Unknown2007-04-03 21:23:20
Sweet, on both accounts! I noticed today too that it didn't bother checking for the area off setting, since it kept path finding through the Inner Sea. I'll incorporate that fix, thanks. Just one question, does that check areas for rooms along the way as well? I noticed "dest->area->disabled" but perhaps this function is part of the pathing calculation and gets called for every room?
Unknown2007-04-03 22:32:49
It is part of the pathfinding algorithm and gets called for every room, so this change will route your path completely around an area, even if your destination is not in the disabled area but just on the other side of it.
Unknown2007-04-18 20:46:54
I've finaly been approved for taking over LMTS. Hopefully I'll be able to upload my stuff there this week. I'll keep you posted.
Unknown2007-04-18 21:49:27
When you get a chance, please add "jkdoug" to the users for the project, and I'll try to get my code merged with yours (not easy, maybe, but we'll see).
Unknown2007-04-19 07:06:22
QUOTE(Zarquan @ Apr 18 2007, 11:49 PM) 399646
When you get a chance, please add "jkdoug" to the users for the project, and I'll try to get my code merged with yours (not easy, maybe, but we'll see).
There ya go! Tell me if you need some extra permissions as I might have missed something due to not being very familiar with SF yet.
Unknown2007-05-02 06:07:50
Thanks to myself and Zarquan, there's now a fully working copy of LMTS in the SVN repository. To access it you can either browse it with your web browser by hitting the URL in my signature, go Code -> SVN Browse (or go here). Or you can download a SVN client, which is by far the most smooth way to access to repository. For Windows I recommend Tortoise SVN and for UNIX-like systems I recommend eSvn.
I will have to abandon the project myself now because I'm migrating back to Imperian, for numerous reasons. If Zarquan feels like it, or any other for that matter, I will transfer the admin role of the project. Just tell me.
As a final going away gift, I give you my LMap including 5169 rooms, several fully mapped areas (albeit lacking environment types, due to previously described retarded melding implementation).
I will have to abandon the project myself now because I'm migrating back to Imperian, for numerous reasons. If Zarquan feels like it, or any other for that matter, I will transfer the admin role of the project. Just tell me.
As a final going away gift, I give you my LMap including 5169 rooms, several fully mapped areas (albeit lacking environment types, due to previously described retarded melding implementation).
Unknown2007-05-02 11:05:25
I've discovered that Whyte's newer IMap code has a nasty bug with destroying the map when you do a "map load" command. I apparently was basing my LMap on his older code before the LMTS site was started.
Unknown2007-05-15 17:02:53
Due to some requests, I have compiled LMTS for Win32 and published a release with it. To grab it, simply go to the projects summary page and hit the download link. If there's interest, I'll compile a Linux release on my laptop as well. Just holla.
Unknown2007-05-20 21:02:23
i've been playing around with some of the special exits and such...i'm wondering if anyone has found a way to link the order of traveling between the planes via a nexus that suits each archetype using the speedwalker (eg. guardians needing to go from prime to cosmic to elemental and back again, or mages going from prime to elemental to cosmic and back again) and how might the regaining of equilibrium be calculated into the speedwalker for the transversing as well
oh, and where might i find the most up to date maps? i added in the Source of the Mystic River and it was listed as room 5224...
oh, and where might i find the most up to date maps? i added in the Source of the Mystic River and it was listed as room 5224...
Unknown2007-05-21 11:02:00
For traversing the planes in your own style or manner, you'll have to update the maps, maybe by hand with a text editor. The only freely available map I know of is the one that CroX posted here.
Loss of equilibrium or balance is taken into account with this version of the automapper that CroX and I worked on with the LMTS SourceForge project. As long as you're using that program and you've got the map setup properly, it'll keep speedwalking after you get interrupted (cows, balance loss, hasty messages, etc).
Loss of equilibrium or balance is taken into account with this version of the automapper that CroX and I worked on with the LMTS SourceForge project. As long as you're using that program and you've got the map setup properly, it'll keep speedwalking after you get interrupted (cows, balance loss, hasty messages, etc).
Unknown2007-05-22 13:20:28
QUOTE(Zarquan @ May 21 2007, 06:02 AM) 410282
For traversing the planes in your own style or manner, you'll have to update the maps, maybe by hand with a text editor. The only freely available map I know of is the one that CroX posted here.
Loss of equilibrium or balance is taken into account with this version of the automapper that CroX and I worked on with the LMTS SourceForge project. As long as you're using that program and you've got the map setup properly, it'll keep speedwalking after you get interrupted (cows, balance loss, hasty messages, etc).
Loss of equilibrium or balance is taken into account with this version of the automapper that CroX and I worked on with the LMTS SourceForge project. As long as you're using that program and you've got the map setup properly, it'll keep speedwalking after you get interrupted (cows, balance loss, hasty messages, etc).
Is there something in particular you have to do with the maps to make this work correctly? I've been using the LMTS off of the SF project along with Shamarah's maps, and it hasn't been correctly tracking balances. If a cow/etc knocks me off balance, it loses its place completely and I have to look around for it to find the right room again, then go on.
Unknown2007-05-22 14:04:46
Shamarah's maps may not be 100% compatible with LMTS after a few changes to the software were made from the IMTS that he uses, though I can't say for certain any more. I know my copy of the LMTS has cows and other Lusternia blocking stuff in it, but I also can't say for certain if CroX's version was compiled with all of these changes or not (though I have no reason to believe otherwise).
You could check out the source code from the LMTS Subversion repository and compile your own. All I had to do to compile on my system was install the MinGW make tools (freeware) and point the Makefile to the proper path for the compiler.
You could check out the source code from the LMTS Subversion repository and compile your own. All I had to do to compile on my system was install the MinGW make tools (freeware) and point the Makefile to the proper path for the compiler.
Unknown2007-05-22 14:30:46
The binaries in that one release are a compilation of the latest version, with cow-bumping and all other Lusternian fixes. I guess you'll have to code a "go" response on equilibrium return in your client until someone fixes it for you, or you can pull the latest sources down from the SVN repository and fix it yourself. Granted I haven't looked at how Zarquan solved the cow-bumping, but going after how Zarquan described it then it should take care of transversing as well.
Unknown2007-05-22 14:44:39
Yup. I used the speedwalking to successfully run across Ethereal, transverse, keep running, get hit by a cow, keep running, and so on. The only thing that could stop me would be a completely blocked exit. 

Unknown2007-05-25 22:01:58
Well I have been playing around a bit with the source code... The autowalking did not seem to work when meeting a river.
I have created a room type called river that the swim property has set. I think I mapped it to all the relevant rooms in Serenwilde.
I have changed the source code so that it is possible to set the room type for the current room analogue to the underw command.
Well it seems to work, for the most part.
I had to disable binary files, since I noticed that it did not save the swim property of room types.
But now at least the running around works when meeting a river.
I could mail the new files, if anyone is interested. I am not quite sure if it is the goal to keep using the room type, or just put the variables in the room objects like it seems that underwater currently is (or is it still in the room type???)
I have created a room type called river that the swim property has set. I think I mapped it to all the relevant rooms in Serenwilde.
I have changed the source code so that it is possible to set the room type for the current room analogue to the underw command.
Well it seems to work, for the most part.
I had to disable binary files, since I noticed that it did not save the swim property of room types.
But now at least the running around works when meeting a river.
I could mail the new files, if anyone is interested. I am not quite sure if it is the goal to keep using the room type, or just put the variables in the room objects like it seems that underwater currently is (or is it still in the room type???)
Unknown2007-05-25 23:18:47
Room types go in the mapper file, where you can specify optional flags for swimming through or avoiding those types. I don't enable swimming for my map at all because I always use waterwalking and waterbreathing, but for you to enable it, it's just a matter of having a map with all the proper environment types for each room and then setting these flags in the beginning. Here's a list of the room types from my map file, and you can fill in the rest:
I know that LMTS needs an aliased command to allow manual setting of the environment type, though because of all the forest demesne stuff everywhere. I've set my environment types for each room myself, judging from maps I've seen (including my zMUD automap) with the right terrain types set already.
# "Name" color
Env: "Unknown" red
Env: "Undefined" bright-red
Env: "road" dark
Env: "path" dark
Env: "natural underground" brown
Env: "river" bright-cyan
Env: "ocean" bright-blue
Env: "grasslands" bright-green
Env: "forest" green
Env: "beach" bright-yellow
Env: "garden" bright-green
Env: "urban" dark
Env: "hills" brown
Env: "mountains" magenta
Env: "desert" bright-yellow
Env: "jungle" green
Env: "valley" brown
Env: "freshwater" bright-blue
Env: "constructed underground" brown
Env: "swamp" cyan
Env: "aether" dark
Env: "astral" bright-magenta
Env: "chaos" dark
Env: "deep ocean" blue
Env: "divine" bright-white
Env: "farmlands" bright-yellow
Env: "netherworld" dark
Env: "ruins" cyan
Env: "sewer" cyan
Env: "trees" bright-green
Env: "tundra" bright-white
Env: "volcanic" bright-red
Env: "wasteland" brown
Env: "wyrden woods" green
Env: "flesh" brown
# "Name" color
Env: "Unknown" red
Env: "Undefined" bright-red
Env: "road" dark
Env: "path" dark
Env: "natural underground" brown
Env: "river" bright-cyan
Env: "ocean" bright-blue
Env: "grasslands" bright-green
Env: "forest" green
Env: "beach" bright-yellow
Env: "garden" bright-green
Env: "urban" dark
Env: "hills" brown
Env: "mountains" magenta
Env: "desert" bright-yellow
Env: "jungle" green
Env: "valley" brown
Env: "freshwater" bright-blue
Env: "constructed underground" brown
Env: "swamp" cyan
Env: "aether" dark
Env: "astral" bright-magenta
Env: "chaos" dark
Env: "deep ocean" blue
Env: "divine" bright-white
Env: "farmlands" bright-yellow
Env: "netherworld" dark
Env: "ruins" cyan
Env: "sewer" cyan
Env: "trees" bright-green
Env: "tundra" bright-white
Env: "volcanic" bright-red
Env: "wasteland" brown
Env: "wyrden woods" green
Env: "flesh" brown
I know that LMTS needs an aliased command to allow manual setting of the environment type, though because of all the forest demesne stuff everywhere. I've set my environment types for each room myself, judging from maps I've seen (including my zMUD automap) with the right terrain types set already.
Aramel2007-09-07 13:01:58
The mapper seems to auto-sense exits when my exit colour is blue (the default for Lusternia) but not when it's set to bright yellow, which is my usual exit colour. Is there anyway to config this?
Unknown2007-09-07 14:07:01
Surprisingly, there is no option for exit color like there is for title color.
Exeryte2007-09-07 21:04:48
Config colour exits 12?
Drathys2007-09-07 22:11:36
Presumably he means no options inside lmts for configuring the exit colour