Unknown2005-11-06 20:38:37
QUOTE(Manjanaia @ Nov 6 2005, 03:36 PM)
Super HOT Girl, retard 
Super Penis Man doesn't have eyes, those are just eyes that he crafted out of... dust... to make it look like he has eyes. He sees and knows all. While your cock plays with my eyes SPM will use his special spray to dissolve the Cock. And then SHG will charm Cock Man so bad he will go hetero and you and Narsrim will die spontaneously as Straight people finally stand victorious in the battle of the sexual orientations on the Lusternia forums.

Super Penis Man doesn't have eyes, those are just eyes that he crafted out of... dust... to make it look like he has eyes. He sees and knows all. While your cock plays with my eyes SPM will use his special spray to dissolve the Cock. And then SHG will charm Cock Man so bad he will go hetero and you and Narsrim will die spontaneously as Straight people finally stand victorious in the battle of the sexual orientations on the Lusternia forums.
Sadly, nothing can make me hetero. Your best bet would be six shots of captain and two Four Horsemen. That's about as close as we get to hetero (which is just bi with a leaning towards men) without me vomiting. <3
Unknown2005-11-06 20:40:01
In conclusion - the homos will win. We have Amaru in a sailor's outfit. How much gayer can you get?
And me as some beefed up sweaty mexican wielding a bird. And Narsrim's Kermit. This is gay as gay gets, mate.
EDIT: In fact, little do you know, but we're secretly making all of you bi. Muahaha. I'm coming for you, Nokraenom.
Creeped? You should be.
Oh wait, that's Richter. In a dress. AAAAHHH!! RUN!! We've been too effective - Richter wants to be Wonder Woman.
And me as some beefed up sweaty mexican wielding a bird. And Narsrim's Kermit. This is gay as gay gets, mate.
EDIT: In fact, little do you know, but we're secretly making all of you bi. Muahaha. I'm coming for you, Nokraenom.
Creeped? You should be.

Oh wait, that's Richter. In a dress. AAAAHHH!! RUN!! We've been too effective - Richter wants to be Wonder Woman.

Manjanaia2005-11-06 20:47:04
But wait! Super MiddleAmericanRepublicanSenator casts Super Anti Gay Legislation! CockMan and Kermit the Frog parade in Washington.
Meanwhile, our heroes slip into the Amazingly Superhomo Sanctuary (A.S.S) and stir things up. A whole bag of treats was unloaded into the area and SPM and SHG got away, but what waits in store for Cock Man?
Meanwhile, our heroes slip into the Amazingly Superhomo Sanctuary (A.S.S) and stir things up. A whole bag of treats was unloaded into the area and SPM and SHG got away, but what waits in store for Cock Man?
Unknown2005-11-06 20:50:24
Fearfully, Kermit.
Manjanaia2005-11-06 20:53:06

EDIT: Oh by the way +1

Verithrax2005-11-06 22:58:24
Can I be Super Doesn't-give-a-
-about-your-sexual-option Man? I'd smite all of you with my haughty indifference: "Oh, you want to have Nars' baby, eh? I dun' think it's biologically possible, but whatever man."
Also, when is one of Lusty's gods coming to tell us all to shut up? Or are they too busy laughing their arses off?

Also, when is one of Lusty's gods coming to tell us all to shut up? Or are they too busy laughing their arses off?
Astraea2005-11-06 23:01:54
Can I be Super Doesn't-give-a-
-about-your-sexual-option Man? I'd smite all of you with my haughty indifference: "Oh, you want to have Nars' baby, eh? I dun' think it's biologically possible, but whatever man."

All I hear is: Euuuunuuuch.
Wonder Twin Power's Activate! Form of: Male Genitalia. There you go, Verithrax, now you can care about sexual preference, and you can be indifferent no more.

Unknown2005-11-06 23:04:18
Why can't I be in the homo justice league? 
Someone find me a character.

Someone find me a character.
Ashteru2005-11-06 23:05:42
*points at Lobos dog* I already did!
Verithrax2005-11-06 23:18:09
QUOTE(Astraea @ Nov 6 2005, 08:01 PM)
All I hear is: Euuuunuuuch.
Wonder Twin Power's Activate! Form of: Male Genitalia. There you go, Verithrax, now you can care about sexual preference, and you can be indifferent no more.

Wonder Twin Power's Activate! Form of: Male Genitalia. There you go, Verithrax, now you can care about sexual preference, and you can be indifferent no more.


Hmn. I think I'm going to start a league Monty Python characters. Fish-slaping man! Tim the Enchanter! Argument Guy!
Kalo gets to be the lumberjack!
Unknown2005-11-06 23:21:21
I'm the one superhero who isn't actually in the League but shows up once every thirty or so episodes to kick total ass.

The Pirate Bear!
The Pirate Bear!
Unknown2005-11-06 23:23:08
QUOTE(Verithrax @ Nov 6 2005, 06:18 PM)

Hmn. I think I'm going to start a league Monty Python characters. Fish-slaping man! Tim the Enchanter! Argument Guy!
Kalo gets to be the lumberjack!
Eww. I <3 MP and all, but. I'm totally Cock Man.
tsaephai2005-11-07 00:44:58
QUOTE(blastron @ Nov 6 2005, 02:37 PM)
Introducing Selthar as:
picture here
Money Man! The financial backing of Narsrim's Justice Leage, feared amongst the banks of evil and the CPAs of injustice everywhere! Where he brings his unique brand of two-fisted justice, criminal organizations find themselves broke and have to declare bankruptcy and disband!
Super powers:Â Xtreme Accounting, Super Haggling, and his ultimate attack, Smack-You-On-The-Head-With-A-Gigantic-Sack-Of-Pennies! Uses the Ledger of Justice and the Pocket Calculator of Might as financial weapons.
picture here
Money Man! The financial backing of Narsrim's Justice Leage, feared amongst the banks of evil and the CPAs of injustice everywhere! Where he brings his unique brand of two-fisted justice, criminal organizations find themselves broke and have to declare bankruptcy and disband!
Super powers:Â Xtreme Accounting, Super Haggling, and his ultimate attack, Smack-You-On-The-Head-With-A-Gigantic-Sack-Of-Pennies! Uses the Ledger of Justice and the Pocket Calculator of Might as financial weapons.
no...that's richter.
Unknown2005-11-07 00:52:01
You obviously haven't met Selthar beyond potionism.
Xenthos2005-11-07 00:52:18
Selthar go kaBOOM!
Marcalo2005-11-07 01:39:53
holy hell you people have me rolling. And narsrim your so bat man with your 12 year old "side kick" robin who is secretly kalo.
Ethelon2005-11-07 02:05:58
QUOTE(stangmar @ Nov 6 2005, 01:47 AM)
or, what if a glom formed 'The League of Shadows'?
The Rahs Ah Guhl of the League of Shadows is Ethelon
The Rahs Ah Guhl of the League of Shadows is Ethelon
Who is that?
Marcalo2005-11-07 02:08:19
he's the guy who dips himself into lazerus pools and it turns him young again he tries to convince batman to work with him but batman lays the smack down.
Astraea2005-11-07 02:12:38
He was also the main bad guy in Batman Begins. You know, the bad guy that wasn't hot Cillian Murphy.
Mmmh...Cillian Murphy.
Mmmh...Cillian Murphy.


Terenas2005-11-07 06:12:31
QUOTE(marcalo @ Nov 7 2005, 02:08 AM)
he's the guy who dips himself into lazerus pools and it turns him young again he tries to convince batman to work with him but batman lays the smack down.
He also has a hot daughter that's in love with Batman in the animated series.