Vix2005-11-05 17:53:52
And before you do choose to kill me, I would like to convey my suspicions on Sylphas or Cwin. Think of it a as "last will" even.
Sylphas2005-11-06 09:44:16
Hmm, thought I had already. Oh well. Vote: Vix
Unknown2005-11-06 10:38:50
Taking their seats around a sturdy Birchwood table, the surviving villagers each fidget nervously, their eyes downcast; some in true worry for the freedom of their people, others merely playing the part of the remorseful innocent. Thus far, the free people have had one among them struck down from above – the Goddess of the Hunt has no mercy when one refuses to play by Her rules – while some others have been found to care little for the good and righteous quest for freedom, choosing instead a life of debauchery and endless parties. Did Scuchi Mabuchi spread her ecstasy only so far as the Queen of the Fae, or have other hands been working to turn the people away from their goals?
“I declare myself pure and good, working for the truth and for the emancipation of the people. I can prove it, too; these pasts nights I have worked my magicks and discovered the innocence of at least two still among us!†Looking back and forth, the one calling himself Grand Cipher Dith levels his gaze accusingly at another seated around the table. “You! You turned us against Timmie! What have you to say?†Looking smug, Dith begins to take his seat, smirking to those around him as suddenly a look of horror washes across his. “Maeve,†he whispers, “what if she distorted my readings?â€
Many of you raise your voices in unison; “no, I assure you, Maeve was weaving her deceitful magicks against mine!†“Yes I can’t see anyone else acting so oddly! I agree with you Dith! “Hmm, yes I suppose that’s good enough for me too.†The cacophony of voices hardly ceases to let the accused speak on his behalf.
“Oh no, please, just…listen a little! I have only just recently come down from the mountains. The King sent me to help ensure the peace of the land, but, but, I think he should have picked someone else. I really do not know what I am doing. Oh so many choices, so many, what if I make the wrong one? I can tell you though, I tracked this one calling himself Dith, and he indeed did work his magicks, against me! I am sure he has fallen under the gaze of the Crone and he suffers from the lunar maladies of Mother Moon.â€
“You know, he could be right. What with poor Timmie being dead, we really must be careful whom we choose, unlike last time. Wait, Timmie, that’s right; you pushed for his death! It was you!†All eyes snap once more, away from the Dwarf, toward another sitting quietly at the other end of the table.
“Hmm? Oh, what? No don’t be silly; it was he. Look, he has shifty eyes, let’s get him!â€
With little more than a shrug, you all rush forward to cease the Dwarf, dragging him outside by the curly hairs of his orange beard and stringing him up by the wrists to a gnarled tree. Barely able to contain his agony, the Dwarf writhes and screams, biting against the gag wedged between his teeth as slivers of glassblade are inserted beneath his toenails.
“Tell us the truth, you traitorous dog! We know you have been trying to enslave the people! Admit your crimes and your death shall be swift, your pain less!â€
A sickening crunch reverberates from the Dwarf’s knee as one of you rush forward to rain a volley of blows upon his legs, shattering bones and snapping tendons from muscles as the appendages become little more the sacks of bloody offal.
Whimpering and shaking, the Dwarf can do no more than shake his head against the accusations.
“Fine, turncoat, you leave us no choice in the matter. Mages, step forth! You know what must be done.â€
Without words, three figures cloaked heavily under garments of deep purple and black, walk slowly to the fore. With hoods forward and gazes firmly held beneath the dangling accused, the mages link hands and begin to chant. Guttural at first – nothing more than barks and growls – their words have little meaning but their power can clearly be felt resonating and growing as their words grow harsher, their voices thicker and louder. Faster and faster their words echo out as the ground beneath the Dwarf begins to darken and grumble with its own anger, its own hunger.
“Rise, guardians of rock and stone, warriors of cliff and cave. Golems of clay, bring justice for the people and avenge our fallen brethren!â€
The shadow beneath the mountain Dwarf's feet is a shadow no more. From within its centre a crack begins to grow, widening, spreading as if it were a gaping maw reaching up to swallow him whole. Hands now - made of sandstone, clay and ores from below - shot forth, dragging behind them hulking beasts of rock. Climbing forth, the three towering monstrosities surround the Dwarf, obscuring him from view with their mammoth bodies.
Screams, blood-curdling screams, are all that can be heard as Tarrawen Falgirn, Dwarven Ambassador, one-shot vigilante, guardian, and tracker (innocent), is torn limb from limb and has the marrow sucked from his bones.
Poor Vix, the honest newbie, is dead.
Night falls upon the town, send your choices to Ibby.
“I declare myself pure and good, working for the truth and for the emancipation of the people. I can prove it, too; these pasts nights I have worked my magicks and discovered the innocence of at least two still among us!†Looking back and forth, the one calling himself Grand Cipher Dith levels his gaze accusingly at another seated around the table. “You! You turned us against Timmie! What have you to say?†Looking smug, Dith begins to take his seat, smirking to those around him as suddenly a look of horror washes across his. “Maeve,†he whispers, “what if she distorted my readings?â€
Many of you raise your voices in unison; “no, I assure you, Maeve was weaving her deceitful magicks against mine!†“Yes I can’t see anyone else acting so oddly! I agree with you Dith! “Hmm, yes I suppose that’s good enough for me too.†The cacophony of voices hardly ceases to let the accused speak on his behalf.
“Oh no, please, just…listen a little! I have only just recently come down from the mountains. The King sent me to help ensure the peace of the land, but, but, I think he should have picked someone else. I really do not know what I am doing. Oh so many choices, so many, what if I make the wrong one? I can tell you though, I tracked this one calling himself Dith, and he indeed did work his magicks, against me! I am sure he has fallen under the gaze of the Crone and he suffers from the lunar maladies of Mother Moon.â€
“You know, he could be right. What with poor Timmie being dead, we really must be careful whom we choose, unlike last time. Wait, Timmie, that’s right; you pushed for his death! It was you!†All eyes snap once more, away from the Dwarf, toward another sitting quietly at the other end of the table.
“Hmm? Oh, what? No don’t be silly; it was he. Look, he has shifty eyes, let’s get him!â€
With little more than a shrug, you all rush forward to cease the Dwarf, dragging him outside by the curly hairs of his orange beard and stringing him up by the wrists to a gnarled tree. Barely able to contain his agony, the Dwarf writhes and screams, biting against the gag wedged between his teeth as slivers of glassblade are inserted beneath his toenails.
“Tell us the truth, you traitorous dog! We know you have been trying to enslave the people! Admit your crimes and your death shall be swift, your pain less!â€
A sickening crunch reverberates from the Dwarf’s knee as one of you rush forward to rain a volley of blows upon his legs, shattering bones and snapping tendons from muscles as the appendages become little more the sacks of bloody offal.
Whimpering and shaking, the Dwarf can do no more than shake his head against the accusations.
“Fine, turncoat, you leave us no choice in the matter. Mages, step forth! You know what must be done.â€
Without words, three figures cloaked heavily under garments of deep purple and black, walk slowly to the fore. With hoods forward and gazes firmly held beneath the dangling accused, the mages link hands and begin to chant. Guttural at first – nothing more than barks and growls – their words have little meaning but their power can clearly be felt resonating and growing as their words grow harsher, their voices thicker and louder. Faster and faster their words echo out as the ground beneath the Dwarf begins to darken and grumble with its own anger, its own hunger.
“Rise, guardians of rock and stone, warriors of cliff and cave. Golems of clay, bring justice for the people and avenge our fallen brethren!â€
The shadow beneath the mountain Dwarf's feet is a shadow no more. From within its centre a crack begins to grow, widening, spreading as if it were a gaping maw reaching up to swallow him whole. Hands now - made of sandstone, clay and ores from below - shot forth, dragging behind them hulking beasts of rock. Climbing forth, the three towering monstrosities surround the Dwarf, obscuring him from view with their mammoth bodies.
Screams, blood-curdling screams, are all that can be heard as Tarrawen Falgirn, Dwarven Ambassador, one-shot vigilante, guardian, and tracker (innocent), is torn limb from limb and has the marrow sucked from his bones.
Poor Vix, the honest newbie, is dead.
Night falls upon the town, send your choices to Ibby.
Vix2005-11-06 18:25:53
(Whoa, I was a guy?
Oh, and congrats on making a wonderful death scene!

Cwin2005-11-07 03:01:42
Quiet whispers fill the town hall as the remaining villagers sit down. Among the quiet masses, Xenthos glances across the room at Iridiel and frowns slightly. Besides Iridiel sits Tsuki, a worried look on his features. Sylphas is the last to enter, covering a yawn and holding a flier of only a few words, writtne by Cwin, better known as Professor Lars.
"Hurry one and all to the town hall. Urgent! The fate of our lives hangs in the balance!"
As the remaining people find their seats, they notice the Professor standing on stage, drywashing his hands. Before the last person is seated, he begins. "Peoples of the Basin. Today marks the last day of the terror that bound us. No longer will we fear the corrupting forces of the taint, or the destructive energies set in motion by the mad Scuchi Mabuchi. Today, we are..."
Before the professor can finish, the door behind the audience bursts open. Behind the door stands a plump man, hunched over, chest heaving with deep breaths of exersion.
"Wait" rasps the man at the door, speaking between breaths" that man....not Lars.."
Sylphas had turned to the door upon the man's entry, and now whips his head back to Cwin. Eyes full of suspicion open in shock as the large form of Professor Lars has been replaced by another man: lean, tall, and proud.
The man closes his eyes and sighs softly. His words are soft whispers yet they came to the townspeople's ears without trouble, "I.. apologize for my actions yesterday. I was afraid, and did not want to look suspicious to you people. I am not your enemy, yet I did not want to die. It is as simple as that. Now, I would like to introduce to you the true, Professor Lars. Trust me, you've never met him before. "
A bony hand reaches out to mark the man at the entrance.
"Still, do not fear. As I said earlier, the time of fear is over. For days, we sat in our homes in terror over the corrupting influence of the taint, and the oppressive forces of Mabuchi's ilk. While you sat and rested, I worked, and slaved to ensure the safety and stability of the people I care for."
Iridiel frowned slightly at this, his thoughts spinning madly. Suddenly, he called out, "It was you that killed the Party Leader, wasn't it?"
"I did." Cwin replied, "She needed to go, as did the Queen. They were not fit to live during these dire times."
The sound of steel sang throughout the room as Iridiel stood to point his blade at Cwin, "Who are you to decide on your own who should live and die?". He started to run towards the stage when a sudden pain flooded his chest, holding him in place. Xenthos jumped out of his seat, eyes taking in the horror set before him.
"Oh yes" Cwin said, "How selfish of me. I should intruduce you to me associate and secretary, Lilali Skysoarer"
Tsuki positioned himself in front of Iridiel, right hand holding the handle of the blade that impaled the Vigilante, "Hello there," He started to say, then frowned when he noticed the sightless stare Iridiel held, the pain and shock that will remain on his lifeless features till the end of time. "Oh bother!" Tsuki cursed, dropping the blade and the corpse.
Cwin cleared his throat, attempting to gather the attention of the now panicing audience. It was a moderate success. He continued on, "Firstly, I must thank those people who've helped me during this time of strife, including Sylphas and Xenthos. Althought they would've killed me out of panic had they been able to, I believe now we can see each other as friends, allies for a greater good. And there is much good left to do in this new era."
Xenthos and Slyphas spared glances to each other, wishing time to speak to one another, realizing there's nothing more that needs to be said. Meanwhile, Cwin continued to speak of 'the dawning of a new age' and 'honor and happiness for all'. However, the two heard more than that. They heard of the need for 'protection against unruliness' and 'controls for the good of the people'. They heard Cwin speak of 'duty' and 'humility' and, most of all, that it would be Cwin and Tsuki that would 'lead them in all ways'. Before the talk of guards in every home and the end of all dissent came, the two knew something else:
They will not have to worry about the Basin anymore, for they will not live to see the next sunrise.
The end.
"Hurry one and all to the town hall. Urgent! The fate of our lives hangs in the balance!"
As the remaining people find their seats, they notice the Professor standing on stage, drywashing his hands. Before the last person is seated, he begins. "Peoples of the Basin. Today marks the last day of the terror that bound us. No longer will we fear the corrupting forces of the taint, or the destructive energies set in motion by the mad Scuchi Mabuchi. Today, we are..."
Before the professor can finish, the door behind the audience bursts open. Behind the door stands a plump man, hunched over, chest heaving with deep breaths of exersion.
"Wait" rasps the man at the door, speaking between breaths" that man....not Lars.."
Sylphas had turned to the door upon the man's entry, and now whips his head back to Cwin. Eyes full of suspicion open in shock as the large form of Professor Lars has been replaced by another man: lean, tall, and proud.
The man closes his eyes and sighs softly. His words are soft whispers yet they came to the townspeople's ears without trouble, "I.. apologize for my actions yesterday. I was afraid, and did not want to look suspicious to you people. I am not your enemy, yet I did not want to die. It is as simple as that. Now, I would like to introduce to you the true, Professor Lars. Trust me, you've never met him before. "
A bony hand reaches out to mark the man at the entrance.
"Still, do not fear. As I said earlier, the time of fear is over. For days, we sat in our homes in terror over the corrupting influence of the taint, and the oppressive forces of Mabuchi's ilk. While you sat and rested, I worked, and slaved to ensure the safety and stability of the people I care for."
Iridiel frowned slightly at this, his thoughts spinning madly. Suddenly, he called out, "It was you that killed the Party Leader, wasn't it?"
"I did." Cwin replied, "She needed to go, as did the Queen. They were not fit to live during these dire times."
The sound of steel sang throughout the room as Iridiel stood to point his blade at Cwin, "Who are you to decide on your own who should live and die?". He started to run towards the stage when a sudden pain flooded his chest, holding him in place. Xenthos jumped out of his seat, eyes taking in the horror set before him.
"Oh yes" Cwin said, "How selfish of me. I should intruduce you to me associate and secretary, Lilali Skysoarer"
Tsuki positioned himself in front of Iridiel, right hand holding the handle of the blade that impaled the Vigilante, "Hello there," He started to say, then frowned when he noticed the sightless stare Iridiel held, the pain and shock that will remain on his lifeless features till the end of time. "Oh bother!" Tsuki cursed, dropping the blade and the corpse.
Cwin cleared his throat, attempting to gather the attention of the now panicing audience. It was a moderate success. He continued on, "Firstly, I must thank those people who've helped me during this time of strife, including Sylphas and Xenthos. Althought they would've killed me out of panic had they been able to, I believe now we can see each other as friends, allies for a greater good. And there is much good left to do in this new era."
Xenthos and Slyphas spared glances to each other, wishing time to speak to one another, realizing there's nothing more that needs to be said. Meanwhile, Cwin continued to speak of 'the dawning of a new age' and 'honor and happiness for all'. However, the two heard more than that. They heard of the need for 'protection against unruliness' and 'controls for the good of the people'. They heard Cwin speak of 'duty' and 'humility' and, most of all, that it would be Cwin and Tsuki that would 'lead them in all ways'. Before the talk of guards in every home and the end of all dissent came, the two knew something else:
They will not have to worry about the Basin anymore, for they will not live to see the next sunrise.
The end.
Tsuki2005-11-07 03:10:05

Poor dears. Really, things will be much better now, with the order we can provide.

Xenthos2005-11-07 03:15:26

Tsuki2005-11-07 03:17:06
Ibby'll be posting the roles and choices and such soon.
Cwin and I were your enemies, other than Kiarlea as cult. Cwin and I weren't working with Kiarlea though.
Cwin and I were your enemies, other than Kiarlea as cult. Cwin and I weren't working with Kiarlea though.
Vix2005-11-07 03:17:32
Yeah, that post was a little confusing... *gets back in grave*
Tsuki2005-11-07 03:18:16
Game over, so you can haunt us all y'like, Vix! 

Xenthos2005-11-07 03:18:31
I'm sooo confuuuused... I scried both of you!

Vix2005-11-07 03:19:28
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Nov 6 2005, 10:18 PM)
I'm sooo confuuuused... I scried both of you!Â

Did you not listen? You're a Random Cop! Or whatever it's called that gets everything wrong.

Eyod2005-11-07 03:19:39
First rule of mafia,
Tsuki is always evil.
Tsuki is always evil.
Tsuki2005-11-07 03:20:16
And good thing for us you were an insane cop!
Cwin could block or kill, I could investigate/scry or kill. Only one of us could kill, so we as a team could block/scry, kill/scry, or block/kill each night.
Cwin could block or kill, I could investigate/scry or kill. Only one of us could kill, so we as a team could block/scry, kill/scry, or block/kill each night.
Xenthos2005-11-07 03:21:08
QUOTE(Vix @ Nov 6 2005, 11:19 PM)
Did you not listen? You're a Random Cop! Or whatever it's called that gets everything wrong. 

I guess that explains why I got Iridiel as guilty overnight. Hmph. Maybe if I had gotten a guilty earlier it would have been clearer- but with two innocents in a row, there wasn't much clue it was faulty. Until you died.
Vix2005-11-07 03:21:44
Duuuuhhh... Second rule of Mafia:
Newbies are always right. *nose*
Newbies are always right. *nose*
Cwin2005-11-07 03:28:44
Firstly: There WAS no taint in this game. The only enemies were people trying to take over and repress the world.
Secondly, like Tsuki said, there was a Cult AND a Mafia. The cult couldn't make any kills, it was just us all along.
Thirdly, Tsuki wasn't lying: He had scrying abilities. I was semilying. I could roleblock: I lied about the name though. One of us could kill.
Fourthly. Vix was almost right: Xenthos is a good guy but was Insane, not Random. All guilties were seen as good and all goodies were seen as guilty.
Lastly, there will be no moaning under the Hallifax Empire, please. It makes me VERY unhappy. Ask Iridiel what it means to make me unhappy.
Secondly, like Tsuki said, there was a Cult AND a Mafia. The cult couldn't make any kills, it was just us all along.
Thirdly, Tsuki wasn't lying: He had scrying abilities. I was semilying. I could roleblock: I lied about the name though. One of us could kill.
Fourthly. Vix was almost right: Xenthos is a good guy but was Insane, not Random. All guilties were seen as good and all goodies were seen as guilty.
Lastly, there will be no moaning under the Hallifax Empire, please. It makes me VERY unhappy. Ask Iridiel what it means to make me unhappy.

Vix2005-11-07 03:30:01
Heh, isn't Sylphas Trill? Why is he not part of the empire? 

Tsuki2005-11-07 03:33:33
That's why I investigated Sylphas, to see if he was somehow a traitor to join us after he did his claim with his name and all. No such luck. Then at first when Xenthos came out, I initially thought he was our traitor, especially when he pegged both Cwin and I as innocent. Then the mass claims showed us that either Iridiel or Vix had to die, as they were the most threatening with their abilities. Vix we'd planned to leave alive, as I'd gotten her name so that could be used to guide her to agreeing with us.
But it ended up being easier to frame Vix for the lynch, leaving us with Iridiel to kill during the night.

Xenthos2005-11-07 03:41:03

Let me live? I can be a good little boy. I think!