Project L: Mapping

by Unknown

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Vadi2010-12-01 01:47:58
Yep, it was the first user of them even.
Xiel2010-12-01 02:35:35
It pulls from them, but I don't know when it updates next! I miss being able to chase people in the 'newer' places like the ruins of Project Eternity, Ixthixa and Talthos even when the info is already up on the site. sad.gif

Edit: Unless I'm doing something wrong, anyway. ._.
Unknown2010-12-01 03:07:41
I think it's supposedly to always download new xml files when you enter a certain area, judging from comments in the thread. It's possible it could be using cached versions or something though.
Unknown2010-12-01 12:21:05
The XML files don't usually update immediately upon a new area being introduced. There's a delay.