human stats

by Narses

Back to Common Grounds.

Narses2006-02-03 15:38:55
anyone mind sharing the eventual stats of humans who chose the guardian archtypes?
thanks in advance.
Trasse2006-02-03 16:31:00
As a level 75 Nihilist Human, I've gotten a point of Strength, 2 points of Int, a point of Con, and two points of Dex. I dunno why the Fates decided I need so much strength and dexterity as a Guardian, but there you go.
Jack2006-02-03 16:36:29
Dexterity affects how well you avoid attacks while stanced/parrying.

EDIT: And strength affects shieldstun length.
Unknown2006-02-03 18:28:30
What about Warriors?
Serrin2006-02-03 21:24:55
It had originally been though that a human would be 15 str/dex/con 13 int 12 cha.

But I believe Ekard is 16/14/15/13/12 and he's past 95 now so he's fully evolved.

I'd think it is fairly safe to assume that for a mage you would just switch strength with int. Guardians are probably the same.