Unknown2005-12-23 17:00:39
If you feel like donating anything, you know how to contact me Ashteru *twinkle*
Murphy2005-12-24 01:15:21
orclach ur'guard is the tankiest race with good offence combo there is. you get good regen for putrefaction, and a good level of resistances and tankiness. great for bashing and dishing out damage
Unknown2005-12-24 01:46:46
Otherwise, Aslarns for the win.
Hogwash. Tell that to Daevos.
Not everyone is a rich bastard

Like I said before, no one race is the best build for warrior. Damnit, choose your race yerself. And don't bother reincarnating a crap load. Race isn't even that big of a deal when it comes down to it; skill is.
Mm... go Krokani...