Unknown2005-10-28 22:01:25
I'm thinking about buying a TV Tuner card (Even though I luff my TV) and I was curious if anyone had any experience with them.
Unknown2005-10-29 03:25:25
I have. TV Tuner cards sark, dual/triple/quadruple monitors kicks serious arse. What one could do with four desktops, I don't know. But we did it, god damn it.
<3 Linux.
<3 Linux.
Unknown2005-10-29 03:39:35
Yeah, I was thinking about buying another flat screen (Even though I JUST bought this PC) and using one to view television/whatever the hell I want, while the other is just standard.
Eyod2005-10-31 04:42:26
it really depends on what you using it for, I mean if you want to save stuff with your tv tuner fine. I'd really like a dual display because I'm a graphic designer and i'm always running out of space on the desktop.
Unknown2005-10-31 04:45:39
Well, I was just hoping to use it to watch TV on another LCD monitor until I had a real use it for (Maybe have one viewing Japanese and the other used for my English translating when I transfer, if I can use it like that). >.>
How exactly do they work though? Usually I just google thing stuff, but hmm...
How exactly do they work though? Usually I just google thing stuff, but hmm...
Iridiel2005-10-31 09:17:26
Dual screen is great. You can be playing programming in one screen, seeing the results in teh other.
With three, you can also play lusternia on one screen
With three, you can also play lusternia on one screen