Saran2006-01-26 13:14:44
just wondering if anyone has it, i'm a little overwhelmed by it all and some of the variables don't seem right (i.e my health is way over my max).
Probably best to message me
Probably best to message me
Anisu2006-01-26 13:49:26
remember to use
(so prompt without willpower and ego)
and to use SC to put your max VARs
(so prompt without willpower and ego)
and to use SC to put your max VARs
Saran2006-01-26 13:56:59
my maxes are fine, it's just that some things don't work right. For example my crone confused me but it didn't come up on the afflictions list until i diagnosed and i still cured it manually in the end.
EDIT: Just tried again, I was confused and shivering with both cures in my inventory, neither showed till i diag'ed and the frozen affliction didn't dissapear till after i had cured and diaged again.
EDIT: Just tried again, I was confused and shivering with both cures in my inventory, neither showed till i diag'ed and the frozen affliction didn't dissapear till after i had cured and diaged again.
Anisu2006-01-26 14:05:26
Don't crones give random afflictions? It might be that the system requires you to diagnose to cure. (and most afflictions only seem to have one cure option in this system, so if you are out of a certain herb or potion you'll need to manually cure with another one)
If those two aren't it, I suggest you contact Thorgal on AIM or PM him.
If those two aren't it, I suggest you contact Thorgal on AIM or PM him.
Saran2006-01-26 14:19:48
Crones do give random, but from the looks of it there should be a trigger that diags after a crone stare.
Unknown2006-01-26 14:34:21
which would mess you up for eq, Diag should always be manual on your part, if you triggered diag on random afflicts, people can abuse that fact to keep you off eq frequently.
Torak2006-01-26 16:46:57
If you want you can put in add mechanics allheale on the crone line and that will help with it, if it isn't already there. Also, yeah Diag and wounds on your own.
Aiakon2006-01-26 17:13:44
Thorgal's system confused the hell out of me for a long while. Mainly because I'm essentially computer illiterate and I couldn't work out how it worked. At the time he was fairly active in realm so I could grab him whenever I needed. I still have a few of his AIMs whenever I get stuck. Not that he's on them much (the one's I have anyway). Anyway. You are not alone.
Torak2006-01-26 17:17:43
I can answer some things for you, I am not some elite scripter but I have a good idea of how his system works and have figured out how to change quite a bit.
Aiakon2006-01-26 17:21:14
Expect extensive messaging from me, Torak.
- I have things I want to change and improve.

Torak2006-01-26 18:27:59
Gives me something to do 

Daganev2006-01-26 20:41:21
Most things are not really triggered and you need to do DIA to heal them. More triggers means more lag on your sytem when healing.
Unknown2006-01-30 15:49:29
rather than add allheale, I simply have a trigger to alert in really clear letters that I need to diag after any unknown affliction. so long as you see it, you can diagnose when you get eq. like everyone else said, it's much better than setting it to diagnose every time automatically. i personally think it's better than drinking allheale automatically too, since that can be abused too.
Unknown2006-01-30 23:33:40
If the affliction message isn't in the system yet, just add it in and set it to "scan" as his system does. For each random affliction, add in seperate triggering lines for stupidity, etc. For emotes, or things that you do in daily life, IE "You fondle yourself absently" being a symptom of stupidity, add the scan and failsafe, or add scan and "add mechanics diagnose". At least I believe that's how his system works from my fooling with it as of late.
Saran2006-02-11 13:08:36
Umn sorry to kind necro this, but i was using thorgals system again and it's seriously not picking up my prompt... well it picks it up but then doesn't do any health/mana/bromide sipping
Unknown2006-02-11 14:20:47
What format is your prompt? You need to compare your prompt to his prompt pattern and maybe tweak the trigger to match your format. If you include endurance/willpower, you may need to adjust the pattern some.
Saran2006-02-11 14:22:49
My prompt matches perfectly, but there doesn't appear to be anything for actually sipping and monitoring health
Unknown2006-02-11 14:44:00
If that don't work
Under the capture trigger,
There should be a line saying
If there's no problem with that, there's probably something wrong in the healing itself.
If that don't work
Under the capture trigger,
(*)h, (*)m, (*)e, (*)p (*)
There should be a line saying
If there's no problem with that, there's probably something wrong in the healing itself.
Unknown2006-02-11 15:18:12
The prompt trigger should include a call to the healing alias which sips for you then.
Asarnil2006-02-11 15:31:24
Actually I have been having slight problems with this too. Do a search for "sip" in your editor window and look at the sipbromide/sipmana/siphealing variables and see if they have a value above 0 in them. I dug up a relatively fresh copy of his system and the health/mana/ego sipping doesn't look like its tracking properly sometimes.