bad puns and Weeky Peedea

by Eyod

Back to Common Grounds.

Soll2006-01-04 10:03:51
Bah, I thought for a moment we knew it was a man who suggested it. Now we just don't know. sad.gif
Kiarlea2006-01-04 10:08:21
Ahh, I thought it was amusing.

Terrible. But amusing. And he was right. The organisations can't work together. Something always goes wrong.
Verithrax2006-01-04 13:42:17
I loved that event because ot gave me a chance to grumble and pretend to be the voice of reason:

"But you people have to work together!"
"Oh, trust me, I've been telling them that for years. Years I say."
Ekard2006-01-04 13:45:49
Have you seen library on Avechna yet? Its still under construction and those dwarfs architects arent to kind. Only leave and leave.
Eyod2006-01-04 14:37:37
I got through no problems, here comes the world library.
Gregori2006-01-04 16:14:05
I think a council made up from members of each org could work. As long as there was a Divine overseeing it, and standards were kept.

It is very easy to be unbiased when you know what standards you have to follow.

Magnagora came in and completely killed them all because Magnagora has the best army. = biased

Magnagora entered the field of battle and after a small skirmish, left the field as the victors. = unbiased

Content does not have to be agreeable to every council member, they most likely would not be judging on whether they "agree" with what is written. Just judging on the work. Is it well written? Is it unbiased?

For instance if I was on the council and the book was about Magnagora saying Taint is not a bad thing. Gregori may not agree with it, but if the content is well formed, the case is argued in a manner that is well thought out, and the work is unbiased, then my personal dislike for the material is not a reason to vote no. Which is why you need a Divine overseeing, to smack people who cannot follow the "standards"
Eyod2006-01-04 16:56:04
if it's over seen by a divine it could work.
Diamondais2006-01-04 17:46:50
So we have a world library now? Or one under construction?
Soll2006-01-04 20:44:54
Under construction.
Diamondais2006-01-04 20:56:38
Where is it? wacko.gif
Unknown2006-01-04 22:13:38
In my Manse..*cough*.

I agree with Gregori, we would need a Divine to sit in as Chairperson of the Council, at least until it was well established with precedents set.
Diamondais2006-01-04 22:27:40
Youve just confused me...Celest hasnt got -anything- on this and Ive no way of hearing anything unless I go bother someone in Seren and even then the ones I can dont even give a damn about things like that. doh.gif
So where is the library to be?
Unknown2006-01-04 22:57:41
That's because Celest isn't a world power. ::ducks and runs away::
Soll2006-01-04 22:57:42
Avechna's peak, between Newton and the Seal of Knowledge.
Diamondais2006-01-04 23:07:22
No, nothing to do with power. Thank you Soll, Ill go check it out later.