The Taint Wars Game 2

by Unknown

Back to The Real World.

tsaephai2005-11-07 03:41:07
you killed globglob! angry.gif
and that role would have been real fun...i was allowed to post restrict anyone once per night, and to how i wanted, so i could have made people do things just for entertainment, like "must mention their own name every sentance and ones without it be in caps and then have oink written at the end of each sentance" or something like that.
that would have been funny!
i was trying to get Ibaesha to be post restricted the first day, because i didn't have any information on anyone so i figured not to postrestrict anyone.
Cwin2005-11-07 04:03:01
You know, the funny thing is, I wanted you to live, Tsaephai. If I had a chance I would've tried to stop that bandwagon.

It was wierd. Even though I was mafia, I had a feeling there were other groups out there. I wanted to get them first (and, thus, got REALY lucky and took out the Party Leader).
Unknown2005-11-07 04:21:41
Cwin -You are Cr’rik Adom, Chair of the Hallifax Board. You believe your innate intellect and rationale exceeds that of others and only through strict rule will the Basin prosper. Sometimes, however, drastic measures must be taken to ensure this. Each night you may talk with your Secretary, Lilali Skysoarer (Tsuki) and determine what procedures the two of you will use for the night. You may choose to use your position to stop others from succeeding at their tasks that night –or- you may choose to stop them all together by killing them. Choose wisely and remember that, between your Secretary and yourself, there may only be one kill attempt made on an individual each night. You win the game when the Hallifax board succeeds in pinning the people of the Basin under its thumb.

Non-flavoured: You are a mafia roleblocker. You can either kill or roleblock someone each night. If you kill, you cannot roleblock and your partner may not make a kill.

Note: Cannot be recruited by Cult.

Tsuki - You are Lilali Skysoarer, Secretary of the Hallifax Board. You believe your innate intellect and rationale exceeds that of others and only through strict rule will the Basin prosper. Sometimes, however, drastic measures must be taken to ensure this. Each night you may talk with the Chair of the Hallifax Board, Cr’rik Adom (Cwin) and determine what procedures the two of you will use for the night. You may choose to search your impeccably kept records for the real name of any the individual of your choice –or- you may choose to simply kill them instead. Choose wisely and remember that, between the Chair and yourself, there may only be one kill attempt made on an individual each night. You win the game when the Hallifax board succeeds in pinning the people of the Basin under its thumb.

Non-flavoured: You are a mafia rolecop. You can either kill or investigate someone’s role each night. If you kill, you cannot investigate and your partner may not make a kill.

Note: Cannot be recruited by Cult.

Kiarlea - You are Scuchi Mabuchi the Party Girl. The end of the world could come and you wouldn’t know it. And even if you did, you would only care long enough to organize a good party, which is exactly what you’ve decided to do! Each night you may send someone an invitation to your party, or you may just kill them. Whichever suits your mood! Whenever you have successfully lured someone to your party, they will get to party with you every night afterwards as well. Should they have any ‘responsibilities’ when they show up to party, they will shrug them off for good. You and all who come to your party win the game when it has swept through the Basin.

Non-flavoured: You are a Cult Leader. Each night you may kill or recruit. Recruiting may or may not be a success based on a variety of factors that I will not divulge. If you recruit someone with a power role, they will lose that power and gain the ability to make a kill instead. Only you will be allowed to recruit members. If you die, recruiting stops. Once you’ve recruited one or more people, you must tell me –who- will make a kill at night if a kill is to be made.

Tsaephai - You are Globglob Mesherbrub, Aetherwave Reporter extraordinaire. You know that only through the best speaking techniques is it possible to win the freedom of the people. Each night you may visit someone and given them a lesson on proper communication. For the entire following day they will need to communicate in the style in which you taught them the night before. You win the game when the people of the Basin are free.

Non-flavoured: You are a post-restrictor. Each night you will tell me who you’d like to post-restrict and what that restriction entails. I may ask specifics on it or not allow certain restrictions.

Vix - You are Tarrawen Falgirn, Dwarven Ambassador. Recent events have shown that political persuasion and bureaucracy are stifling the freedom and lifestyles of the average people in the Basin. You’ve decided that you cannot let this be. Knowing that there’s more than one way to accomplish a goal, you’ve picked up a few talents over the years. You know how to kill, you know how to heal, and you know how to track someone’s movements. On each of three different nights, you may choose to use one of your three talents. Once you’ve used a talent, you will never return to using it again. You win the game when the people of the Basin are free.

Non-flavoured: You are a one-shot vigilante, guardian, and tracker.

Laneth - You are Her Majesty, Queen Maeve of the Fae. Not often do you involve yourself in mortal affairs, but the times call for one of your great wisdom. Being the magical Queen that you are, and Fae at that, each night you chose someone, steal their ability, and use it yourself. Certainly more will come of it that way. Powerful you may be, but the strain of using your magicks on the Prime Plane is great. Therefore, you may only steal an ability from each individual one time. You win the game when the people of the Basin are free

Non-flavoured: You are a role thief. You will steal the power of someone each night. You will not be informed what that power is, although some powers may produce results. Once you’ve stolen a power, you –must- use it. You may never steal the same person’s power more than one time throughout the game.

Note: In the case of stealing the post-restrictor’s role, this will work as a redirect. The post-restriction will remain the same, but the target will change to whomever the Queen targets.

Note: In the case of stealing the cult leader’s role, the attempt to steal will be unsuccessful.

Shadow - You are Most Venerable Bhodifucius Xiim, and have a deeper understanding of the current events than you let on about. Realizing that the Taint isn’t all that threatens the people of the Basin, you call upon your spiritual connections each night. Through those connections you will be able to discern if someone is a menace to the Basin or not. You win when the people of the Basin are free.

Non-flavoured: You are a Scrier.

Note: Sane Cop.

Xenthos – You are Grand Cipher Dith, having recently ascended to your position to replace the missing in action, Grand Cipher Tlockha Chum. Realizing that the Taint isn’t all that threatens the people of the Basin, each night you use your talents with the arts of Tarot, seeking to ascertain if someone is a menace to the Basin or not. You win when the people of the Basin are free.

Non-flavoured: You are a Scrier

Note: Insane Cop.

Shorlen -You are the newly anointed Holy Mother Glaruda. Recently ascended to your position in the Celestines, you are still a bit unsure of your abilities. Each night you may make an attempt to heal someone’s wounds, in hopes of saving their life. You’ve found recently that you are successful in healing three-fourths of the time. In addition to this, you’re in close contact with Lord General Dolph Inalai (Iridiel). Very close contact, in fact; the kind of contact in which whispers are spoken between the sheets at night. wink.gif So great is your affection for the Lord General that if he were to die, your ability to heal would be greatly diminished in your grief, causing you success only one-fourth of the time. You win the game when the people of the Basin are free.

Non-flavoured: You are a 75% successful guardian who is also a Lover. If your Lover dies, you will become only 25% successful in save attempts.

Iridiel – You are the Lord General Dolph Inalai. A caring Paladin, your primary concern is the welfare of the people of the Basin, even if that means you have to shed blood. Each night you may choose to make an attempt on someone’s life knowing that your kind heart will only allow you a success three-fourths of the time. In addition to this, you’re in close contact with Holy Mother Glaruda (Shorlen). Very close contact in fact; the kind of contact in which whispers are spoken between the sheets at night. wink.gif So great is your affection for the Holy Mother that if she were to die, your ability to use your sword would be greatly diminished in your grief, causing you success only one-fourth of the time. You win the game when the people of the Basin are free.

Non-flavoured: You are a 75% successful vigilante who is also a Lover. If your Lover dies, you will become only 25% successful in night kill attempts.

Revan- You are Timmie, an Aetherwave correspondent. You really don’t have too much of a clue what’s going on or any special powers, but you’re positive that things aren’t looking too good for the people of the Basin. Each day you discuss your thoughts with the town and are able to vote to lynch someone in hopes of stopping those who would take freedom away from others. You win the game when the people of the Basin are free.

Non-flavoured: You are a regular townie.

Sylphas - You are Llisilli Cloudwalker. While you’re concerned with the freedom of the people, there is very little you can do except convey your empathy through discussion during the day. Other than that, you may vote for someone in hopes of stopping those who would take away the freedom of others. You win the game when the people of the Basin are free.

Non-flavoured: You are a regular townie.
Unknown2005-11-07 04:22:58
Night 1
Xenthos (Grand Cipher Dith) scries Tsuki. Innocent result because he’s insane.
Laneth (Queen Maeve) steals Vix’s power and directs it at Revan.
Vix (Tarrawen Falgirn) no choice.
Tsaephai (Globglob) Post restricts no one.
Shorlen (Holy Mother Glaruda) protects Iridiel. 75% chance – success
Iridiel (Dolph Inalai) No choice.
Kiarlea (Scuchi) recruits Tsuki. (Fails because Tsuki is mafia)
Shadow (Bhodifucius Xiim) scries Cwin. (Receives no result because Cwin roleblocked)
Tsuki (Lilali Skysoarer) scries Vix (Gets Tarrawen Falgrin)
Cwin (Cr’rik Adom) roleblocks Shadow o.O!!!!!

Night 2
Xenthos (Grand Cipher Dith) scries Cwin. Innocent result because he’s insane.
Laneth (Queen Maeve) steals Tsuki’s power and directs it at himself. Gets his own role as a result.
Kiarlea (Scuchi) recruits Laneth. Success.
Shadow (Bhodifucius Xiim) scries Revan. Sane result reveals innocence.
Shorlen (Holy Mother Glaruda) protects Iridiel. 75% chance – Failure
Tsuki (Lilali Skysoarer) scries Revan. No result because Laneth steals power.
Cwin (Cr’rik Adom) kills Kiarlea.
Iridiel (Dolph Inalai) None
Vix (Tarrawen Falgirn) None

Night 3
Sylphas post-restricted to mention 3 names of still alive players in every post he makes day 2. First person to guess will receive a one-shot power that night. Sylphas will also be unnightkillable the following night if he posts often enough and holds to his restriction.
Xenthos (Grand Cipher Dith) scries Vix. Guilty result due to insanity.
Iridiel (Dolph Inalai) kills Laneth. 75% chance – Success
Shorlen (Holy Mother Glaruda) protects Iridiel 75% chance – Failure
Vix (Tarrawen Falgirn) tracks Xenthos. Finds he targeted her.
Cwin (Cr’rik Adom) kills Shorlen.
Tsuki (Lilali Skysoarer) scries Sylphas. Gets Llisilli Cloudwalker.

Night 4
Xenthos (Grand Cipher Dith) scries Iridiel. Guilty result due to insanity.
Iridiel (Dolph Inalai) kills Sylphas. 25% chance – Failure.
Tsuki (Lilali Skysoarer) kills Iridiel.
Cwin (Cr’rik Adom) roleblocks Iridiel.
Xenthos2005-11-07 04:30:13
All I have to say to this whole insanity business is... angry.gif tongue.gif
Xenthos2005-11-07 04:31:58
You know, if I hadn't done such a good job of convincing people and ended up getting myself killed, everyone would have known I was insane and likely my two innocents weren't so innocent... doh.gif
Xenthos2005-11-07 04:34:28
But that doesn't mean I wanted you to die, masters! Really! You will let me live, right? Right? I'll use my powers to find your enemies, and now you know how it works! Isn't that nice?
Unknown2005-11-07 04:36:03
Sorry Xenthos! Vix was close to right, but no one would listen. wink.gif
Tsuki2005-11-07 04:37:44
QUOTE(rhayni @ Nov 6 2005, 11:22 PM)
Night 1
Kiarlea (Scuchi) recruits Tsuki.  (Fails because Tsuki is mafia)

Night 2
Cwin (Cr’rik Adom) kills Kiarlea.


Aww! Kia invited me to the party, I feel special now. Wonder what she thought of it when she couldn't.

QUOTE(Xenthos @ Nov 6 2005, 11:31 PM)
You know, if I hadn't done such a good job of convincing people and ended up getting myself killed, everyone would have known I was insane and likely my two innocents weren't so innocent...  doh.gif

Yep! Also, once you came out with us as innocent, though I initially thought you were our traitor, if (as it turned out) you weren't on our side and if one of us would've been killed, you could've gone down too ... which made us pleased.
Xenthos2005-11-07 04:40:34
I don't think I could've pulled that off if I was a traitor. sad.gif
Unknown2005-11-07 04:53:21
Signups for TW Game 3 are up. biggrin.gif
Vix2005-11-07 04:53:31
Aren't cultists supposed to die when they try to recruit mafia?
Unknown2005-11-07 04:57:24
Cults can be run either way really. With my only allowing the leader to recruit, that would've made it balanced too heavily against the cult.
Cwin2005-11-07 05:04:43
Wait, I killed Shorlen, not Laneth. He was supposed to help prove Tsuki's innocence.

Speaking about that, WHAT!? BOTH scriers targeted me!? I don't get it. When I'm a goody the mafia kill me immediately. When I'm mafia the goodies pick on me immediately. Jeesh!

This game was a match of pure luck.. simply put. Random pick first night saves my life. Random pick second night takes out the cult. Third night's the Doc. Insane cop picks both mafias first. If ANY of that didn't happen, I'm sure the town or the cult would've won.
Unknown2005-11-07 05:11:32
Sorry. Well, they both were dead anyways.
Unknown2005-11-07 05:17:16
The things that went wrong for the town:

1. Shadow being modkilled. I feel bad about this still.
2. Night 3 - The game could've gone completely the other way had there been anything to prove Xenthos' first two scries might be wrong.
Unknown2005-11-07 05:42:08
QUOTE(Tsuki @ Nov 7 2005, 03:37 PM)
Aww! Kia invited me to the party, I feel special now. Wonder what she thought of it when she couldn't.

We thought you were scum tongue.gif. I was in an odd position though, between killing you or killing Shorlen who was leading the argument against me. I decided to kill him and hope I survived. Obviously, that was unneeded since Cwin targetted him too.
Sylphas2005-11-07 06:03:05
I officially hate insane cops, with a fiery passion, because I've not been in a game yet where they didn't/wouldn't completely screw the townie side. We simply don't have enough information most games to tell, and even one wrong kill can be our undoing.

Secondly, TWO plain townies, and I get one of them? You couldn't have thought something up? dry.gif
Unknown2005-11-07 06:17:15
I did. You got a post-restriction and got to be unnightkillable. Not that anyone tried to kill you that night but... tongue.gif
Eyod2005-11-07 07:42:25
what happens when someone breaks a Tsaephai post-restriction?