Bookbinders and Artisans

by Ialie

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Aiwendil2005-12-06 01:54:36
I've always wanted to learn more languages. sad.gif Why can't bookbinders teach them to us? That would be pretty cool. To still make bookbinders useful, make it so we'll only know how to speak it, but not read or write it. I know I'd be willing to pay to learn Faeling (or whatever they speak) since there's so many around.

It looks like just one of those pointless for fighting but fun for everyday life skills, but imagine the hordes of people lining up to learn every single language, only to realise they'd rather speak common anyway. tongue.gif This could encourage bookbinders to be choosier with their languages... (there's a limit they can learn, right?) *hides as the existing bookbinders decide whether I should be beaten up*
Unknown2005-12-06 04:18:59
Yeah.. we can learn up to 5 languages. I wouldn't mind teaching people a language if it brought me money. ninja.gif

We can also write in the Divine language. closedeyes.gif
Saran2005-12-06 06:07:13
QUOTE(tenqual @ Dec 5 2005, 08:34 PM)
Herbs dont decay, alchemy doesn't decay, because well it cant, enchantments dont decay.

Ok herbs technically decay if you, oh i dunno, use them? as thats really their only purpose (well aside from giving them as gifts)
Alchemist products as said before last only as long as the vials they are in or until you've taken 50 sips.
And Enchantments only last as long as the jewelry/robes they are enchanted onto

Basically every tradeskill apart from bookbinding either has something that decays(or is used up) or relies on something that decays.
Unknown2005-12-06 07:03:27
See, but you know, the object alchemy makes, the potion, -not- the vial does not decay, if you had a non decaying vial, the potion would always be there. The same as a herb, using it does not count as it decaying, if you leave it in your rift, it will never dissapear it will always be there. Again enchantments, if the piece of jewellery never decayed, and the enchantment was never used, it would not dissapear, thus they do not decay. They are used yes, but they do not decay.

The tradeskill is about picking, mixing a potion, or enchanting an item. THey are not based on, eating something, making a vial -or- making jewellery.
Unknown2005-12-06 07:13:06
QUOTE(KidHendrix @ Dec 6 2005, 05:18 AM)

We can also write in the Divine language.  closedeyes.gif

My memory might be messed up by now.. but don't guardians have a skill called 'encipher' (sp?). Let's them encode their journal or some such.. so what difference is it to writing in Divine?`If you write in divine only other bookbinders who have the skill can read it, if you have encipher only you or other guardians can read it. (not sure anymore if it was only you or everyone who had the skill)
Unknown2005-12-06 07:16:27
Pretty much it. That and Gods could read it.

Bookbinding is just full of a bunch of roleplay tools. If I had some secret cult of scholars it would be interesting or if there were a network of spies around, but that would require either credits for status or having a reason to do the above.
Unknown2005-12-06 07:16:50
Well, isn't it more, you encipher the work, letter, or what ever (rituals skill not cosmic) then anyone who has rituals can read it, and they or you can then translate it back into normal text. I think, i'm not sure though.
Daganev2005-12-06 07:27:49
Since bookbinders get divine language, I thought it would make most sense if you could only learn that language if you had highmagic. Considering how it describes highmagic vs lowmagic.
Unknown2005-12-06 07:28:58
QUOTE(tenqual @ Dec 6 2005, 08:16 AM)
Well, isn't it more, you encipher the work, letter, or what ever (rituals skill not cosmic) then anyone who has rituals can read it, and they or you can then translate it back into normal text. I think, i'm not sure though.

Me either, never used the thing. unsure.gif
Unknown2005-12-06 07:36:01
QUOTE(daganev @ Dec 6 2005, 02:27 AM)
Since bookbinders get divine language, I thought it would make most sense if you could only learn that language if you had highmagic. Considering how it describes highmagic vs lowmagic.

We can only write in it. And what's learning a language have to do with magic?
Sylphas2005-12-06 08:04:11
QUOTE(daganev @ Dec 6 2005, 03:27 AM)
Since bookbinders get divine language, I thought it would make most sense if you could only learn that language if you had highmagic. Considering how it describes highmagic vs lowmagic.

WTF? blink.gif
Unknown2005-12-06 09:39:52
I half like the idea of letting us teach people languages, but you know it would inevitably lead to people just learning form their friends for free.

I thought of maybe getting rid of the events board and making it a newsletter in divine script, then Bookbinders could translate it and sell it to people maybe?

EDIT: And bookbinding does produce something that MagicTome *sniffle*
Unknown2005-12-06 09:42:48
Just had another idea, make translating and pressing copies actually take a while, like Forging, so that people wouldn't get upset when we ask for payment for something that took us 3 seconds to do.

All the other Bookbinders will probably hate me for that.
Unknown2005-12-06 09:53:25
Also (Last one promise) - Printing Press Manse Artifact *nod me*
Unknown2005-12-06 09:54:15
QUOTE(AlyssandraAbSidhe @ Dec 6 2005, 04:42 AM)
Just had another idea, make translating and pressing copies actually take a while, like Forging, so that people wouldn't get upset when we ask for payment for something that took us 3 seconds to do.

All the other Bookbinders will probably hate me for that.

Why hate ya? Any money is good money. censor.gif the masses. ninja.gif

Please buy our wares. kiss.gif
Saran2005-12-06 16:49:32
QUOTE(tenqual @ Dec 6 2005, 05:03 PM)
See, but you know, the object alchemy makes, the potion, -not- the vial does not decay, if you had a non decaying vial, the potion would always be there. The same as a herb, using it does not count as it decaying, if you leave it in your rift, it will never dissapear it will always be there. Again enchantments, if the piece of jewellery never decayed, and the enchantment was never used, it would not dissapear, thus they do not decay. They are used yes, but they do not decay.

The tradeskill is about picking, mixing a potion, or enchanting an item. THey are not based on, eating something, making a vial -or- making jewellery.

But the point is that in the course of normal lusternian life herbs are eaten, or used in alchemy, sorry if i'm wrong but while there is a non-decay double the sip count is there an artifact that would give you unlimited sips? that would halt alchemy production.

You have to take what is produced and how it is used into account, sure if we all stoped fighting or managed to get effective team based systems herbs and alchemy would not be needed anymore but with the way things work at the moment this would effectively cease combat.

Tailoring and Jewelry probably decay because they are not used up in the course of normal lusternian life where as herbs, potions and enchantments are designed to be used in one way or another.