Third skill for Mages/Druids

by Genos

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Shiri2005-11-25 01:29:51
I thought it was every 8 seconds for motes/runes?
Ashteru2005-11-25 13:55:56
For me it's ten per mote, but I don't have it trans yet.
Shamarah2005-11-25 13:58:30
I think it's every 8 seconds at trans, yeah.
Borca2005-11-25 14:05:22
No, it s 10 seconds at trans planar, discipline, geomancy, dreamweaving. Just like the demesne effects.
Murphy2005-11-25 15:11:20
dreamweaving and geomancer demesne is a real pain in the ass....and BORING to fight against.

Demesne makes you tired, dreamweave makes you tired, demesne makes you hungry so what do you do?? i mean, all the mage has to do is web, and hinder so he doesn't die, and in short work you'll be a hungry, tired mess, falling asleep constantly its rahter lame and annoying.

but effective
Borca2005-11-25 16:13:29
I agree with you about the hunger, in the arena it's a foul strategy. I've stopped using it there. Kaevas actually envoyed a nice alternative for it last time.
I also agree that the larger warrior races are too easy to hinder by webbing and enlarge (and adding to that, few warriors actually cure enlarge).

Cosmic guardians are strongest at the onset of battle, when their angel or demon afflicts double, they have enigma, quickening etc.
Warriors are strongest in the second round, when they get some wound damage accumulating.
Mages have the longest setup time, especially dreamweavers, and peak latest of these groups. Cast phantoms, enlarge twice, four to seven deepsleeps, including power regeneration, illusion wounds, stars, phantom again because the first wore off. Web a lot in between just to survive. All these are (practically) uncurable, just takes a lot of time to set up. If you didnt kill the mage before he has all this on you, you're doing a bad job and you'll have to fight him at full strength.