Looking for Mappers!

by Unknown

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Unknown2006-01-01 05:03:33
Hi everyone,

I'm looking for helpers to start building up a universal map for lusternia that we can start passing around with Mudbot. There's no coding involved, it only requires getting used to the Mudbot automapper, and lots of walking!

If you're interested, please make sure to PM Estarra so that you can be added to the System Projects forum, and then read the instructions under the topic 'Project L: Mapping'.

If you can't seem to get added, or would like further info, feel free to PM me either here on the forums or on AIM as LorienSpirit9.

Peeka2006-01-01 05:13:17
Now this I could do..
Kharne2006-01-02 07:51:50
specifically, what would it involve?