Hot or Not

by Richter

Back to The Real World.

Iridiel2005-11-24 10:32:42
In average, I must say girls are cuter than males. But of course, I still cannot see the beauty in young men that aren't around their 30s while evaluating women is so much easier wink.gif
Marcalo2005-11-24 13:07:13
fear my shameless need for selfesteem.
Ashteru2005-11-24 13:17:17
Yeah, whatever...I had a bet running with a friend who'd put up his photo on the german version first...hope this one counts too. Especially since I like the one I posted. Makes me look so .... serious. ninja.gif
Shayle2005-11-24 15:51:14

This is slightly unnerving. I'll refrain from posting my pic for all to see. I don't need the self-esteem.
Iridiel2005-11-24 16:04:35
I have a lovely self-steem'o'matic at home. It's called bf wink.gif It's even better than grandmothers who admire the fact that you've put some weight in the months she hasn't seen you (And I wonder... are they planning on selling me or something?)
Soll2005-11-24 16:40:58
Bahh. You're all so attractive. I'll give this a miss, lest I hit the bottom of the scale.
Unknown2005-11-24 18:04:25
Yay, somewhere in cyberspace someone gave me a nine! Now I don't care if I lose or not wub.gif
Richter2005-11-24 18:58:42
I got a few tens, but I swear, its mostly ones, twos, and threes. And some people have abnormally high vote counts. I wonder how the system works.

I wonder if the people that don't like me are just clicking 1, or if they really think I'm ugly. Oh well, I have a girlfriend for the self esteem kick anyway. tongue.gif
Simimi2005-11-24 19:15:17
I want to see you Soll! Simimi's cuteness implores you to post!! My Grandma would slap me for giving Richter a 9..tongue.gif
If I was not afraid of loosing my votes I would bust out a tube top and hotpants! Fear for your eyes!!!
Marcalo2005-11-24 19:19:51
I went through and voted for all of us, and then voted 1's and 2's for almost everyone else i could till my brain was about to explode cause there wasn't anyone even remotely attractive on there.
Simimi2005-11-24 19:22:02
Its gamer physics... cute people play Mud, hmm... I wonder if you could work on an equation based off of HUP to make that true...
Ashteru2005-11-24 19:22:53
Who even needs a girlfriend for selfesteem? I have mine naturally, comes with being a prick. kiss.gif

And I think we see clearly who visits those sites...since every female has like..a hundred times the votes every male has.

And I wouldn't mind it, Sim. whistling.gif
Unknown2005-11-24 20:00:09
My self esteem kick is that last year I was 175 pounds with a 36 inch waist. Now I'm down to 144 with a 31 inch waist, with a better bench press max to boot. If only I ate some franchise, I could be a poster boy tongue.gif
Unknown2005-11-24 20:22:57
I'm scared to post my pic - I'm pretty sure I'll get nothing but 1s.
Ekard2005-11-24 20:59:00
I will post mine when i shave and get better pic. Or maybe i should post some old pic?
tsaephai2005-11-24 21:02:25
hahahaha! richter, you look just like i'd imagine your IG character to look! rich looking.
Richter2005-11-24 21:32:14
And yet, I live with my parents (for the next few months, at least).

And woe is me, I told Nepthysia to join, and she's winning with a very tame picture.
Unknown2005-11-24 21:36:33
QUOTE(Richter @ Nov 24 2005, 03:32 PM)
And yet, I live with my parents (for the next few months, at least).

And woe is me, I told Nepthysia to join, and she's winning with a very tame picture.

Of course, Keeshia is hawt.
Ashteru2005-11-24 21:37:56
You are hotter than 62% of men on this site!

I am a happy little jerk for some time. wub.gif
Richter2005-11-24 21:40:29
See, the cool thing is, you could get a 2, and it would be like, you're hotter than 20% of the people here! Roxxor!

And then you stop to think, and realize 80% of the people beat you.