Gregori2005-11-06 12:58:57
QUOTE(Narsrim @ Nov 6 2005, 06:41 AM)
Founding members of Narsrim's Justice League: Malicia and Amaru

Is Amaru the one on the left?

Narsrim2005-11-06 13:04:11
Just accepted to fill the position of spider girl: Viravain (post-Kethuru)

Narsrim2005-11-06 13:04:36
QUOTE(Gregori @ Nov 6 2005, 08:58 AM)
Is Amaru the one on the left? 

Malicia is wonder drag and Amaru is the sailor.
Narsrim2005-11-06 13:07:42
And last and perhaps least, Ibaesha as the famed Master Chef Super Hero *bam*:

Narsrim2005-11-06 13:11:42
And finally me in Mugwump form. The justice league is assembled.

Narsrim2005-11-06 13:17:18
When the forces of Narsrim, Malicia, Viravain, Amaru, Kalodan, and Murphy unite, not even Kethuru and Estarra combined stand a chance.
Malicia2005-11-06 13:23:05


Let's see one of Kariol. Chop chop.
Manjanaia2005-11-06 13:24:39

Narsrim2005-11-06 13:35:23
Kariol (when he was with Narsrim and playing Lusternia)

Kariol (after Narsrim and after Lusternia)

Kariol (after Narsrim and after Lusternia)

Eyod2005-11-06 13:43:14
You people are uncultured swine, now prepare yourselves for the true power that is the

When their powers combine they become a really fluffy Quiche!
I can just see it now, Ibby comander in chief commanding her Chefs to defend the commune.
"Go my Culinary Ninja, spring forth and defeat your archenemy the water chessnut
to make me a really spiffy braised chicken...and while your out defeat the taint
and all that."
now we get to see if Ibby flays me alive.

When their powers combine they become a really fluffy Quiche!
I can just see it now, Ibby comander in chief commanding her Chefs to defend the commune.
"Go my Culinary Ninja, spring forth and defeat your archenemy the water chessnut
to make me a really spiffy braised chicken...and while your out defeat the taint
and all that."
now we get to see if Ibby flays me alive.
Gregori2005-11-06 13:55:12
She is more likely to fillet you alive. 

Eyod2005-11-06 14:00:35
mmm fillet Lucidian 

Narsrim2005-11-06 14:01:15
Gregori is so witty. For such, he is henceforth inducted into the Justice League as Super Canadian Thor-look-alike:

Malicia2005-11-06 14:02:47
This is hilarious..
Narsrim2005-11-06 14:03:42
So Malicia, does Amaru often wear a jockstrap?
Gregori2005-11-06 14:05:33
QUOTE(Narsrim @ Nov 6 2005, 08:01 AM)
Gregori is so witty. For such, he is henceforth inducted into the Justice League as Super Canadian Thor-look-alike:

Unknown2005-11-06 14:34:09
now we get to see if Ibby flays me alive.

Kaileigh2005-11-06 14:48:20
Guh You people and Dc.. Marvel is so the way to go. Or maybe that was just the way on Achaea (Nightcrawler, Polaris etcetc)
Only if I get to be Arsenic. Because I want a psychic Raptor

Only if I get to be Arsenic. Because I want a psychic Raptor

Ialie2005-11-06 14:57:49
What about me!
Narsrim2005-11-06 14:58:50
QUOTE(Ialie @ Nov 6 2005, 10:57 AM)
What abotu me!
I figured you'd draw your own