Unknown2006-01-22 15:44:16
Does anybody have a script for ZMUD that would simulate what the Nexus client does for writing in Journals, News, and Books? I'd like to use ZMUD exclusively rather than having to use Nexus each time I want to write something.
Unknown2006-01-22 16:58:52
When I want to write a long post or journal entry, I like to do it in a text file offline first. Use one line for each paragraph and put a blank line between paragraphs. When you're finished editing and ready to upload, go into the editor in the game and use the zMUD Actions->Send file to MUD... option to upload your file. I use a delay of about 200ms just to be safe and screw up the text less. The editor wraps around lines for you, so it looks great every time.
Unknown2006-01-22 17:00:20
Ah, good to know, I use text editors too. I'll try it with something in the next few days.