TV Tuners / Dual Monitors

by Unknown

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Unknown2005-10-28 22:01:25
I'm thinking about buying a TV Tuner card (Even though I luff my TV) and I was curious if anyone had any experience with them.
Unknown2005-10-29 03:25:25
I have. TV Tuner cards sark, dual/triple/quadruple monitors kicks serious arse. What one could do with four desktops, I don't know. But we did it, god damn it.

<3 Linux.
Unknown2005-10-29 03:39:35
Yeah, I was thinking about buying another flat screen (Even though I JUST bought this PC) and using one to view television/whatever the hell I want, while the other is just standard.
Eyod2005-10-31 04:42:26
it really depends on what you using it for, I mean if you want to save stuff with your tv tuner fine. I'd really like a dual display because I'm a graphic designer and i'm always running out of space on the desktop.
Unknown2005-10-31 04:45:39
Well, I was just hoping to use it to watch TV on another LCD monitor until I had a real use it for (Maybe have one viewing Japanese and the other used for my English translating when I transfer, if I can use it like that). >.>

How exactly do they work though? Usually I just google thing stuff, but hmm...
Iridiel2005-10-31 09:17:26
Dual screen is great. You can be playing programming in one screen, seeing the results in teh other.
With three, you can also play lusternia on one screen tongue.gif