Seeking advice on fighting a demense user

by Rauros

Back to Survival Guide.

Morik2005-12-26 01:11:16

Firstly, pick an archetype, and stick to it for now. I suggest aquas for now.

Next, sip love, learn to use lust tarot. Just like what others have said.

For Aqua demesne, you have to learn how to cure:

* paralysis, which means learn high discipline or your offence is shut down;
* shivers/freezing, HAVE to cure this or your offence is shut down and you'll never quite get the hang of avoiding Death by Preservation (freeze stuff + half health instakill for some power);
* get used to having your defences stripped by needlerain; (I use DEFENCES during fights, occasionally, to make sure nothing vital is missing)
* get used to swimming as waterwalk is stripped smile.gif

Just practice on curing the demesne afflictions. A good demesne user will stack them all to go at the same time - so stun interferes with basic reflexive curing. You have to track the afflictions and attempt to cure em once stun clears.

Once you're curing the demesne enough you can work on offence. Timeslip is good, remember to bring it up before you go in or when they enter. A /good/ combatant will tank fool/enigma tarot: so bring it up once, but don't keep bringing it up unless you've got them messed up. Its completely useless against anyone who has a clue you're using it for aeon: I register all masked tarot as possible aeon strips.

Use Aeon. Get a timer going on your angel afflictions so you know when the next is going to be delivered so you can time your afflictions to go with it. You won't kill with straight affs, you need to learn how to mess people up so you can go for that mad dash which DOES kill them. Thats what I failed to do as a Celestine. Quickening/Cosmicfire is great, but its no good if you're being hindered.

Note: protection scroll == equilibrium, so if you're going for quickening kill, first thing you should do is read it aftre you bring up quickening. That way paralysis/stun doesn't shut down your critical quickening time. tongue.gif
Acrune2005-12-27 15:54:35
My demesne paralyses? unsure.gif
Laxinova2005-12-29 17:07:22
No... But I do!