the insanity of roles we've been given, it looks like mostly a matter of who was recruited first night. Vix's past actions does suggest newness. It also suggest scummyness. Vix's role sounds proper, but realy that doesn't say anything. We have a scry calling you guilty and realy, calling it a false call is a game of "Wine In Front of Me".
I'm going for it. vote Vix
Vix2005-11-05 01:40:12
Hm, that's three against me with four to lynch?
Sorry if the impression you get of me is that of scum, but I swear I am as innocent as Revan was. Everyone thought he was scummy in some way but turned out innocent. Please reconsider before you kill me. Doing so could lose the game...
Sorry if the impression you get of me is that of scum, but I swear I am as innocent as Revan was. Everyone thought he was scummy in some way but turned out innocent. Please reconsider before you kill me. Doing so could lose the game...
Unknown2005-11-05 01:42:55
Vote Count
Vix: 3 (Xenthos, Tsuki, Cwin)
Iridiel: 1 (Sylphas)
Not voting: (2) Vix, Iridiel
4 to killllllllll!
Vix: 3 (Xenthos, Tsuki, Cwin)
Iridiel: 1 (Sylphas)
Not voting: (2) Vix, Iridiel
4 to killllllllll!
Cwin2005-11-05 01:44:17
unvote: Vix
Didn't see Tsuki when I posted, and now I don't want it to end so quickly. Let's vote on him AFTER if we as a whole agree to it.
Didn't see Tsuki when I posted, and now I don't want it to end so quickly. Let's vote on him AFTER if we as a whole agree to it.
Cwin2005-11-05 01:45:51
Editing that last sentence: Let's all decide whether it's best to vote Vix, and after that we vote.
Tsuki2005-11-05 01:49:30
I did say earlier I still think we need to be very careful. Being as there's so few of us left, it sounds like a prudent idea to make sure Iridiel and Sylphas have a chance to contribute their thoughts after recent developments.
Sylphas2005-11-05 06:14:22
I think Vix is guilty, at this point. It sounds like she's making this up as she goes along.
Also, does the cult actually kill anyone, or do they just try to be the last standing? If the latter, I think we're screwed.
Also, does the cult actually kill anyone, or do they just try to be the last standing? If the latter, I think we're screwed.
Vix2005-11-05 06:30:27
What is the argument for my guilt?
Xenthos's reading - he could be inaccurate, he could be lying
And I don't think you know me very well if you think I can make up stuff like this.
Xenthos's reading - he could be inaccurate, he could be lying
And I don't think you know me very well if you think I can make up stuff like this.

Sylphas2005-11-05 06:34:22
"I've got this."
"Oh wait, I can only use them once, that's why."
"Don't mind me, I'm a newb."
I'm not buying it, it sounds like you trying to hide behind being a newbie, and trying to craft a role.
If nothing else, someone who can tell actually role confirm Vix.
Unvote: Iridiel
"Oh wait, I can only use them once, that's why."
"Don't mind me, I'm a newb."
I'm not buying it, it sounds like you trying to hide behind being a newbie, and trying to craft a role.
If nothing else, someone who can tell actually role confirm Vix.
Unvote: Iridiel
Vix2005-11-05 07:30:33
Eh? Tsuki's already done that.
Cwin2005-11-05 14:11:08
He's proven you're an Ambassador, but he hasn't said just what your role is. Also, he can't tell whether you're a party goer or not.
As for the cult's goal: It's similar to the mafia's. When cult members = rest then the cult wins. Their primary way of doing this is recruitment. Xenthos is right: If the Party Head wasn't killed second night we've been done for.
What happens from there varies heavily. There's versions where the cult can form a new Head after the old one dies, versions where the cult is Pro town, ext. Killing isn't common but I don't think I've ever heard of a Role STEALER. I've learned my lesson of never trying to outguess the moderator.
Let's tally the 'votes':
Guilty: Xenthos, Cwin, Tsuki, Sylphas, Iridiel
That's 5 actualy who's agreed. We fall or stand together.
Vix. I'm sorry, but vote: Vix
As for the cult's goal: It's similar to the mafia's. When cult members = rest then the cult wins. Their primary way of doing this is recruitment. Xenthos is right: If the Party Head wasn't killed second night we've been done for.
What happens from there varies heavily. There's versions where the cult can form a new Head after the old one dies, versions where the cult is Pro town, ext. Killing isn't common but I don't think I've ever heard of a Role STEALER. I've learned my lesson of never trying to outguess the moderator.
Let's tally the 'votes':
Guilty: Xenthos, Cwin, Tsuki, Sylphas, Iridiel
That's 5 actualy who's agreed. We fall or stand together.
Vix. I'm sorry, but vote: Vix
Iridiel2005-11-05 14:28:59
Well, I think it's quite obvious what I did on previous nights, if you read my posts. This includes a party goer dead in a messy way. But it was necessary.
The other nights I didn't do anything just because the first night was a bit maniac to start killing people without knowing anything about them, and the second night we were still undecided and we had lost enough innocents not to want to kill anybody else (post Revan lynching
I still think we need to slay two of them. One taintscum alone since the beggining of the game? Not likely.
That, or we're just fighting the cult, and there're no mafias around.
The other nights I didn't do anything just because the first night was a bit maniac to start killing people without knowing anything about them, and the second night we were still undecided and we had lost enough innocents not to want to kill anybody else (post Revan lynching

I still think we need to slay two of them. One taintscum alone since the beggining of the game? Not likely.
That, or we're just fighting the cult, and there're no mafias around.
Vix2005-11-05 17:34:01
Very well. You kill me though I am innocent. You will have only yourselves to blame when the cult wins.