... I love this site...

by Aiakon

Back to The Real World.

Aiakon2005-11-23 10:11:49

I can just sit there for hours pressing refresh.
Shiri2005-11-23 10:24:01
That was awesome.
Iridiel2005-11-23 11:03:39
OMG This is great. It looks better than many essays going around in academic circles, and has the same amount of meaning than they do!
Aiakon2005-11-23 11:19:26
I just sit reading it and giggle. Not one sentence makes even the slightest bit of sense... and I spend a fair bit of my time reading psychoanalytic criticism. (Correction: I used to do work once. Now I sit on these bloody forums all day long and prepare to fail my degree)

If you enjoy this, you might also enjoy reading about the Social Text Affair, where NYU Physics Professor Alan Sokal's brilliant(ly meaningless) hoax article was accepted by a cultural criticism publication.

If you follow the link on the page to Sokal's stuff, it quickly becomes hilarious. I *cannot* believe he was published... but I guess it's like the Emperor's new clothes. The Editors of Social Text clearly couldn't follow the article, they couldn't admit that to each other if they wanted to keep a shred of academic credibility, so they published it, hoping for the best. Just shows. Good writing = clear writing.